Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 251 - Claire\\\'s Holiday

The night was already deep, but Claire had no sleepiness. is not only because of the immortal body that gives her almost unlimited physical strength, but more importantly, the face of that person will appear as soon as you close your eyes, making her heart hurt beyond words.

It’s been a year since Rodi left. Claire didn’t want his hard work to be ruined, so he took over the company. For this girl who just graduated from high school, taking over a large company with billions of assets and thousands of employees is simply an impossible task.

So from that day on, Claire forced himself to learn everything he needed. The immortality allows her to study and work for a long time without sleeping. It took her several months to straighten out the business of Shenra, and with the help of Tony, she managed to maintain it.

The deliberate efforts are not only to prevent Rodi’s efforts from being wasted, but also to paralyze himself with constant busyness, so that he can reduce his thoughts about Rodi.

It’s just that the more repressed, the more painful Claire is when the thoughts break out. Over and over again, she remembered every bit of getting along with Rody, from the first meeting, to the later meeting…

At the beginning, the two had not experienced too much eachother and life and death, and then came together naturally. There is rarely a time when the two get along with each other, they just stay quietly together, and then they know that in the plain water days, the word love is soaked more clearly, and gradually integrated into life.

In the following days, the two actually gathered together, but as long as they met, there would be no embarrassment and strangeness, because each other’s heart had long recognized the other as a life partner. As if they had prepared everything for each other before they were born, both personality and habit were perfectly matched, just like a true match made in heaven.

After Rodi left, Claire could only try to control herself not to think. Tonight, Claire couldn’t help but took out a picture of Rodi and himself, watching silently, with tears flowing silently.

Today I heard the news of Rodi impostor again. Although this is not the first time, Claire still can’t hope this time to be true.

However, after Anne went to chase down the impostor, no news came back. This made Claire very disappointed, because every time Annie annihilated the impostor for a few days. Therefore, without news, it is not good news.

At night, most people in Shenluo Company have fallen asleep. No one knows that Claire, who is smart and capable during the day, has been unable to fall asleep quietly, waiting for the man to appear.

And this night is destined to be an unusual night, because Claire’s long wait has finally paid off.

“Claire, I’m back.” Roddy’s appearance was silent, without disturbing anyone.

But before Rodi appeared in Claire’s door, Claire seemed to have sensed something, and looked long before Rodi appeared.

“Rody!” Claire didn’t need to ask, but he could tell that it was the real Rodi by his heart.

The two hugged each other tightly, and the strength they used could not bear even the body. The long-suppressed longing exploded at this moment, and neither of them needed to speak, they just wanted to crush each other into their bodies, and then never separate.

Both Rodi and Claire discussed the first scene with red ears. They always naively thought that it would happen to the newly married first. Only at this moment, they didn’t pay attention to those previous agreements, but just followed their inner desires and desperately needed each other.

This strong feeling seemed strange and exciting, and they all forgot everything else, leaving only the other side in their eyes. Desperately torn and entangled, both of them have no experience, but they gradually agree with each other, and the whole process is surprisingly natural and smooth.

Both of them forgot the time, feeling vaguely the pain and joy many times, and finally even the undead body was tired and finally hugged each other.

This was Claire’s most comfortable night since Rodi disappeared. All the worries in her heart were thrown away, and then the vacated place was filled with something warm and soft, and the chance of happiness was overflowing.

When the sun shone into the window, Claire was already awake. No matter what season and weather, whether it is a working day or a rest day, she is used to getting busy early. Only this day, she did not want to open her eyes, just want to sleep for a long time in this warm embrace.

This is not a dream, Claire can hear Roddy’s heartbeat and breathing, so she can be very sure. But even so, Claire was still reluctant to break such a beautiful moment, preferring to pretend that she did not wake up and continue to get tired with Roddy.

And Roddy is the same, knowing that Claire has woke up. But at such a special moment, a fool will take care of other things. Rodi only held Claire a little tighter, sniffing the smell of her hair, and continued to enjoy a happy feeling.

As for when he first returned to this world, Rodi’s out-of-body feeling disappeared with a night of carnival. He really came back, and his previous experience was just a relatively distant trip.

However, the two are enjoying the joy of reunion for a long time, but Shenluo has already quarreled. O’Connor, a teenager, couldn’t control his words, and soon passed the news of Rodi’s true return to everyone.

Everyone didn’t believe it, but when she saw Annie with a smile on her face, everyone believed it. For a whole year, Anne never laughed again. In addition to Rody’s return, what else could make Annie smile?

Rodi has been away for too Apart from missing you, there are too many things to report to him. Whether it is the development of Shinra, or the changes in New York and even the whole world, it is too much and too cumbersome. Even if it is described in the simplest language, it can’t be said for three days and nights.

It was just that Annie was very sensible in front of Claire’s room. No matter who came, she could only see Annie’s pair of gleaming claws. Finally, everyone can only assume that the leaders of the two Shinra companies are on vacation, and no one can disturb them at this time.

By the time Roddy and Claire walked out of the room, it was already forty-eight hours. Just after going out, a lot of employees of Shenluo Company had stood in front of Rodi and Claire neatly and said aloud: “Welcome back!”

Looking at the familiar faces, Luodi only felt that the world had never been so fresh, and responded loudly, “Hello everyone, I am finally back.”

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