Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 299 - Royal magic starts

Rody hands Claire to Sol’s mother Frigga, hoping that Asgard’s magical technology can help. The net is just this highly confidential magical technology, and Rodi can’t watch it aside, so Sol takes him to explore the beauty of Asgard.

Asgard is a very magnificent city. Even if I have seen the image before crossing, Rodi still feels very shocked walking in this city.

This is not a city that can be built by manpower, even with the current technology of the earth, it may not necessarily be built. Magic, divine power, this is Asgard’s “technology”. Rody can see the use of magic and divine power everywhere in this city.

Lighting lamps, patrol boats capable of floating, and many magical barriers in some key places of the palace.

The big waterfall on the Rainbow Bridge is very spectacular, and all kinds of magic equipment are also very interesting. This is a backward and advanced city, much stronger than the earth in terms of force, but similar to the details of life in ancient times.

Especially for food, in addition to the large amount, the taste is really uncomfortable.

Sol saw that Roddy had only eaten a few fruits and bread, and knew that Asgard’s food did not meet his appetite. Saul also understood very well that he spent some time on the earth, and in this respect, Asgard is really primitive, and it is not much better than the tribe of Wananaheim.

Too long a life has led to slow social progress. If it is not the war in the nine worlds, it is estimated that Asgard will not change its weapons and equipment.

“How has Rocky been recently?” Roddy asked about the old man who had caused him great trouble.

“He was imprisoned in the dungeon by his father. It is estimated that he will not be released in a short time.” For his younger brother, Sol is actually very concerned.

It’s just that for Rocky, his life is really difficult for him to accept. And all he did was not only ambitious to rule the earth, but also hoped that adoptive father Odin could see his talents.

Children eager to be recognized are always easy to make mistakes, and compared to ordinary bear children, Loki has too much power, so the damage is also greater.

But Roddy asked about Rocky’s current situation, not because he missed the thousands of years old bear child, but thought about whether he could learn his magical ability.

The power of chaotic particles is very powerful, but it also limits most of Rody’s abilities. By imitating the spells of witch doctors in Waranaheim, Rody found that chaotic particles were very adaptable to the use of such a power.

Using chaotic particles to simulate abilities has a considerable delay. The spells imitating witch doctors, however, can follow the mind. This has nothing to do with practice, it should be that magic and other skills are more suitable for the imitation of chaotic particles.

Chaos particles must not be handed over, this is Roddie’s attitude. The earth is about to enter the age of the universe and will face the challenges of countless civilizations in the universe.

The bully is the opponent who will inevitably meet.

Infinite gems are the biggest weapon against hegemony. Roddy must have control in his own hands, and the more the better. He even wondered if he wanted to steal the universe cube and the soul gem from Asgard.

If you can own three infinite gems, you don’t need to fear anyone.

However, according to Asgard’s ideas, infinite gems are more like strategic weapons, and even affect their own safety. It is very likely that the gem has been stored in Odin’s treasure house or sent to a very secret place.

Because of Saul’s relationship, Rody did not intend to steal, only to see if there was any chance for the Asgards to agree to give the infinite gem to their custody.

Loki was trapped in the dungeon, Rodi could not visit, and naturally it was impossible to learn magic on his body, so Rodi hit his idea on Friega.

As Loki’s adoptive mother, Loki’s magical abilities are actually taught by her. If Friega can teach magic skills to herself, then it is undoubtedly the best choice.

It’s just that when Roddy put forward his ideas, he saw Sol’s strange eyes.

“The magical abilities of Asgard’s royal family cannot be imparted casually, but it would be okay if you became my brother. Are you going to be my parents’ adopted son?”

Saul’s words were obviously a joke. Adopting Rocky was a legacy of war. How could Odin recognize an earth person as the adopted child.

As long as Asgard’s royal family agreed, Rodi would never add another parent to himself. His own parents are still there, so this kind of filial thing can’t be done by Roddy.

“Friends are okay, but brothers are free. But I think that everything in the world should be possible to trade, just to see if you can pay enough.” Roddy said with a smile.

“Don’t think about it, unless you save my father’s life, or save the entire Asgard, other things can’t break this rule even if the credit is great.” Saul shook his head, hoping that Roddy could dispel the idea. .

“Oh, if you say that, I know an important secret about Asgard’s safety. I don’t know if I can exchange this royal magic book?” Roddy said confidently.

“You’re saying that Asgard is in danger?”

The nine worlds have just settled, and the dark elves have also been hit hard. Sol doesn’t think that Asgard has any security problems.

“Asgard’s defense system is perfect, if there are foreign enemies invading, it is difficult to support those guard towers and defensive borders. However, I know there is a channel that can directly connect Asgard and other worlds. Once someone uses this channel What impact do you think will result from the raid?”

What Rody said is that in Thor 2’s plot, Thor and Loki drove through the secret airship, and they could go directly to the home of the dark elves in Watheim.

“What you said is true?” Sol asked If it is a plane channel that no one knows, it will indeed cause a very serious security problem.

“I never deceive my friends. If you don’t believe me, I can tell you directly, even if you can’t give me royal magic in the end, I won’t blame you.” Roddy said awe-inspiringly.

Roddy didn’t use this news to threaten Sol, right? So-called royal magic, Thor’s friendship is undoubtedly more important.

“No, my friend, I don’t believe in you. It’s just that such news is too important. If there is such a channel, I can guarantee that the mother’s magic book will be sent to you.”

As the future king of Asgard, Sol is also very responsible. A secret plane passage is much more important than royal magic.

After Rody told Sol the location of the plane passage, the crown prince hurriedly reported to his father. In less than half a day, Sol found Roddy again and brought a book made of gold.

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