Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 277 - Miracle under the stars

The night in Wananaheim is beautiful. Not only can many stars be seen in the sky, but also a lot of huge stars with brilliant light, which look like a colorful moon.

Rody was not drowsy. Although he had just drank a large pot of fruit wine, the alcohol level was too low. It was impossible to drunk himself before dying.

Originally Kangta planned to give up his house to let Rodi live, and he specially arranged for him the most beautiful girl in the village. But Roddy would not be sorry for Claire, and explained to Conta that he was married.

Fortunately, Wanaheim did not have the rule of being suicidal and refused to commit suicide, otherwise Rodi did not know if he could hold it.

Conta saw that Roddy was not asleep, and took him to a hill near the village and said to Roddy: “If you feel homesick, you can lie here. The brightest planet above is As Guardian.”

Asgard, Roddy saw it, but where is the earth? Roddy did not explain to Conta that he was actually a human on earth. For the people of Waranaheim, the earth may be similar to a remote mountainous area, and it may not even be heard.

The earth people have only a few decades of life, while the Asgards and the Wana have a lifespan of thousands of years. Compared to this, the earth people are indeed very small. But it is precisely because of the short lifespan of the people on earth, so in their lifetime, they all desperately change the world.

Whether it’s clothing, food, housing and transportation, people on earth want to see real changes in their lifetime and pursue a better life and enjoyment.

Therefore, for thousands of years, Asgard and Warnerheim have only spent their lives, their world has not changed. But the earth has already been able to go through more than a dozen dynasties, from a barbarous primitive to a modern society.

The physique of the earth people has not improved much, and it is impossible to compare with the people of Asgard and Warnerheim. But in terms of technological progress, this speed is far from Asgard and Warnerheim.

Roddy looked at the starry sky above him, wondering why there was an urge to look outside the universe. How many planets like Earth, Asgard, and Warnerheim are? In the galaxy, how many intelligent lives are there, what shape and life habits do they have?

All these unknowns attract the souls of all intelligent life.

Rodi looked at the starry sky and felt that he had entered a wonderful state. It seems that I have lost all sense of everything around me, but I seem to put the whole world under control.

The crimson light, with dark red ether particles, slowly covered the entire village, and looked at it from a distance, as if it had covered a whole red sky.

The consciousness space was originally a chaos, only those stars were glowing. And now, with Rodi as the center, everything within 10 kilometers in diameter is reflected in his thinking space.

Rodi felt that he had completely mastered this land, and even every atom in it was under Rodi’s control.

This feeling is very interesting, just like a real god.

Roddy found Conta’s position in this consciousness space, trying to control his hair upside down. In his sleep, Kangta didn’t find dozens of his braids flying in the air like an octopus. There were even a few braids flying apart and then entangled again.

Rody played with great interest, taking advantage of this deep night, untied all the braids of the village, and then made a unique hairstyle for everyone according to his own ideas.

The banquets during the day were very lively, and after the predators were repelled, everyone relaxed. So this night, everyone slept deeply, and no one even discovered Roddy’s mischief.

After making a hair styling for everyone for free, Rodi began to transform other things in the village. The land swelled up silently, squeezed into various shapes like rubber, and a fence appeared outside the village.

The wall is ten meters high and five meters thick. There are one exit for each of the southeast, northwest, and every few tens of meters in length there are several buildings like the sentinel tower.

Roddy could feel every component in the soil, and even could observe every atom in it. Rody tried to change the soil from the atomic level, and it was very easy to succeed in this particular situation.

The originally soft clay, after the wall was formed, all became silver-gray secondary Edman alloy. A large cannon made of thunder metal and flame metal appeared above the outpost, powerful enough to blow ordinary marauders into pieces.

“It’s not enough to have a city wall, but also a moat.” Rody thought so, a deep trench of 30 meters deep and 20 meters wide appeared outside the wall, and then the deep trench was quickly filled with ice. . When the ice melts, the moat is complete.

Luo Disheng was afraid that the soil would cause water to run off, and also made leak-proof measures with various metals.

Then there was the renovation in the village. The original buildings were all intact, but an underground city that was several times larger than the original village was dug underground. Thunder metal and flame metal are used as light source and energy source, and secondary Edman alloy is used as support.

Connect the underground river channel and dig out enough vents so that the underground city is completed. Just need to bring a salute to check in. This underground city is large enough for thousands of people to live.

“Well, a food storage room is needed here, which can store food for the whole village for two years. Then there is a children’s amusement park, and a huge central square…”

Roddy is like playing a real version of the city-building game, creating a perfect base based on his own imagination. Under the control of Rodi, the two forces of ether particles and chaos magic gradually merged together, and no longer share each other, exerting a more powerful force.

It’s just that Rodi in this special state did not find a change in power, but simply immersed in the fun of transforming the world.

It wasn’t until the sun appeared on the Roddy stopped his game. Chaos magic and ether particles are completely fused into a red energy, like flowing water re-influxed into Rodi’s body.

The people in the village woke up one after another. They were wondering why their hair had changed, but they heard a huge cry from outside.

The industrious and brave Vannes thought that the predators were attacking the village again, but when they rushed out of the house with their weapons, they immediately joined the exclaimation.

The whole village has changed a lot, not only has a tall and solid wall, but also several huge underground city entrances. After the bold villagers walked in, they all exclaimed that such a beautiful and dreamy place has far exceeded their imagination.

And the initiator of all this is sleeping on the hillside, everything is like a dream.

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