Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 284 - Shadow on earth

The moment Sol saw Rodi, he was very surprised. (Baidu search to has the fastest and most stable update) How did Rodi come to Warnerheim from the earth without going through the Rainbow Bridge?

Although Sol could not wait to know the reason immediately, looking at the sleeping Rodi, he did not intend to wake him up, but ordered him to take good care of Rodi.

There is bound to be a feast for victory in the war. This time, because of the bravery of Rodi and the timely arrival of the Asgards, the loss of the Vannes was not great. Therefore, a little sorrow cannot conceal the joy of victory.

Thirty thousand predators, this is almost the entire number in a thousand miles. Counting it, for at least a few years, there will be no formed predator forces near Kanta City.

There are no groups of predators, which is the best news for the Vana who suffered so much.

The festivities were held all night long, singing, dancing and food were all open for supply. However, the Asgards are professional soldiers after all, only a small number of people attend the banquet, and others are on alert.

Saul is also very happy. The most troublesome thing for the Marauders is to run without being able to fight. In the world of complex terrain in Waranaheim, as a predator of ground snakes, he hid in a secret place, and Sol didn’t know where to look.

When the Asgards are gone, the predators will come out to wreak havoc again, and they will burn like weeds.

This time, I don’t know what is the reason for this group of predators to fear death. Although letting Asgard lose some soldiers, it is of great benefit to quickly settle the Warnerheim.

The death of 30,000 predators will not only reduce the number of such ugly robbers, but will also deter predators elsewhere, and even scare them out for a long time.

Saul also saw the black spaceship, but he did not know that this was the flagship of the dark elf. This race has disappeared for thousands of years, and even his father may not even recognize it.

When Rodi woke up, it was when most people were asleep. There was still a bright starry sky above him, but he couldn’t tell which one was the earth.

Kangta didn’t sleep. He was very brave during the battle. The spear in his hand killed more than thirty predators. In such a decisive war, Kangta used his bravery to conquer other Vannes, and finally became the well-known Kangta city owner.

But he refused to attend the banquet, but silently waited beside Rodi. Conta knew that everything he had now was given by Rody. In Kanta’s view, Roddy is the deity’s incarnation, dedicated to rescue the suffering Vana.

Faith is often such a simple thing. Rodi rescues these Vannes in despair. Without any sensational sermons and preaching, the Vannes will naturally thank him. The star belonging to Kangta in the consciousness space is brightening, even brighter than most believers on earth.

This means that Kangta has become a fanatic of Rody, and one look can make him go through fire and even give his life.

Roddy was not used to such a dark, bearded and sloppy man looking at himself, and after sending Conta to rest, Roddy found Sol. Now for Roddy, going home is the number one priority.

Saul is usually arrogant, but he is surprisingly self-disciplined when fighting. So he was not drunk, but was discussing the next military operation with a few friends.

Seeing Rody’s arrival, Shiv’s eyes were not very friendly. After all, on Earth, these four are not very happy with Roddy.

Roddy was too lazy to play games with them to turn his enemies into friends and not to meet strangers. Now he just wants Sol to send him home with Rainbow Bridge.

It’s just that after Rody and Saul made his request, Saul was a bit embarrassed and said: “Rody, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, but that there is only one Rainbow Bridge, which is now connecting Asgard and Wanah Mum. If you want to know the earth, Rainbow Bridge will have to adjust the coordinates again, which will take a long time. Once the war situation occurs in other parts of Wananaheim, I cannot reach the battlefield in the first time.”

Saul’s worries are normal, and it is now a war. One second’s delay may result in the death of hundreds of Vannes. If the strategic weapon of Rainbow Bridge is restricted for Rodi, it is equivalent to cutting off his own legs.

No matter how good Sol’s relationship with Rody is, it is insignificant for a war.

“So what do you do?” Roddy asked slightly anxiously.

Unexpectedly, after finding Sol, he still can’t return to the earth immediately. Rodi has been away for a long time, and the future city will be chaotic without him. And Tony didn’t know whether he had returned to Earth safely, whether Pepper’s desperate virus had relapsed, and did Claire start to worry again…

These things are waiting for Roddy to return to Earth to solve, he really can not relax.

“There is a way. When the war in Waranaheim subsides, I will take you back to Asgard, and then use the Rainbow Bridge to send you back to Earth. But it’s a long time, I can send your message back to Earth first.” Sol said to Roddy a little helplessly.

Although the overall situation has stabilized, but how long a war will last, Sol did not dare to write a package ticket with Roddy. Therefore, Rodi did not know how long he would stay in Waranaheim.

Roddy couldn’t have arbitrarily asked Saul to send him back. The war was not a joke, even if he became the **** of all in Waranaheim. Rodi himself is not willing to use the lives of thousands of Vannes as a bet, so he can only accept Sol’s suggestion.

After asking Sol to send the message back to Earth, Rody went back to the hill alone, staring at the beautiful starry sky.

Since this time, too many things to do, too many accidents, so he has not quietly thought about his future path.

Now, Rody has lost most of his abilities, leaving only chaotic particles that claim to be able to modify reality. Compared with the previous ability, this ability to modify reality has many shortcomings.

Rhodes has no he meets Hades and he is not his opponent at all.

However, the restoration of ability is not the most urgent. Roddy needs to take this free opportunity to think about Hades’s problems.

What has Hades experienced in fifty years? Why has it been hidden in the dark side of the world for fifty years, and no one even knows his existence? If he is afraid of changing the future, let Rody disappear and affect himself. Why did you send Rodi’s Omega-level abilities as soon as you met?

Roddy had a hunch that if he could not figure these things out in Waranaheim, he would fall into Hades’ calculation after returning to earth.

However, Roddy was thinking hard about the distant earth. Hades was sitting in the Presidential Office in the White House, thinking about his plan to unify the world.

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