Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 249 - A different world

A moment of confrontation between Rody and the security guard was enough for others to see Rody’s appearance. Except for the older clothes, Rody was no different from when he left. Baidu search to Therefore, Rodi’s appearance and sculpture should be exactly the same at this time.

It was just that after watching the crowd, Rodi didn’t feel any excitement, but there was some disgust and hate.

With a telepathic ability, Roddy read the hearts of these people a little, and found that most people identified themselves as scammers or playing role-playing games.

There were even a few excited crowds of onlookers who threw out their shoes to Roddy and shouted: “Don’t blaspheme our hero, you dirty scammer!”

Roddy couldn’t understand the source of this hostility, and he didn’t even know how to deal with these angry onlookers. After returning from the past fifty years ago, it seems that Rodi has not changed much. The actual time spent is only a few months, but he has experienced the most terrifying life and death.

For Rody, the crowd in front of them is just a small creature that can be destroyed by waving. This gap was not obvious when he was a third-level mutant, because his various abilities had serious limitations, and he couldn’t get everything he wanted.

But after undergoing a nuclear explosion, Rodi has become a four-level mutant. This is not only an increase in ability, but also a process of essential changes in life. Like a group of monkeys, one of them suddenly evolved into a human being, and it is a modern human who already has complete technology.

This gap is too big, just like the gap between the two species. Originally Roddy should have felt in advance, but under the circumstance, Roddy returned to the past. He blamed this sense of incompatibility and blame on the age gap rather than the difference in life class.

Rody came back this time, originally with a strong desire to return home, but unexpectedly just returned to such a world, he really felt this sense of violation. Roddy began to understand a bit, why Eric Magneto regarded the mutants as siblings, but regarded ordinary people as ants.

When you can easily determine the life and death of thousands of people based on your own abilities, it is really difficult to identify with such a group.

Looking at the security guards who were approaching, Rodi only needed a blink of an eye to fix him. The same is true of the onlookers who started to make noise, as long as Rody thought, they could be turned into non-moving sculptures.

But Roddy didn’t do it. He looked at the security guards more like seeing menacing ants, not even feeling a little afraid of worry. This strange sense of discomfort disturbed Rody. He did not want to stay in such a place and watched this group of people worship their sculptures.

Body turned into a burst of black smoke and flames, Rody disappeared into everyone’s eyes.

“It turned out to be a mutant, which surprised me. The mutant dared to impersonate our hero Rodi. Is he too fast to die?”

The security guard saw Rodi teleporting away, not surprisingly, but happily dialed a call.

“I’m Corey. I just met an impostor on the side of the sculpture. It’s a mutant and has the ability to move like a moment…”

After Corey reported the matter in detail just now, he received a text message in a short while. His bank card had an extra income, which was higher than his half-year salary.

“Yes, if there are more people like this, I don’t have to be a security guard. For the sake of this money, I hope he can live longer under that man’s pursuit.” Corey looked at Rody’s The sculpture prayed.

–split line–

Luodi originally intended to teleport directly to Shenluo Company. Unexpectedly, at a distance of 5 kilometers from Shenluo Company, Luodi was directly squeezed out by a force, and his ability to move instantly was limited.

“It looks like a power shield enchantment, but how could there be such a large enchantment?” Roddy almost thought that the Haitian had become a fifth-level mutant, because it is impossible to create with Rodi’s current ability. Out of such a huge power shield enchantment.

Roddy didn’t have time to think too much, because a space door was already open beside him. A man and a woman, and two young men who looked like they were in their twenties came out of it.

“O’Connor? Annie?” Although it took more than fifty years, Rodi recognized the two young men in front of him.

O’Connor, the boy with the space gate ability, was the first boy to apply for a job after the first public recruitment of the disciplinary. Roddy also used his ability from this boy to crack the space gate offensive of the Hydra and Zitari.

As for the short hair next to her, wearing a blue rose with a blue metallic rose in her ears, it was naturally the death girl Anne, arguably the most intimate girl besides Claire.

“If you can call my name, you have thought about investigating the information. But I advise you to surrender immediately, otherwise I can’t guarantee your safety because…” O’Connor became more confident than before Rodi left. A lot, at least no longer the stuttering introvert boy.

It’s just that Roddy didn’t have time to ask what he meant, and Anne next to O’Connor was already an agile cheetah, erupting at a very high speed and rushing towards Roddy.

Rodi thought that Anne was going to give him a hug to reunite for a long time. Unexpectedly, when the man was halfway along, a pair of Edman metal claws had been extended.

At this time, even talking was a waste of time, and Rodi had no time to teleport away from his original position. However, this teleport is away from the Shenluo company, otherwise it will not succeed.

“Annie, it’s me! What are you going to do?” Roddy couldn’t help but say to Annie loudly.

“Oh, it’s quite entertaining. When I pull out your heart, if you can still enter the scene like this, I’ll be even happier.” Anne said coldly to Roddy.

After this rushed over at a faster speed, and the claws of Edman alloy pierced Roddy’s chest.

Rodi looked at the murderous Annie, and did not teleport away again. Instead, let the claws that are several inches long pierce his heart, but just quietly look at this little Loli who was closely behind him and was unwilling to leave.

“No! Annie, you can’t kill people.” O’Connor exclaimed and quickly pulled a red potion from his belt, wanting to treat Roddy.

Annie was also a little surprised. This man didn’t evade at all, and allowed himself to pierce his heart, could it be that the teleport ability has a cooling time, and he simply couldn’t react?

Luo Di ignored the surprise of the two young men, but stretched out his hand and took off the metal rose in Anne’s ear, and then said, “I should have given you a real rose.”

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