Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 190 - Figure at the end of the universe


“Ten, nine, eight…” With Professor X’s countdown, the white light passed through layers of walls, covering everyone. The people of Hydra are unknown, and those hostages are ready.

“Three, two, one! It’s now!” Professor X’s voice suddenly became louder, and a psychic storm swept through to freeze all the members of Hydra.

All the hostages under guard, whether bound or free, struggled at the same time at this moment. Some people turned their hands into sharp blades, cut off the ropes on their bodies, and then beheaded all the members of the Hydra who were responsible for the guards in the room. Fracture; but some people’s ability to awaken has no combat power at all, but was shot and killed by Hydra members who have recovered…

Professor x is still using the brain wave intensifier to monitor everything, and saves some people who can’t resist when he can. And Roddy, after using the magnetic energy intensifier to produce such a wide range of magnetic energy radiation, was unable to maintain the suspended state. The magnetic energy enhancer lost its invisibility effect, then fell down and smashed directly.

Rodi summoned Ying Long, who had not seen for a long time, and lay on the back of the dragon to start his full recovery.

There was a chaos inside the SHIELD board, the gunshots kept on, and the Qitarians in the sky began to swarm. The human army on the ground began to carry out fire coverage, and Steve rushed into S.H.I.E.L.D. with the Punisher members to rescue the hostages who escaped by chance.

The battlefield was chaotic and fierce, and both sides paid a heavy price for a minute of battle. The Leviathan of the Qitarians was directly struck down by three heads, and the ground army suffered heavy casualties because of the air superiority of the Qitarians. Knowing that the support of the Air Force of the M country stabilized the situation.

Tony’s friend Colonel James, wearing a Patriot steel suit, fought alongside Tony. Lord Luo Fei was not to be outdone. He controlled the old and new sets of Death Wings and the Zitari. It’s a pity that Tony’s Steel Corps hasn’t formed yet, otherwise dozens of steel suits will be dispatched together, and they will definitely be able to blow the Qitarui air force into scum.

In terms of high-end power, humans have mutants and superheroes, which occupy an absolute advantage; but in terms of the overall number, the Chitarians are several times more than the number of human troops. Although the Chitarians suffered heavy losses after a round of artillery fire, the army that continued to appear in the back was not lacking, but there was an increasing trend.

One missile wiped out fifty Zitarians, and soon a hundred Zitarians appeared from the space gate, and there was even an extra Leviathan. With this extreme quantity advantage, the scale of victory gradually leaned towards the enemy.

War is fair and cruel, and every minute and second lives are passing away. The corpses of the Zittari people in the sky turned into disgusting blue blood rain, and numerous pits were blown out of the ground by lasers. The incomplete limbs of the human army are also telling the fierce fighting.

But Rodi’s magnetic energy radiation just made all soldiers become mutants. It is not like the two thousand military elites that have mostly evolved powerful combat capabilities, but the base of the army is here. There are always more than 100,000 soldiers who have evolved powerful capabilities.

A hundred thousand mutants, even if only ten thousand people have the ability suitable for combat, that is also a very terrifying power. And the remaining 90,000 people are not ordinary people with no power, but professional soldiers. As the superpowers of these soldiers continued to awaken and become proficient, they gradually reversed the advantages of the battle.

Rody rode Ying Long, hiding above the clouds and trying to recover. He has no time to reason how many hostages will be rescued, nor to count how many soldiers were killed by the Zitari. As long as he recovers, and then cuts off the energy of the universe’s cube with the soul gem, he can block the space door. Only then will the war really end.

By the time Rodi regained most of his vitality, the whole battle had been going on for half an hour. All over the sky were flying aircraft of the Zitalians and Leviathan monsters. Except for the steel armor designed by Tony, ordinary fighters are not opponents of the air fortress such as Leviathan, so the air control has gradually fallen into the hands of the Chitarians.

As soon as Luodi recovered, he reunited with Yinglong and flew into the air with his back wings. In this posture, Rodi is extremely fast and very flexible. The scepter of mind is placed on the head of a Leviathan beast, and it is controlled. Then the Zitari in this Leviathan will Pressed into meat sauce by the giant’s muscles.

Under the control of Rodi, this Leviathan ran towards the other Leviathan. The Air Force of the Zitari was hit by Rody in such a way that he immediately became confused when he was caught off guard. Rody concocted as usual, controlled the three-headed Leviathan, and then ordered the three giant beasts to turn back to deal with the Zitari.

With these three heads of Leviathan, at least for a short period of time, it is impossible for the Chitarians to make use of air supremacy. Rody flew to the position of the Rubik’s Cube in peace, and he wanted to finish the war as soon as possible.

At this time, the top of the S.H.I.E.L.D.’s building had been replaced by the Qitarui guarding the Rubik’s Cube. Despite the large number, only a few more prisoners were sent in front of Rodi’s power.

The Hydra members who were among the Zitari people had not reacted, and the guards around them became enemies. Rody hated this kind of scum that betrayed his race, so he let the controlled Zitari kill all these “human traitors”, and did not want them to continue to live in the world for a second.

Rody walked to the Universe Rubik’s Cube without hindrance, and the power of space made a pure power shield appear near the Universe Rubik’s Cube. This is one of the top six forces in the universe, and it is almost impossible for other attacks to break this shield.

Fortunately, Roddy has the power of the soul gem. UU Reading is also one of the six infinity. The scepter of mind can break through this protective cover.

When Rody picked up the soul scepter and slowly penetrated into the shield, a fierce spark erupted, shaking Rody’s eyes a bit spent. When the distance between the soul gem and the universe cube is closer, the space door above the sky begins to shrink slowly. Seeing that the blade of the soul scepter was about to touch the cube of the universe, Rodi was very excited. With more effort, this terrible war can be ended.

It was only at the last moment that the Cube of the Universe issued a huge repulsive force, resisting the approach of the scepter.

At the same time, at the other end of the space door, in an unknowable distance, a figure of Wei An stood up from the void of the universe, and his right hand was deep in the direction of the earth.

Above the space door, a purple phantom came out with a huge sense of oppression. It was an arm made of illusory light and shadow, and a giant like Leviathan was only as big as the thumb of the arm.

This change surprised everyone, and then saw the arm that was so large and frightening that it pressed down hard in the direction of Rodi.

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