Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 343 - Reconciliation after 50 years

In the center of the explosion, two miserable figures fell from the sky. Net’s body with missing arms and legs continued to recover during the fall, and eventually turned into two handsome young men who were identical.

The golden scepter in the hands of the savior’s leader fell with them, but unfortunately the scepter was still there, but the person disappeared.

“Hades, did you succeed?”

Roddy was less injured than Hades and must recover first. The chaotic particles are reactivated, holding the two in the air.

Hades spit out a spitting blood with difficulty, and finally recovered most of it, and then said: “It is estimated that there is no, the guy finally escaped, but death is also a serious injury.”

“I said that you have such a crazy plan to die next time, can you inform me in advance. You have to tell me when I am about to die, we will hang up if something goes wrong with you, you know Don’t know?” Roddy said grumbledly.

This sudden battle is actually just a play. The purpose is to create the illusion of losing both sides, leading out this mysterious man with a scepter.

It’s a pity that in the end, I still underestimated the ability of this mysterious man. Hades’s Broken Star River just hit him hard, and finally let him escape.

Only the mysterious leader of the Salvation Organization can make Hades think so hard.

If you really want to talk about the origin, I’m afraid it will start when Hades and Roddy meet again for the first time.

Hades lived fifty years longer than Roddy, and had more dealings with the Salvation Organization. After not knowing how many battles and temptations, Hades knew much more about the organization of the Savior than Roddy.

However, the most important thing is that Hades obtained information about the leader of the savior. This mysterious self-proclaimed God has the ability to read the mind across countless planes.

His mental strength is very strong, if measured by the level of the mutant, it definitely reaches the fifth level.

Even across so many galaxies, he can read most human thoughts. But this is very expensive. Before Rodi and Gabriel joined forces, the threat was not worthy of the leader’s attention.

However, after killing several people from the Salvation Organization, the leader wanted to directly control Rodi at a great cost. Unfortunately, at this time, Rody has evolved into a four-level mutant. Even if he transfers spiritual power across the border, he can’t control Rody.

In this case, the leader of this savior organization began to pay close attention to Rody’s every move. Although he could not read Rodi’s thinking, even if he communicated with others with his mental energy, he would be sensed.

However, the following things made him more troublesome. Rody split into two, and even had one more Hades, which made him a little overwhelmed.

Roddy disappeared through the Rainbow Bridge fifty years ago, and Hades became the chief guardian target of the leader of the Salvation Organization. How many calculations and arrangements have been received in these fifty years, Hades can’t count. Sometimes even the closest people around are under control to attack themselves.

In this case, the Hades Palace was born, an organization completely controlled by Hades.

Each member is a believer in Hades, projecting a star in his thinking space. Once someone is under the control of the leader of the Salvation Organization, Hades can sense it in advance.

It has been so difficult for fifty years to polish Hades into a true leader, much more mature and cold than Roddy.

However, Roddy, who returned 50 years after passing the Rainbow Bridge, did not understand this. He did not even know that he was being monitored.

After 50 years of fighting and thinking, Hades felt that passive passive beating was not a way. Simply use Roddy’s ignorance to arrange this plan to lead the enemy.

As Rodi’s avatar, in fact, Hades and Rodi’s personality is not very different. At the beginning, a lot of negative emotions accumulated and Hades became paranoid and tyrannical.

However, after fifty years of changes, Hades has experienced too many ups and downs, betrayal, support, resistance and awe. It is like a seedling with insufficiency, which grows slowly in the wind and rain, and grows everything that was once missing again.

Hades already has a complete personality, how can such a person be bored to fight the whole world for the so-called ambitions, and to fight Rody.

Roddy asked himself that he was not such a second-class person, so he could not understand what Hades said and did, and could only convince himself with reasons such as ambition.

Before the battle, Hades had shouted Gabriel’s name, in fact, to remind Roddy that there was a savior organization lurking nearby, but Roddy didn’t expect so many for a while.

It wasn’t until the moment when Hades’ arm penetrated his heart that Rody really understood Hades’ intentions-Hades did not really want to kill himself.

Because Roddy felt it, Hades, while penetrating his heart, also cut his arms apart, allowing blood with healing power to flow into Rody’s body.

On the surface, it was a serious injury, but in fact, as long as Hades withdrew his arm, he was able to recover quickly, even saving treatment.

It was this brief and silent exchange that made Rody understand that Hades had other purposes. Since he does not want to kill himself, then the battle is naturally a play. Although he still didn’t understand the foreshadowing of the scene, Rodi didn’t mind cooperating fully.

The next is a series of dazzling battles, there are moves, confrontations, explosives, and yes, anyway, the two will come out as exaggerated. In fact, the attack effect is not so powerful, but the various light and shadow effects must be top-level special effects.

As for Rody’s last penetration of Hades’s body with the chaotic particles, it was actually a silent tacit agreement between the two.

The leader of the Salvation organization has reached the fifth level of spiritual power, but even if it comes to the earth, if you want to hypnotize the fourth level of Rody or Hades, you must concentrate. And if both are present, he would never dare to take risks.

Only when one of them dies, or if both sides lose, will the enemy hidden in the depths risk appearing. The leader of the Salvation Organization is very cautious, if Hades is only a fake death, he will not be able to hide him.

Therefore, it is true that the power is sealed by the red crystal blade, and it is true that Hades’ body is completely lost. But the savior leader did not know that Hades’s body died, but his consciousness did not disappear.

Fifty years ago, when the two had just split up. Rody discovered that no matter how far apart, the consciousness of the two can actually be easily converted, even if the two souls are squeezed into a body.

Therefore, just after Hades’s body died, his soul appeared in Rody’s consciousness space. In just an instant, the two completed the exchange of consciousness throughout the plan.

The leader of the Salvation organization had no way of knowing the process that appeared in Rody’s mind.

Hades’s broken body kept falling, and at this time Roddy pretended to be out of spirit. When a person’s mood fluctuates, it’s a good time for hypnosis. Therefore, the leader of the Salvation Organization was fooled, and he was afraid that Roddy would make another breakthrough after killing Hades.

This is a rare opportunity, so he came without hesitation.

However, the moment that Roddy was hypnotized, the seal of Chaos particles on Hades’ body was lifted. The restored Hades returned to his body in an instant, and used the time that the savior leader hypnotized Rody to truly condense his strongest move-Broken Star River.

In the end, Hades succeeded in a sneak attack and took a heavy hit on the leader of the Salvation organization. It is a pity that Hades still underestimated the mysterious strong man, so he was finally escaped by him, leaving only the scepter in his hand.

But after this time, it is estimated that he can no longer monitor Rodi and Hades. Even the carry-on weapons became the spoils of the two, and the savior leader returned to the nest, and it was hard to say whether he could keep his place.

According to the information provided by Gabriel and the intelligence collected by Hades over the years, the Salvation Organization is definitely not a monolith. Maybe after this battle, this organization will change to a leader.

“Next, what are your plans?” Roddy asked Hades.

Since the so-called duel is just a play, now there is no reason for the two to be hostile. The only embarrassment may be Claire.

Hades and Rody were naturally connected and naturally sensed his thoughts. He replied indifferently: “Don’t think too much. In fifty years, I almost watched Claire and her dad grow up. This process, Quirky, makes me like her grandfather’s generation.”

Roddy understood what Hades meant, that is, about Claire, he had already let go.

“Fifty years, people can change a lot of things. Maybe in another fifty years, you may be divorced from Claire. Don’t look at your feelings so firmly. I’m a bit better than you. I met a Stupid girl, can really be unchanged for fifty years.” Hades said with a smile.

“Get off, you divorced! Do you think I don’t know who I am talking about? Only Ai Ge’s brain lacks roots and will like you, a guy who can only pretend to be cool all day.” Roddy quickly retorted.

“How much better are you to me, what’s the situation with Annie? Isn’t it a play to make up Lori? You are jealous. I can open the harem openly, and you can only guard Claire, even Anne doesn’t dare to touch it. “

As if removing the shackles in his heart, Hades’s tone became a lot lighter, no longer bitter and hatred towards everyone as before.

“Wandering!” Roddy couldn’t help but raised a middle finger.

The two were silent for a few seconds, and together gave a hearty laugh. No matter who is who’s copy,

At this moment, they are more like biological brothers.

“No nonsense, what are your plans to continue your game of unifying the world? Don’t you want to follow me to see what this universe looks like?” Roddy asked.

“Fifty years of adventure, I am a little tired. You go to search for your unknown world, I will stay here and enjoy my life well. Rest assured, I will help you see the earth, you can give me anything in the future city. Just leave a room.” Hades replied with a smile, then teleport disappeared in front of Roddy.

A meeting, a fight, and then parting, this feeling did not make Roddy feel sad, but full of enthusiasm for the future.

The feeling of having an extra brother is quite wonderful, especially after the two have finally been able to completely eliminate the hostility.

With a very good mood, Rody found Yelena and Yongdu. The nuclear explosion-like battle in the sky made the two worried.

When they saw Rodi appear, they naturally thought that Rodi had won.

“Mr. Rodi, have you killed the demon?” Ye Lanna asked immediately.

Yelena’s heart still remembers his motherland. Only by killing the demonic manipulator can Russia recover.

“Sorry, I’m going to disappoint you. I’m not his opponent. I even had my heart pierced.” Roddy said it plainly, but it was very real, and the skin on his chest just grew red. What.

Ye Lanna only felt that her eyes were dark, and even Roddy was not an opponent. Isn’t her motherland hopeless?

“Mr. Rodi, can you please all the strongmen of the future city to deal with this demon together. You have Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man, and…”

Before she finished speaking, Yeliana was interrupted by Rodi.

“I’m sorry, the demon you mentioned, he has tens of thousands of variants, and has occupied most of the world’s countries. Once the war begins, the only loss will be the city of the future.”

“Did you just watch him keep expanding his power? One day, he will deal with the city of the future.” Yelena couldn’t understand Rody’s calmness. Wasn’t this the most threatening enemy?

“I have an agreement with that person, the earth is his, and he fully supports me in developing the universe. So your country, I can do nothing.” Roddy’s answer was very decisive, and Yelena’s last hope was shattered.

“No…” Ye Lanna seems to have lost all her strength. It is impossible for her to return to the country alone.

Roddy can only express his apologies. In this case, he cannot go against Hades for the so-called national orthodoxy. As long as the people live better than before, and humans can unite to contribute to the development of the universe, the others can only be regarded as minor problems.

Whether Hades’s way of unifying the world is brutal or just, this is an inevitable revolution. On the day when Thunder Metal, an infinite energy source, appeared ~ ~ on the day the Zittari invaded the earth, the day it was established in the city of the future…

Numerous nodes have built a huge historical wheel, and the fate of unity is unstoppable. Fortunately, the power comparison between the two sides is too disparate, so the duration of such a united war is very short, and the damage to civilians is not great.

“You even cooperated with the demon, you actually compromised with this kind of person, you are really a coward.” Ye Lanna seemed to have lost her mind, and she began to accuse Roddy.

But Roddy retorted aloud: “No, you are wrong. At the beginning, I supported global unification, but I was afraid of trouble, so I chose a gentle way for everyone to unite. Hades did Things are actually the same as mine. If you want to resent, you might as well hate me.”

Now that the two have chosen to reconcile, Rody cannot naturally shirk responsibility for what Hades did. You cannot always enjoy the benefits of unification while packaging yourself as an innocent.

Yelena, in her madness, pulled out her pistol and aimed at Rody.

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