Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 363 - Future Mutants Corps

The Rockets have a poisonous tongue, and their emotions are often on the verge of runaway, but as a mechanic, he is very professional but dedicated.

Rodi gave him 10 million, and the Rockets would work according to the value of 10 million. When Rody came to the underground arsenal again, he was stunned by the changes here.

The original weapons production line was almost dismantled, with broken parts everywhere. However, three huge metal structures appeared on the rubble-like parts pile. The rocket was now climbing on it, sparks were splashing, and the movement of the rocket could not be seen at all.

“Rocket, what are you doing? I asked you to come back to design weapons for me, not to let you destroy my factory.” Roddy couldn’t help saying.

“Rody, you are finally back. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” The Rocket threw the wrench and welding torch in his hand casually, and was not afraid that the welding torch would explode.

“I think I need an explanation.” Roddy couldn’t help asking.

“Explain? What explanation? Oh, are you talking about this production line? I just borrowed a few parts.” The Rocket said indifferently.

“Okay, I’m too lazy to debunk your habit of doing nothing and doing destruction. Just tell me where the weapon you developed is.”

Roddy knew that the Rockets had a habit of pranks. When he escaped from prison, he once deceived Star Lord to **** a prisoner’s mechanical prosthesis, saying that it was related to the plan of the escape. But in fact, it was just that the Rockets rose on a whim, wondering how this prisoner would walk without a prosthetic limb.

Roddy was too lazy to ask him why he wanted to tear down the intact production line. Anyway, as long as the rocket can design a suitable weapon, nothing else matters.

“These three things are the results of my research and development during this time.” Rocket knocked on these three silly **** metal structures behind him and said to Rody.

However, Roddy looked at the three things very carefully, and didn’t see exactly what the weapon was.

The one on the left looks like a coiled metal snake, more than thirty meters long and one meter thick. If it’s not the color of metal, it actually looks more like a hurry.

The middle piece looks like a rough tombstone. Except for the dense scale-like structure on it, there is no special place. Roddy wondered if this thing was solid.

The one on the right is more vivid, with a streamlined shape, it should look like an aircraft.

“Okay, stop selling things, show me. I want to know if these three things are worth 10 million.” Roddy said to the Rockets.

“Of course there is no problem, but it is not convenient here. I will take you to another place.” The Rocket took Roddy to a special laboratory.

It is designed with reference to the underground laboratory in Tony’s Villa. It has the most advanced 3D projection technology. Most of the design will be tested by projection before it is put into practice.

The Rockets don’t need to do it by themselves, just blow a whistle, and then say: “Luo Fei, my friend, bring me all the information of the greedy snake.”

Lord Luo Fei didn’t show up, but the light in the laboratory was dimmed, and then a mechanical snake-like projection appeared in front of Rodi. It looks the same as the Tuo metal “Xiang” seen before.

“First of all, I want to introduce this to you. I named it a snake, the prototype is a small toy from Michael.”

With the rocket’s commentary, the metal snake opened its scales, and it looked half as big.

Roddy recognized that this is the dynamic design of the mechanical dragon, and each scale is below a jet engine, so it can do all kinds of incredible flying actions.

“This serpentine form is not suitable for flying in the atmosphere, but it is very easy to use in space. Without gravity and space resistance, even a nectar fighter is generally not as good as this metal snake. flexibility.

“More importantly, I refer to the design of the Nova Corps. Nova fighters can be linked together using electromagnetic capabilities to form a huge defensive network, which is specifically designed to deal with the impact of large stars.

“Each fighter is a node, and the greater the number of nova fighters linked together, the greater the power of the defense net, and it can even show an increasing geometric progression.

“If the number of greedy snakes increases, there is also the ability to link. And unlike the square format links of the Nova Star Fighters, the greedy snakes can freely change their form and link them in various ways.

“The link defense network of the nova fighter is very powerful, but if any node is destroyed, it may cause chain damage.

“The greedy snake does not have this problem. Even if any greedy snake is destroyed, other greedy snakes will automatically repair this gap like a living needle thread. Unfortunately, the time is too short. I have not developed a special greedy snake for the time being. Offensive weapons, otherwise it can be used as a combat unit.”

As the rocket said, the projections began to show how these snakes were linked. The virtual response target was a huge meteorite.

If such a huge star falls on the earth, it is a disaster of extinction. The huge volume cannot be exploded even with a nuclear bomb. Even if it is exploded, those fragments of meteorites can also make the earth dead.

In the past, in the face of such natural disasters, it was envisaged that a nuclear bomb could only be used to explode on the surface, deflecting the orbit of the star and bypassing the earth.

Now that there is a greedy snake, a large net can be laid in advance in the universe. Thousands of greedy snakes are linked together and they can be unloaded before the meteorite falls.

Such a scene reminded Rodi of Ronan’s dark asterisk forcibly landing on Shandar star. Countless nova fighters combined to form a golden net, blocking the dark asterisk.

It is a pity that Ronan, who had the power gem at that time, destroyed a nova fighter with a single blow, and then there was a chain collapse.

The defensive ability of the greedy snake is not as good as that of the Nova Fighter, but it is much more flexible in repairing loopholes. Any loopholes caused by the destruction of greedy snakes will be filled in time by the greedy snakes around. This is a truly seamless skynet.

The greedy snake can do this enough to cope with some of the problems, and the rest can only be improved for a longer time.

“The design of Greedy Snake is good, but what we need now is a large number of weapons that can be mounted. I am afraid this thing can not meet my requirements. I hope that the two remaining things can satisfy me, otherwise I can only Claimed to you.”

“Oh, as a successful interstellar businessman, of course I will not give you a failed product, this is the highlight now.”

The Rocket once again brought up a new weapon design. This time it appears that the tombstone and the aircraft are dissatisfied with scales. It seems that these two things are used in combination.

“The latest rocket fighter, this is the best space fighter that can be quickly installed on the earth’s existing technology. However, compared with other space civilizations, the performance of this fighter can only be said to be average.

“The earth is not lacking in cutting-edge technology, but there is still a big gap in the basic industrial system. Thanks to the excellent materials, the Rocket fighter is much stronger than the Creestar’s dead spacecraft.

“Although it can’t hardly resist the undead missiles without damage, but three or five undead missiles may not completely destroy the rocket.

“As for speed, flexibility, weapon attack power, accuracy, thunder and lightning… no one can compare with the main fighter in the universe.

“In simple terms, I suggest you use this thing to play suicide bumps. It makes more sense. The only benefit is that you can make hundreds or thousands of them with just a little time, which is absolutely enough to bluff people.”

After the Rockets finished speaking, they smiled unscrupulously.

After hearing it, Luodi said directly: “It seems that you don’t know much about the laws of the earth. The amount of fraud over 100,000 yuan is to be castrated.”

After the Rockets heard it, they quickly searched the Internet and said to Roddy aloud, “Where is this law? Don’t lie to me!”

“Well, just now, the law I just enacted specifically applies to interstellar employment.” Roddy said this shamelessly.

With Rodi’s current status, it is really not a problem to enact such a law. Anyway, it is invalid for human beings, and no one will take to the streets to protest.

“Well, you won. This is the weapon I want to focus on, a special device designed specifically for the mutants.” The Rocket’s tail was drowned by Roddy’s words.

The tombstone-like device covered with scales slowly deformed, and finally turned into a very tall humanoid machine.

“This is, sentinel robot?” Roddy couldn’t help saying.

This dark humanoid machine is no different from a sentinel robot. Is this so-called weapon a change of sentinel robot?

“The original technology did come from the sentinel robot. The variant is unique to the earth. It is indeed a force beyond imagination. Your ability is almost contrary to most of the laws of the universe, it is simply a cheater.

“To allow the earth to quickly gain strength comparable to other cosmic civilizations, the development of overall technology is too slow, so you must start with the strength you already have.

“I know almost nothing about mutants. I didn’t know how to start. But this sentinel robot inspired me to make such a weapon specially designed for mutants.

“These are the effects of weapon testing. Let me show you first.”

As the rocket moved, a video material was called up. A Rocket fighter soars in the air, using several drones as opponents.

The Rocket was originally sturdy, as long as you hit it regardless of the past, you can win. However, the battle scene was not so rough, but it filled Rodi with surprise.

The scale-like tombstone appeared under the rocket’s fuselage, and then quickly expanded to completely cover the rocket. The whole process is very fast, less than three seconds.

Then Rody saw that the Rocket fighter completely disappeared in the air, even the radar could not find the fighter.

The unseen enemy is invincible to the drone, so the drone is shot down in less than a minute.

“This is an invisible ability?” Roddy couldn’t help asking.

“Yes, the pilot is a mutant, he can be invisible. Not only that, you should also look at this.” The Rockets again called up a video.

This time, Roddy could clearly see the pilot sitting on the rocket. This is the steel fighter in the X-Men, which can turn the body into a steel-like substance, and has extremely strong anti-strike ability and great strength.

This time, the entire Rocket fighter became silver-white, directly crashing the five tanks with tests into pieces without any damage.

Next, there are various variants driving the rocket. When the Fireman piloted the Rocket, the space fighter became a huge fireball, capable of jetting high-temperature flames in all directions.

When Stormwoman Ororo took the pilot’s position, the Rocket turned into a thunderstorm.

What surprises Rody most is that there is a special mutant among these video materials. This person is named Zhang Zhe, and he is of Chinese descent like Roddy.

After joining the city of the future after the science and technology exposition, the mutation gained an ability to temporarily fix others’ movements with his eyes. It looks like it’s a staring person who can’t move.

Originally, this ability could only fix one person, but when driving the Rocket fighter, he could directly fix more than a dozen drones flying from different angles.

“This thing not only allows the Rocket to become the limb extension of the mutant, but more importantly, it can greatly enhance the ability of the mutant.

“The only drawback is that the driver’s physical consumption is very large, and it can only support up to half an hour of continuous use. After this time, not only the Rocket can’t stand it, but even the driver can’t bear it.

“However, as long as the proper pilot is selected, the actual combat effectiveness of the Rocket will far exceed that of most space fighters.”

The Rockets said very proudly.

“What is the production speed of the Rocket? I’m talking about the production speed of the enhanced device of this mutant.”

“Three planes a day can only be done for the time being. There are about fifty in stock now.” Rocket replied Roddy carefully read all the materials in front of him, and finally took a long breath. It is the force that can really fight Ronan’s dark star.

After the increase of the Rocket, all people can exert more than three levels of mutants. As long as thousands of people are listed, the safety of the earth can be guaranteed.

The production of Rocket is under the responsibility of intelligent robots, which has achieved the highest efficiency. There is no need to worry about the selection and training of mutant drivers. A large number of mutants will certainly be able to provide enough soldiers.

Now, the only thing needed is time.

As long as half a year or so, the earth will be ready to officially demonstrate its existence to this universe.

With this high-end power of infinite gems, solid development of technology, plus the force of the mutant army, the earth will become a super civilization in the universe in a very short time.

Roddy looked at the starry sky, and hoped that the black-and-white drama of Hades and Brave would give the earth more time.

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