Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 211 - Uncle Wolf\\\'s split personality

CIA, Supernatural Power Institute.

Rodi flashed with a burst of flames and black smoke, and Rodi appeared in front of them with the sleeping Logan. But as soon as it appeared, a circle of energy with a bright red light flew towards Roddy.

Under the effect of slow vision, Roddy can clearly sense the extremely high heat contained in this energy circle, and can definitely cut the metal easily.

Next to Rody, a bronze sculpture that has been cut in half seems to have explained the destructive power of this energy circle very concretely. If this energy circle is allowed to be cut off, both Rody and Logan will be divided into two.

It was only at this time that Rodi had just emerged from the teleportation state, out of a very short but necessary skill cooling period.

And this attack came so coincidentally, it was almost Rodi just appeared, and the edge of the energy circle was almost touching Rodi’s clothes. So before teleporting again, it is bound to be hit by this energy circle.

If it is cut in half, can Rodi and Logan recover by themselves?

A few minutes before the time returned, a group of mutants in the laboratory who had just joined the X-Men were happily demonstrating their abilities, and under the influence of alcohol, they all began to be a little unscrupulous.

The group of young people gathered from the south, the north, and the north are all capable of being different from ordinary people. It may be that I usually hide myself too much, so I can’t help but feel a little excited when I first encounter the same kind.

Sean Cassidy, a second-class mutant who can emit ultrasound, completely shattered the glass window when testing his ability. This seems to be a bad start, so that the already excited variants begin to be a bit forgotten.

The young Alex started to show off his powerful ability under the coax of everyone. A circle of red high-energy energy appeared around him and flew towards a bronze sculpture. The bronze sculpture was cut in half and a flame ignited at the fracture.

It is a pity that Alex’s accurate head is not very good, and several red energy circles are crooked, and the buildings around him must be cut out of black marks.

When the group of young people reveled unintentionally, Rodi appeared in front of them with the sleeping Logan. Those circles of flying energy just flew towards Rody’s position.

“Oh, no!” Alex didn’t expect anyone to appear, and he couldn’t take back his attack at all. Other young people also screamed in surprise, fearing to see the two suddenly appearing being cut in half by the energy circle.

However, in the face of the flying high-energy energy circle, Rody just stretched out an arm and would easily follow. The huge and scorching energy gradually shrunk in his palm, and eventually turned into a small red dot, then disappeared.

This is the energy absorption ability from Xiao, which can absorb energy of any nature, and can be stored in one burst. This is also the first time Roddy has used this power, and the effect is quite good.

The appearance was so gorgeous that it shocked the young mutants.

“Ah, it seems that I’m late and there is a banquet.” Roddy said to Raven with a smile.

“Rody, you’re back? Who is this?” Raven’s eyes lit up after seeing Roddy. This reaction made Hank, who had been secretly watching Raven, feel a little unhappy.

“An old friend, but drinking too much.” Roddy put the sleeping Wolverine on the sofa, and then naturally joined the banquet.

“We just nicknamed ourselves, my name is Magic Girl, what do you think?” Riven looked at Roddy with a little anticipation.

“Very suitable for you.”

Rodi’s praise gave Raven a sweet smile, and Hank’s expression became even more sad when he saw the scene.

“Man, you are a mutant too? Was it just the ability to move instantaneously.” The tall and strong Alex was very interested in the ability that Roddy just showed.

“Are you Alex? Did you do the bronze statue outside?” Roddy recognized the young mutant at a glance. Alex can release the hot red ring energy, which is extremely destructive.

Alex was a little embarrassed. He was overexcited for a while, but now it’s a bit wrong to think of just destroying the contents of the laboratory.

“It doesn’t matter, I’ll fix it for you.”

Rodi extended his right hand to the bronze statue. Under the action of invisible magnetic lines of force, the half bronze statue was reproduced and placed. The incision heals like flesh under the action of magnetic force. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see that it was cut by high heat energy.

“Cool!” Alex couldn’t help saying, and several other young people also looked shocked. It also has the ability to teleport and control metals, which is much stronger than any of them.

“Raven, he is the Magneto you said?” Salvador Angel asked in Raven’s ear.

Salvador Angel has two pairs of insect wings and can spit out highly corrosive saliva, but the wings usually appear in the form of tattoos on the back, which is somewhat similar to Roddy’s Yinglong tattoo.

“No, Eric is Magneto, but Roddy also has the ability to control metals.” Rui Wen explained.

“He is your boyfriend?” Angel once did stripping|dressing and dancing, so you can see at one glance that Ruiwen looked at Roddy differently.

“It’s just a friend.” Rui Wen said a little embarrassedly.

Roddy is not a humanoid radar with a mind-reading full open for 24 hours, so he didn’t hear the girl’s whisper. Roddy kindly reminded the young man who was a little forgotten: “There is also glass. If you don’t want to be blamed by Charles, it’s better to fix it.”

After Rody’s reminder, Hank reacted the fastest. After all, he is a half-master here. It’s just that a group of young people are playing. He has forgotten that it is a violation of employee regulations to randomly destroy the facilities in the laboratory.

But looking at this broken glass, how to repair it? Although this group of mutants have their own extraordinary talents, none of them can repair the glass.

Roddy reminded him that he did not embarrass him. So after discovering that everyone realized that it was wrong, Roddy did not continue to fall into the ground, but shot to help them solve the problem.

A small tornado appeared in the palm of hand, this is the ability that Rodi obtained from the torrent of Hellfire Club. Under Rodi’s control, the tornado rolled up all the broken glass on the ground and then disappeared into the sky.

After cleaning up the scene, Rodi’s hand touched the empty window mullion. The cold spread, and a flawless layer of transparent ice replaced the original glass and was embedded in the original position of the window. As long as you don’t touch it by hand, no one can find that this “window” has a problem.

Even ice made with the highest technology cannot be as transparent as glass, because water contains gas and will form fine bubbles when it freezes. Therefore, most of the ice looks white. There is no possibility that this volume of ice is completely clear and transparent.

But Rodi’s ability is to directly create ice, eliminating the need to solidify the water, so it is possible to create this kind of spurious “glass window”.

After doing all this, Rody said to Hank: “I think you will install the glass window tomorrow, shouldn’t it be a problem?”

“Uh, no problem, I promise, no one will find out.” Hank suddenly found himself becoming speechless.

“Wow, it’s so cool.” Alex couldn’t help it.

Others couldn’t help but applaud, this change is really amazing.

Not only does Rodi have multiple abilities, but it also has this effect when used together. Compared with their previous destruction, creation seems to be more shocking.

At this time, Charles, Eric and Mora just came back from the outside, and a group of young people with ghosts immediately dared not speak, and the atmosphere seemed a little weird for a while.

“Rody, you are back!” Charles was very happy when he saw Rody, and he didn’t find any other people’s abnormal performance.

“This is?” Charles asked Rodi when he saw Logan lying on the couch.

Charles can sense that this is a third-level mutant, but Logan’s mental state at this time is very strange, as if there are two souls constantly fighting for control of the body.

“Logan, a powerful mutant with self-healing ability. If he can fight, he can kill most of the people here. In the future, he will also be one of your students.” Roddy kindly asked Charles Introduction said.

“What happened to him, I feel that his thinking is extremely confusing.” Charles heard one of the students in the future and felt his eyelids jump, because Logan looked much older than he was.

“Oh, I thought he was just asleep. I didn’t expect that I really succeeded.” Roddy read Logan’s thoughts with telepathic abilities, and found a surprising change.

In other words, because of Rodi’s stimulation, Logan really brought his message to fifty years later. So now it’s the phantom cat Katie who is bringing back Logan’s consciousness fifty years later?

But why there is a state where two consciousnesses are competing with each other for control? Rodi remembers that in the original film, Logan easily completed the process of consciousness replacement. Although he was a bit unfit for the body that had not been transformed by Edman Alloy, it did not affect his thinking at all.

“There must be something wrong.”

This is Roddy’s judgment, but for the human spiritual world, his research is far inferior to Charles. So he simply told Charles all the situation again, hoping he could have a good suggestion.

“You said someone could transfer his thinking from fifty years to the present? That means we can talk directly with people fifty years later?” Charles also felt very incredible.

Fifty years later, the abilities of the mutants are endless. Compared with the current mutants, they may lack in combat effectiveness, but they are definitely much stronger in terms of diversity.

Charles asked Rody to repeat the process of his contact with Logan, and then carefully sensed Logan’s current mental situation with mental force, and then said to Rody in a tone of constant speculation: “This should be the instinct of consciousness. The resistance caused him to be comatose.”

“The instinctive resistance of consciousness?” Rodi couldn’t quite understand.

In later generations, it was not only Logan who tried consciousness transfer alone, but another mutant Bishop could successfully transfer consciousness to a few days ago. Why doesn’t the instinctive resistance of this consciousness appear in the original plot?

“An example, at a corner, if I encounter a car without any preparation, I may be hit by a fly. In the second case, I already knew there would be a car here, and I knew this The car is here to pick me up, so I will not be afraid, I will get in the car. In either case, it is a smooth process and there will be no repetition.”

Charles tried to use a simple example to explain the process of conscious replacement. After considering the words, he continued: “As for the third case, I know that there will be a car here, but I don’t know how it will affect me. , So when I see people in this car want to pick me up, I will resist.”

“It is explained by the transfer of consciousness that if Logan had no preparation at all, he would naturally be forcibly replaced by the same soul from outside. According to the Bishop you said, it should be the second case, he knows this The replacement consciousness does not do any harm to him, and he will naturally cooperate with the replacement.

“It’s just that Logan’s current situation belongs to the third kind, because of your prompt, he has a subconscious mind like himself for fifty years later. He doesn’t know if this is a good thing. Obviously, you and Logan’s first meeting was very unpleasant. This unpleasantness is the key to his failure to accept future awareness.”

After listening to it, Rody realized that it was a stone throwing himself on his feet. If he had spoken to Logan properly, it would probably not cause Logan’s hostility, and the replacement of consciousness would proceed smoothly. However, if you speak well, the character of Logan will not necessarily be willing to believe.

“Well, since things have already happened, I don’t want this paradox of egg pain.” Rodi can only comfort himself in this way. Now that he has found the problem, he is naturally looking for a solution to the problem~www.mtlnovel .com~ Professor, is there any way for you to complete this replacement of consciousness? “Rodi is most concerned about this issue, which is the key to his smooth return to the future.

“I can try to persuade Logan’s current consciousness by telepathy and let him accept this replacement. But human consciousness is fragile and sensitive, especially this subconscious communication must not be disturbed by anything, so I need some time to prepare.”

In fact, Logan’s current situation is similar to that of Phoenix, a female personality with two personalities. Only one of the consciousness needs to be sealed, and the other consciousness can dominate.

However, Charles is not as powerful as it is fifty years later, and he can’t lift the telepathy ability lightly, so he still needs to be very careful in his operation.

“Relax, Professor, I must guarantee that no one can disturb you.” Roddy assured him by patting his chest.

If only the Hellfire Club is the opponent, Roddy can guarantee foolproof, but unfortunately he does not know that the mysterious organization has sent personnel to track him again.

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