Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 297 - Doom

It is not easy to control Claire. After the hard work of the net, Claire’s power is too great to estimate. Even if she is sealed with Edman alloy, she may be freed by her.

Rody now intends to use a very risky way to control Claire, if a little careless may endanger Claire’s life.

Claire’s self-healing ability is stronger than Wolverine, blood can also heal other people’s injuries, and it can also transform the human body at the genetic level. However, such a powerful ability has a very fatal key.

Claire’s brain has an area near the back of the brain, probably less than a small part of the size of a nail.

This is the center of Claire’s self-healing ability. Once pressed by foreign objects, Claire’s ability will be invalidated, and his body functions will be completely stopped.

This is Claire’s biggest secret, and only a few intimate people know it.

But if the damage to this position is too great, it will endanger Claire’s life. Before the last resort, Rodi did not want to use this method to control Claire.

Rody exhausted all his energy to mobilize the power of the chaotic particles. He must control Claire for a short period of time before he can have enough control to control the penetration force.

This is very dangerous, but if you let Rody’s luck worsen, you don’t need Claire to do it. Roddy may fall to the ground.

Just as Roddy was about to start, a small man in a gold robe was watching what happened in Waranaheim, in the cracks of the plane space.

Looking at his dress, it is almost the same as Gabriel at the beginning, obviously one of the members of the savior organization. The only difference is that Gabriel inlays the space-time ball on the cane, but this person hangs the space-time ball around his neck.

He is the real behind-the-scenes kidnapped Claire, Constantine Hope, nicknamed Doom.

Constantine Hop was leisurely hiding in the gaps of space, waiting for the show to be staged.

Everything Rodi encountered was in his calculations. Although he didn’t know Claire’s weakness, he had already set Rody’s tragic fate of losing his lover, and he only had to wait for things to happen according to his settings.

The man smiled happily when he saw Roddy taking risks and mobilizing chaotic particles. He has sensed the breath of fate, which is a force that mortals cannot resist.

However, at this time, the space-time ball on the chest shook, and the points displayed above dropped by more than half in an instant.

Constantine Hope was flabbergasted, which was his guarantee of passage and survival in all planes. Once the points return to zero, he will be rejected by the plane and become the world’s largest **** out of luck.

In this case, either he immediately returned to the organization, or he waited for himself to die from various accidents. No member of the organization can spend a day in another plane when the points are zero, and there is no exception.

Constantine Hopp regained his ability in a panic, and then barely stopped the rapid decline in points.

Looking back at Waranaheim, in this short period of time, the dark clouds in the sky began to dissipate, the torrents gradually became smaller, and Claire was lying quietly in Rodi’s arms.

Although Constantine Hope did not see what Rody did because of the panic just now. But obviously, he can no longer control Claire’s body.

“Hum, you’re lucky.” Constantine Hope said angrily.

Looking at less than 5% of the space-time ball on his chest, he planned to return to the Salvation Organization first. Conspiracy of such things, one unsuccessful and the next. Only a thousand days to be a thief, without a thousand days to prevent thieves, there will always be a time for success.

It’s just that such an abacus won’t sound, because there is instability in the gap between this space, and a person with orange eyes breaks in.

“These… two Rodi?” Constantine Hope looked at everything in disbelief.

Roddy is clearly still in Waranaheim. Who suddenly appeared exactly like Roddy?

“As a messenger of doom, even saying that the enemy is lucky, it seems that you are just a waste.” Hades said with a sneer.

Constantine Hope only felt his head spinning, and Hades was using telepathic power to control his thinking.

But Constantine Hope is not a strong person who has never seen telepathy, and can barely resist with his willpower. Although the time is short, it is enough for him to use his ability.

Quietly, Hades felt a chill. This is not because a cold wind blew through, and a bad feeling appeared from the bottom of my heart.

Blinking his eyes, Hades felt a tingle. The eyelashes, which were not long originally, happened to have a puncture in the eye. The damage was minimal, but he couldn’t open his eyes for a while.

Then there was poor breathing, and suddenly I wanted to sneeze, and after sneezing, I felt a hiccup…

All kinds of possible minor problems appeared in an instant, making Hades feel very uncomfortable. These small problems can also happen in daily life, but the chances are very low. Constantin Hope’s ability is to make these possible minor problems become inevitable.

The messenger of doom is the representative of the dark side of fate and brings misfortune to all. All possible misfortunes will be infinitely increased until they actually happen.

Hades was affected by various minor problems and could not concentrate for a while. Constantine Hope broke free of his mental constraints and said proudly: “Have you tasted the fate of being controlled by someone?”

Constantine Hope is trying to work to get rid of this Rodi’s doppelganger, as long as he is weakening his luck, it is estimated that even space cracks will suddenly appear and cut him.

It was only at the next moment that Constantine Hope could no longer laugh. Because he saw Rodi’s body turned into a silver-gray, he even entered an overclocking state in this case.

“You know? For a while, I was in a state of extreme bad luck. Later I found out that the accident was actually caused by your own negligence. The fire was a hidden danger, the car accident was because you did not see the road, the disease was because of you. I didn’t take care of my body…”

While talking, Hades made a lot of metal and bound Constantine Hope.

“These negligences are the source of misfortune, but people always attribute this situation to luck. So I don’t believe that when I become a metal life, disease and pain will stay away. Your little tricks will not have any Function. I am curious what it will look like when you become a hapless ghost yourself.”

Hades finished this sentence and directly took the space-time ball from Constantine Hope’s chest.

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