Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 331 - Japan surrendered

The days of reconstruction are painful, but the Prime Minister thinks it is painful and happy. Such a huge change has cost Japan a lot, but it also ushered in a chance for a new life.

The country M, which was once the most powerful country in the world, has collapsed, so Japan has used this terrorist attack as a reason to expand its troops. And the country Z, the strongest country, still just verbally condemned a few words, without practical action.

The situation is so good that the wealth accumulated in Japan has finally found its place.

The iron pillars left by Hades eventually only left a name. But soon, the iron pillar was engraved with many names, all of which were soldiers who died in the radiation zone.

As for the destroyed shrine, the Prime Minister did not deliberately repair it, and directly kept such a tragic appearance to inspire all living Japanese.

This method is very effective. The national fighting spirit that was aroused because of Hades is also very useful. At least these young people are very enthusiastic to sign up when recruiting troops.

If all goes well, this country may really be able to achieve a great ZTE, but such a beautiful dream lasted only half a month.

Hokkaido, which was originally like a dead zone, was finally detected by satellites.

Buildings like giant corals appeared on the radiation-contaminated land of Hokkaido, and a giant snake-man monster was busy on it.

A weird species, and obviously a species with wisdom. Was it a mutation caused by a nuclear explosion, or was a special ancient creature brought in, or was it an alien visitor?

Before confirming the truth, the Prime Minister did not dare to tell the people the news.

Although there was a voice deep in my heart reminding myself, this weird creature must be related to Hades. However, the Prime Minister was still lucky and sent someone to contact these monsters.

Soon, the dispatched messenger brought back bad news. This group of creatures is controlled by someone, and the person who controls the monster is Liu Shenghan.

“What’s going on? Why didn’t he die?” the Prime Minister asked almost growling.

Unfortunately, no one can answer his question.

“What the **** are these monsters? Why can Liu Shenghan control them?” The prime minister tried to calm down and continued to ask.

“This is the Naga tribe. As for other information, there is a comfort letter here. Please open it yourself.” The messenger brought out a slightly damp green letter that looked like it was made of specially treated seaweed.

The Prime Minister carefully opened this special letter, which only wrote a sentence: “Three days left.”

After seeing this sentence, the prime minister only felt cold all over. Hades did not die, and now there are only three days left from the agreed time of one month. This letter is the ultimatum and the countdown to the nation’s demise.

“Out of all the troops, I want to kill all the monsters!” The Prime Minister issued this command frantically, and he had reached the final stage. There was no other way but desperate desperation.

The three armies of the land, air, and sea came out together, and even the recruits who had just joined the army were put on the battlefield.

Such a Jedi counterattack actually allowed this small country to gather 300,000 troops. Compared with the monster with less than a thousand, this number undoubtedly gave the Prime Minister a strong mind.

He did not believe that Hades would be unharmed in the nuclear explosion, so he would create such a monster. It is precisely because Hades is already in a state of weakness, he has to hurry up and kill Hades completely.

With such a fluke mentality, the first batch of troops advanced to the radiation zone of Hokkaido.

After this period of time, the radiation barely decreased to the extent that the protective clothing could resist. However, they have not been close to the location of those monsters, and many soldiers still have non-combat downsizing.

When it was formally engaged with these monsters, the fastest mobile units could understand what kind of terrible monsters they faced.

Naga warriors are generally more than two meters tall, and a snake tail is three meters long. Such a strong monster, even if it was hit by a tank gun, was only seriously injured. And the recovery speed is super fast, if it is not killed at once, it will only take a few minutes to recover.

In terms of strength, these Naga warriors can overturn the tank with one hand. Although they are not at the point of tearing the armor, they can’t stop what protective clothing and bulletproof vests are.

After the constant transformation of these Naga warriors, this place in Hokkaido has actually turned into a miniature swamp. The originally hard frozen soil was melted by the heat of nuclear explosion and turned into muddy terrain.

People walk almost up to their knees, and it is more difficult for tanks and various heavy weapons to advance. For Naga warriors, this environment is very suitable for their special body shape. The snake tail swung over like a cannonball, ignoring the small-caliber weapons, and tore a **** storm directly among the soldiers.

Not only that, these Naga warriors seem to be able to control the swamp to some extent. The swamp that hadn’t had a calf, and the next step may swallow the whole person.

The tank, which could have been reluctantly driven, would directly pass through the barrel of the next moment and bury the people inside with sludge.

In the first contact battle, the Japanese paid a full life of 3,000 people, but there were only five Naga warriors killed, most of which were swallowed by this huge swamp.

Such a terrible loss ratio made those commanders cringe. What is in front of us is not the enemy used to build merit, but the most terrifying Shura field. In this way, even if all monsters are eliminated, these soldiers will not have many people left.

However, it is impossible to retreat at this time. Because news came after the troops, the Naga warriors have turned the army’s back road into a swamp, and they will encounter such a very unfavorable terrain no matter how forward or backward.

“Baga! Call the Air Force and Navy for support!” The army commander couldn’t help but scolded, this battle could not be fought.

The roaring fighters and roaring warships were all activated. This is a battle involving national games, and they have no retreat.

It’s just that the radiant area near Hokkaido hasn’t yet, and unusual conditions have appeared on the seabed. More than a dozen large and terrifying sea beasts appeared, completely evading the radar detection and coming directly under the battleship.

This huge sea beast looks like a huge version of the earthworm. Except for its sturdy body and a mouth covered with teeth, it can’t see any other organs.

This sea beast seems to be completely invisible in the sea water, and even the submarine has not been found.

It’s just that the huge size has just been revealed, that is, the overturning of several warships. Even if a torpedo is fired, it will be detonated in advance by the ultrasonic waves of this sea beast, but instead it will bury several submarines.

This is a devastating blow. The Japanese navy has no way to deal with it except to explode close to sea beasts. It’s just that it just blasted several sea beasts, not even serious injuries.

These sea beasts, like the Naga Warriors, have extremely powerful self-healing abilities, and even like earthworms, they can become two individuals if they are cut in two.

The Army is in trouble, the Navy is almost destroyed, and the Air Force has only one hope left. However, as soon as the fighter arrived in the radiation zone, he found that the coral-like building began to creep, and even a few strange organs like snake heads grew.

Several fighters that were slightly closer were struck by the lightning from these snake heads and turned into a pile of scrap iron. However, the air-to-ground missile launched from a distance found that the missile had just approached the coral structure, as if it was interfered by something, and exploded in the air.

One day of assembly, one day of promotion, and one day of fighting. In this serious defeat, three days passed in a blink of an eye. The armed forces of the sea, land and air have already proved their incompetence with the results of war. Even if the prime minister shoots seven generals violently, it will not help.

This is a dead place right now, no matter how many lives are filled, it is impossible to conquer this land.

The words retreat and surrender linger in the hearts of all participating soldiers and soldiers. Even if someone advocates jade crushing to death, it will not work. They can launch a deadly charge towards the enemy, but they cannot courageously advance in the face of the swamp that devours themselves at any time.

The Japanese army is hesitating, but Naga will not be beaten passively. For the island country of Japan, the coastline is too long, and any place can become a landing battlefield for the Naga tribe.

It seems that there are fewer than a thousand Naga warriors, but in fact, tens of thousands of small murloc troops have long been hidden in the deep sea.

These murlocs are made from the combination of the blood of the Baqi snake and the genes of ordinary sea fish. They are about the same height as the dwarf, but they also have the self-healing ability, solid scales and powerful power of the Baqi snake. The ordinary police are not at all opponent.

However, most of the professional soldiers in this country were sent to the battlefield in Hokkaido. In this case, all the big cities quickly fell under the offensive of the Murloc.

All the rebels became the food of the murlocs, and the rest of the Japanese lurked in their homes tremblingly, and the outdoor became the occupants of the murlocs.

By the time the army troops rushed back without sacrifice, tens of thousands of murlocs had flooded every street of the city.

At this time, an indomitable idea swept through and passed on to everyone the sentence: “Surrender, or destroy!”

The Prime Minister and the Emperor committed suicide on this day, the army gave up resistance, and Japan surrendered.

Today is the last day of Japan’s existence. After today, there will be no such country as Japan.

Hades stood at the highest point of Tokyo Tower, overlooking the country. Conquering this land and avenging Xuefen, this is the idea of ​​countless Z people. Now Hades has done it. There are not so many feelings of loneliness, but the satisfaction of power makes him feel comfortable.

Hades intends to hand over the entire Japan to Liu Shenghan, and the captive’s performance makes him very satisfied. Anyway, Japan is only a means to deter the world, and it really doesn’t make any sense to really rule it.

Japan is small and has frequent earthquakes. It is almost useless except for its abundant seafood. Such a place is only suitable as a battlefield for Hades to show his strength.

After turning Tianzhao into Nuwa, Hades unexpectedly harvested an invincible force in the sea. The genes of the Baqi snake are super giant beasts that have been obtained after countless years in Japan, and the defects contained in the genes have been repaired by Hades’ blood.

It can be said that the entire Naga race, in addition to having low intelligence, is completely a perfect marine wisdom race.

An island country like Japan is very suitable for Naga life, so Hades simply left Nuwa in Hokkaido, allowing her to continue to breed different kinds of Naga creatures and strengthen this peculiar ethnic group.

The new girl Nu Wa washes away all her past memories, just like a newborn. But Nu Wa’s wisdom is very high, and within a few days, she has grown into a qualified racial leader.

With Liu Shenghan and Nuwa in Japan, Hades can safely leave to continue his plan to unify the world.

Such a war of national annihilation has spread to various parts of the world through various means. Small countries such as Bangzi, Vietnam, etc. have taken the initiative to surrender to Hades, only to ensure a certain degree of autonomy.

For this small request, Hades readily agreed. Anyway, when the world has become mutants, the so-called nationalism of these countries has no meaning.

It’s just that Hades is very dissatisfied with the practice of the stick country and his relationship. Hades just accepted the surrender of the stick country, and then his grandfather’s grandfather became a person in the stick country.

This kind of thinking of giving Anzu Zong to others made Hades very uncomfortable. He directly replaced the senior members of the stick country with a batch, and then he considered that his ancestry had not been tampered with.

Now there are only two big powers, country Z and Russia, which still have the meaning of recapture. As for other small countries, they can solve it by waving their hands.

Country Z will always be the motherland of Roddy and Hades, but for global unification it will never be able to get around.

Fortunately, as early as fifty years ago, Hades was laying out for today. The purpose is to recover this particular country with minimal damage.

For fifty years, Hades has maintained the closest contact with the Z country, and has done his best to help the motherland without affecting the overall situation.

It’s just that Hades has always been afraid of destroying so at many critical times, he can only choose to watch. For the people of country Z, the only thing Hades can do is provide a lot of food. No matter how turbulent the political situation is, Hades does his best to save the people of the country from starvation.

This is already the limit of what he can do.

As for the country’s ruling layer, Hades has gradually let the senior people of country Z understand and accept the existence of the mutants in 50 years, and all discussed how to divide the world in the future.

In places such as Bangziguo and Vietnam, officials from country Z went to monitor the disarmament of the army immediately after the surrender. Various key departments were replaced by talents who had already prepared to master the two languages.

These are everything that has been prepared early in fifty years.

Hades is responsible for winning the world, and the country Z, a country with a large population, exports talents and governs the entire world. This is Hades’ plan.

Now, the last stumbling block to global reunification is only the giant bear, Russia.

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