Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 272 - Ether particles

London, this is a little strange place. Although Lidi has been staying at Oxford University for a long period of time after returning to fifty years, London has never been there.

Tony had made a mess of things about Pepper’s things before. Why did he go to London suddenly? After listening to Jarvis’s explanation, it turned out to be an investigation of gravity anomalies in London.

“London, gravity anomaly, ether particles.” Rodi thought of the plot about London.

This is the plot of the dark world of the movie Thor 2, which was brought back thousands of years ago by the dark elf genocide of Thor’s grandfather. Not only killed Thor’s mother, but also obtained a powerful weapon such as ether particles, arrogant to make the sun disappear, and make the nine connected worlds fall into eternal darkness.

Roddy knew more clearly that the so-called ether particles are actually one of the six infinite gems.

Each infinite gem has extremely powerful power, and the reality gem is just like the chaos cube of the Scarlet Witch, and has the ability to turn imagination into reality.

Tony is a very lazy person who likes to enjoy himself. He is not interested in troubles other than his invention. So there is absolutely no sudden desire to have a relationship with Asgard and the Dark Elves. There must be some factors that make him forget Pepper even to study what gravity anomalies.

And now even Jarvis can’t get in touch with Tony, it must have been an unpredictable change.

Roddy didn’t talk nonsense, rushing towards London in a row. According to memory, the abandoned factory with anomalous gravity should be near the famous Greenwich Observatory. After a few laps in London, Roddy quickly found his goal.

When Rody came to the factory, a cordon had been pulled up, and all entrances and exits were affixed with the slogan “Private enterprise, no entry”. Obviously, Tony has bought the factory at a very fast rate.

Ignoring the seals with Stark’s corporate logo on it, Rodi walked into the factory himself. Just without taking a few steps, Rodi sensed that the surrounding space became very unstable. In this case, both teleportation and space gate capabilities will be greatly affected.

If he uses space abilities recklessly, Roddy cannot guarantee that he will be teleported to another world.

In desperation, Roddy could only walk towards the factory step by step. After passing through the containers built like the famous scenic spot Stonehenge, Roddy walked inside the factory.

It was originally the first to discover that the three children in this place were no longer there, and it was estimated that Tony was driven away. In the factory, several intelligent robots are still working normally, and a large number of instruments are installed accurately.

But Tony disappeared, and even Roddy scanned the entire factory with his mental strength and found no consciousness of any living body.

This situation worried Rody. Jarvis was able to confirm that Tony’s last appearance was in the factory. Now, the only possibility is that Tony has been sucked into another world by the changing space here.

Roddy did not believe that Tony was as lucky as the heroine Jane Foster in Thor 2 and was sent directly to the place where the ether particles were stored, and then returned unscathed.

That’s the kind of treatment a beautiful mistress has, and Tony, a playboy, may be sent directly to the frost giant’s hometown and frozen to death.

Roddy explored this anomalous space with great anxiety, hoping to find the traces of Tony’s disappearance. It’s just that Tony didn’t find it, but he was sucked into a strange space by a huge force when he walked up a staircase.

A glance at this strange world, there is no conscious light in the sky, and Roddy is standing on a strange cliff. On the edge of the cliff, a huge black stone was floating up and down slightly. Between the boulder and the stone platform underneath, a dark red light emanated from the gap.

“No, isn’t this the place where the ether particles are hidden?” Roddy felt like he was in luck. Nine worlds, countless spaces, even finding the right place for the first time, this is really God’s favor.

I only looked at the surrounding environment, but found no trace of Tony, not even traces of biological activity. It seems that this place is only Rody.

In this case, Rodi could not hold back his curiosity and walked towards the suspended boulder. Ether particles, realistic gemstones, no matter what the title is, let Rodi be tempted. Even if you can’t master it, at least you can’t get those psychological dark elves, otherwise it will cause great trouble.

Just looking at the dark red liquid that kept rolling, Rodi was a little hesitant to reach out. Be aware that Jane Foster’s possession of ether particles is harmful to the body, and this fusion process can take several hours.

Roddy was not sure if he had this kind of luck, and was able to be sent back to the real world without incident after being in a coma for several hours. Therefore, he intends to move the entire stone platform, and then find a safe place to study the ether particles slowly.

But the wish is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel. Luodi just wanted to move the stone platform up with his thoughts, but saw that the slowly flowing ether particles seemed to boil and took the initiative to fly to Luodi.

Rody just wanted to avoid it, but found that the dark red ether particles had turned into a torrent of torrents, and directly wrapped him. In this case, Rody could not even teleport, and the surrounding space was completely blocked by ether particles.

Then Rody could only watch these dark red liquids pour into his body, with no room for resistance. But unlike Jane Foster’s experience, Roddy did not lose consciousness, but clearly felt that the ether particles penetrated into every part of his body, even every cell.

A weird force is constantly transforming Rody’s body, which has nothing to do with power, but is more like being modified into a parasitic body suitable for ether particles. This change made Rodi very uncomfortable.

Originally after copying Claire’s ability, Rodi’s body has been in the most perfect state, both physical and genetically are almost flawless.

However, the transformation of the body by ether particles did not develop in a more powerful direction, but hollowed out the heart of the tree and set up a nest for the parasite.

This destructive transformation has stimulated Rodi’s body’s self-healing ability and began to repair this inappropriate transformation.

Two kinds of energies constantly sawed, the ether particles dug out Rodi’s body, and the self-healing ability began to recover in the next moment.

This feeling is not painful, but it is like the body is full of tens of thousands of ants, itchy to the deepest part of the heart. However, the powerful mental power prevented Rodi from fainting, and could only feel the torture soberly.

I don’t know how long it took for the ether particles to be completely absorbed by Rody, and the itchiness gradually disappeared.

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