Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 328 - Repay others with one\\\'s way

The second challenger who arrived was still alone, but he didn’t see any weapons on his body, but turned out to be empty-handed against the enemy.

“You are late, but if you can hold it under my hand for more than ten seconds, you can still engrave the name on the pillar.”

Hades patted the big iron post around him and said confidently.

“It’s fair, so please remember my name. My name is Abefu.”

The man named Abefufu was equally confident, but the smile on his face quickly froze. Because a sword tip protruded from the ground, it had penetrated his chin and penetrated into his brain.

In less than a second, this second challenger died.

“Vile!” Liu Shenghan, who was watching, couldn’t help but scolded.

Hades won the upright battle with himself before, but he did not expect to use a power to sneak attack in the face of Abefu. Such a method really made Liu Shenghan angry, as if he had blasphemed the most holy faith in his heart.

“Despicable? I’ve said it long ago. Whatever method you use, I will use the same method to deal with it.” Hades said with surprise.

“Abefu with bare hands, but you attacked with abilities, is this the same method?” Liu Shenghan asked geologically.

Hades just sneered, and the ground at Abefufu’s feet cracked. A small man was dug up by invisible power, but it was a pity that he had been pierced into the heart by a blade, and he died in anger.

Liu Shenghan recognized the man’s dress, and was obviously a true ninja with a deep hide. Abefu is only a target that attracts Hades’s attention, and this ninja sneaking underground is the real challenger.

It’s just a pity that he couldn’t hide Hades’ mental scan. Even if he is holding a special non-metallic blade, he can’t resist Hades’ telepathy. After the ninja was controlled by Hades, Abefu was now attacked and killed, and then he committed suicide.

“Since he wants to play sneak attacks, I naturally have to accompany him to the end. As long as I say what Hades said, there will be no change. Unfortunately, he didn’t hold on for ten seconds.”

In this sentence, the domineering match made Liu Shenghan feel a little awe.

Hades also ignored Liu Shenghan’s state of mind, and his men were talented, not worse than this one and a half mutants. If he is willing to surrender, Hades does not care about killing.

In such a large country, there are always people who know the current affairs, Hades is not afraid that he will not find a suitable person to manage this land.

The failures of Liu Shenghan and Abefu obviously have been passed on in some way. So two days passed, but no third challenger came.

Hades did not take it seriously, but waited quietly. Now that we have given the Japanese a month, there will be no more days, and no less.

In the early morning of the third day, a dozen hot bullets suddenly appeared in front of Hades. This is a special bullet that can only be fired by a super long-range sniper rifle, but it also failed to hurt Hades.

These bullets of special materials were turned into metal texture by Hades’ metalization ability, and then flew back at a faster speed under the acceleration of the magnetic field lines.

After a while, there was a continuous loud noise. Only after this time, Japan no longer arranged snipers to kill Hades remotely.

After another day of calm, Liu Shenghan did not drip water for four days, and already felt that he was exhausting physically.

Those Japanese did not know whether they wanted to use their exhaustion, and the weather was originally clear. After the two planes flew by, black clouds began to appear.

Hades did not pay attention to this, and his thoughts formed an invisible barrier to separate the heavy rain. Liu Shenghan didn’t have this kind of skill. He was tired and hungry at first, and after being baptized by the rainstorm, he couldn’t bear it.

Hades saw Liu Shenghan’s pale face, but still stood upright in the rain, but felt a little appreciation of this life. The space door opened, and Hades took out some food and a tent from it and threw it to Liu Shenghan’s side.

Liu Shenghan was also not hypocritical, braved the heavy rain to set up the tent, and then stripped off his clothes and got into the tent. Naturally, those foods were not rejected. After a full meal, they rested in the tent for one night.

Early the next morning, it was a clear sky again. Liu Shenghan put on his undried clothes and continued to stand behind Hades like a pillar. His body was still straight, but his eyes were never as proud as before.

It was the fifth day, and the third person who proved the challenge finally appeared. But this time, it was not a person, but a group of people. A group of children who seem to be only 13 or 14 years old, the youngest estimate is only 10 years old.

The children were tied with bombs, armed with firearms and samurai swords, and rushed towards Hades with a generous attitude.

The calm expression of Hades finally changed, and this time, he was really irritated.

After a psychic storm like a hurricane swept through, the children were stopped like puppets, and even the crazy expression on their faces was frozen.

Then the weapons in their hands and the bombs on their bodies all turned into dust in a flash, which was disintegrated into the smallest atom under the power of Phoenix.

What made Hades more angry was that he even sensed the presence of the bomb from the bodies of these children. If Hades wasn’t careful enough, he was almost deceived by this desperate method.

When the last trace of danger was lifted, Hades’ mind storm swept across Japan again. The politicians who arranged the teenagers to be death squads were instantly controlled, and then in the fearful eyes of other people, these politicians found the time bomb, and after swallowing, they pressed the detonation A blood flower stained the government building and made all witnesses look very ugly.

This is a god-like enemy, and their stupid counterattack not only did not hurt God, but made the gods angry.

The survivors cursed the lost fools while thanking themselves for not participating in such a tragic plan.

Only one month left with more than twenty days left, what other way can they fight against an enemy like Hades?

The Prime Minister came to the emperor’s residence with anxiety and explained to him these days.

“Your Majesty the Emperor, allow me to awaken the Eight Divided Serpent and the Heavenly God.” The Prime Minister said on his knees.

The emperor closed his eyes helplessly, and finally nodded in pain.

After leaving the emperor’s residence, the prime minister’s eyes were all blood red, this time it will be the battle of the national games. Once it fails, there is no country like Japan in the world.

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