Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 55 - Haunted Apartment

  Rodi had no intention of selfless dedication to the M country’s military at the beginning. After learning about Michael’s ability, the Sky Eye system had become fat in his bowl. But just copying the source code of the entire system is meaningless, and it needs a lot of hardware support.

  Although Toni’s seaside villas are fully functional, Rodi feels more inconvenient to live in. Although the house is large enough, it is often uncomfortable for Rodi to see Tony and Little Pepper Xiu’ai.

  Michael is only the first mutant companion. There will be more in the future, and it is impossible to live in Tony’s villa all. Rody needs an independent residence, or an independent stronghold, just like Magneto’s Kiyu Island and X-Men’s Xavier Talent School.

   In fact, the most important thing is that Roddy found that he began to miss the taste of Chinese food. I have always eaten a variety of Western food. Although the taste and ingredients are the top, Roddy is still not used to it. This is one of the reasons why Roddy lacks a sense of belonging to this world.

   “It seems that I need a new home.” Roddy said to himself.

  The whole of New York, the most prosperous should be Manhattan, perhaps here is a good choice. With Michael, Roddy found a very professional real estate economy as a guide. I have to say that money is really a good thing. With enough money, Roddy only needs to consider the issues of comfort and convenience.

“Michael, what kind of house do you like? Do you want a sea view? Or high-rise?” Rody asked Michael’s opinion again and again, while selecting a few suitable ones from the dazzling house advertisements, but these apartments were either Too small, or part of it has already been sold.

  Rodi needs a completely independent private space, and it is not impossible to directly buy all the sold rooms with money, but this is really a stupid thing. Although Roddy is not bad, he does not want to be regarded as a Kaizi who can easily raise his price.

   “I… I just need a computer.” Michael whispered.

“Then how to do it, that’s our home. I think children should have an oversized toy storage room. I also had this dream when I was a kid, but I couldn’t realize it at the time. Do you like Transformers? I give you Prepare a full set of hand-made, as well as a variety of comics and game consoles…” Roddi Barbara said a lot, in fact, he said all his childhood dreams.

   Michael saw Rody’s eyes glowing, and he was a little touched in his heart. He could feel Rody’s sincerity towards him. Although Roddy made no secret of his attempt at Michael’s ability, this concern was wholehearted.

  Michael is obviously a very clever child, otherwise he cannot invade the main system of the Pentagon instantly by power alone. If you only talk about technology, he is not much worse than the top hackers. If you add power assistance, even Tony may not be able to beat Michael in network security.

  Children with this kind of IQ are precocious and sensitive. If Rodi doesn’t generously say to Michael: “I need your ability.” It is estimated that Michael will be more attentive. And Rodi’s performance made this lonely child feel the warmth of his family.

   This may be the sense of belonging Rodi has been looking for. Michael’s life makes him feel the same, and is a variant, so Rodi has the feeling of “sib” for the first time. Gradually, Rodi has begun to integrate into the mutant group, sometimes imagining how to become a mutant leader will lead this group to get along with humans.

  Michael chose an eighteen-floor apartment with a sea view. Although it is a bit old, the structure is good. Only there are three households in it, and all of them have property rights.

  Rodi also fancy this apartment at the beginning, but the real estate agent told him that the three tenants in it were very stubborn and troublesome people. The apartment has been empty for many years, more or less related to these three tenants.

  However, since Michael has already chosen, Rodi doesn’t believe that the three tenants can’t be managed by Stark’s ability.

  Everything is easy, and the apartment has been empty for a long time. The owner also hopes to get rid of it as soon as possible, so all the procedures are completed on the same day. Roddy didn’t contact those three tenants anyway. The property was already available, so such a dilapidated apartment had to be overhauled. Simply let the people who design and decorate to step on it and see how hard these three tenants are.

  Rodi is accustomed to relentless popularity, just bought the apartment an hour ago, and now has the designer on site to investigate, if everything goes well, the overall design can be produced in three days.

   was originally thought to be the simplest first step, but something went wrong. Rodi and Michael are still enjoying a rare Chinese dinner, and they heard the design report saying that things could not be done, so Rodi asked to be smart. And the only reason is that this apartment is haunted!

“Funny, this is the world of Marvel, not the world of Menggui Street!” Roddy wondered with his toes so the haunting was intentionally created by someone, and I am afraid that it will involve It is absolutely impossible for all the mutants to let Rodi stop. Rodi is determined to become a fourth-level mutant, a man who is shoulder to shoulder with Professor X and Magneto. As Roddy’s new stronghold requires a lot of manpower, let’s show the kingly style in the past-if the opponent is not good, then run over!

  Rodi came to the apartment alone, and the sports car disguised as Death Wing stopped at the door, ready to be called at any time. But in Manhattan, Roddy still wanted to keep a low profile.

   With a relaxed face, Roddy stepped into the door of the apartment and felt a gust of wind. The apartment, which was originally just dilapidated, turned out to be horrible. It was originally only traces of flaking, but they all became distorted faces, and even blood stains oozed out.

   The wooden door slammed shut, and then a black flame ignited from the ground, igniting the whole door.

   “This special effect, to mix Hollywood is definitely to get the level of the little gold man.” Roddy exclaimed.

   But Rody found that the connection with one of the deaths was not disturbed. It seems that there is only an illusion that confuses the human heart, but no ability to truly affect the physical properties. With this confidence, Roddy ignored these infiltrating scenes and strode in.

   walked up the wooden stairs step by step, a cluster of rusty thorns completely sealed Rodi’s back road, and if he changed the ordinary people, he would definitely start to run wildly. However, Roddy was very calm and did not change the frequency of his footsteps.

The environment around    is constantly changing, and it starts to develop in the direction of terror and nausea, but only the environment changes. When Roddy walked up to the second floor, he finally saw something different.

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