Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 60 - I take you home

  Anne Reynolds, a dead woman, has been trained as a humanoid weapon since her birth. Her long-term use of drugs has severely suppressed her self-thinking.

   And when Rody’s blood flowed into her mouth, a different kind of vitality began to transform her body. After countless times of modulation and transformation, Anne’s body has actually had a lot of problems. If there was not a Wolverine self-healing gene, it would have collapsed and died.

   Wolverine’s self-healing ability is more like a steady state ability, that is to maintain life and physical strength, repair external damage, but Wolverine’s blood does not have the ability to treat others. Rodi’s self-healing ability comes from Claire. He can not only heal himself, but also heal others, and even resurrect those who have died shortly.

   So when Anne swallowed Rodi’s blood, the accumulated drugs and toxins in her body were completely discharged, and even the Edman alloy implanted in the body had a tendency to be rejected out of the body.

   It’s just that this strongest metal has been combined with her bones, and Rodi’s healing blood can’t peel the Edman alloy at all. In this case, the healing blood began to modify Anne’s gene, allowing her to truly integrate Edman alloy into the gene.

   Even more amazing is that Anne’s original appearance looks like a girl in her twenties, but at this time, she slowly changed into a loli in her twenties.

   Roddy felt that this situation was a bit troublesome. I did not expect that the death girl like Qiang Yujie would turn into a little loli in her twenties. What is the situation?

   Roddy searched his memory, Wolverine had joined the X-Men, and it should have been more than ten years before he was transformed into Edman alloy. Could it be that the death girl Anne was copied from that year? So Anne’s real age should be about fourteen years old.

  Anne is a copy person. In order to get a suitable killer and bodyguard as soon as possible, William Stryker uses a lot of birth methods to make Annie directly become an adult. And this forced birth is an abnormal state that is unhealthy for the human body, so the healing blood will repair this mutation. This is the only explanation that Roddy thought was reasonable.

   But these are not the main points for Anne. The most important thing is that at the moment when she regained consciousness, she saw a **** teenager. The awkward-looking teenager looked at her worriedly, and then asked in a very gentle tone: “Are you all right?”

   At this time, a ray of morning light just appeared, sprinkling warmly on the teenager’s body, making his handsome face blurred, but exuding an extremely holy atmosphere.

  Annie had never heard anything other than commands. This warm feeling made her even lighter. Annie didn’t know that there is something called God in this world. If she knew, she would definitely take the boy in front of her as a real god.

  Although she was afraid to break the atmosphere at this time, Annie couldn’t help but ask, “Who are you?”

Roddy breathed a sigh of relief, since being able to communicate should be out of William Stryker’s control, so he smiled and replied: “Rody Stark, I’m here to save you. Well, it’s right. Save you.”

   “We?” Anne was a bit unable to understand who we were referring to. In her cognition, she only listened to commands, as to what is a mutant and what is a companion. These have no concept at all.

“Of course it refers to people like me, mutants, or abilities. Anyway, we are all fellows no matter what we call them.” Roddy suddenly felt that there was a kind of stupid stupid girl who became a little loli. Attributes, seeing how she looks dumb now, who can guess is a violent elder sister who can just talk to Wolverine.

  Rodi stretched out his palm, a cold air emerged from his palm, and finally turned into a crystal clear ice sculpture rose. When Anne reached out and wanted to take it, she saw the silver-gray color of the rose, and the petals were dotted with blue light spots, which was very gorgeous. This rose is mixed with a small amount of thunder metal. Although it has no effect, it can always maintain the starlight.

  Annie couldn’t understand what Rody was saying, she could only look at this special rose with longing eyes. Luodi smiled and inserted roses in Anne’s hair. As the only child for so many years, he suddenly felt that it was not bad to have such a cute younger sister.

   “Come on, let’s go to save our compatriots together.” Roddy took Annie’s hand and took her to the wings of death.

  Anne was a little afraid of this cold black robot, but Rody comforted a few words, and Anne put on the steel armor with a little uneasiness.

  Rodi originally thought that letting the dead woman return to freedom would get a strong helper, but she would turn her into a dumb little loli. In this case, taking her into a crisis-ridden base was simply cumbersome, so she had to stay in steel armor.

  Wings of death carried the unconscious William Stryker and walked in front of Roddy. In this dangerous place, Roddy did not dare to take the lead. However, Anne’s memory has not disappeared. She is very familiar with the situation of the entire base, so it is not difficult to enter the base.

   But before stepping a few steps, Rodi met the guard of the base. It’s just that these ordinary people weren’t Roddy’s opponents at all, and their tentacles popped up, smashing all their weapons directly, and then freezing things. Occasionally, there are several special forces with good skills, but they can’t escape Rodi’s mental attack that completely ignores the distance of space.

Rolling all the way forward, led by Annie, Rody soon came to the place where the mutants were imprisoned, but there was a big gap from the hundreds of mutants that Rody There are a lot of blood-stained cages, but most of them are empty, and only about a dozen breathtaking mutants are imprisoned inside.

   “There were a lot of people, but there are fewer and fewer.” Annie said to Roddy.

  Rodi looked at these tortured and unskinned mutants, as well as the blood stains on the empty cage, and could probably imagine how miserable the scene was. At this moment, Rodi’s mood was very heavy.

   “It seems that I’m late, although I can’t change what happened before, but I can change the future.” Rodi said to himself.

  Rodi did not waste time, let the wings of death open the cages one by one, and then give everyone a small amount of healing blood. Although the amount of each person is not large, after treating a dozen people, Roddy still feels weak for a while. Rodi’s self-healing ability can’t be compared with that of Claire. Anne can still see scars on his wounds.

  Although it was a copycat, all the mutants who were imprisoned and tortured regained their vitality after receiving the blood of Roddy. Several mutants with minor injuries have recovered their mobility. It’s just that they have been numb and cringed for a long time, and they all looked at Rodi with their eyes, wondering what’s going on.

  Rodi looked at these hopeful and terrified eyes, and the speech that was originally intended to be full of emotions, only one sentence left at the end: “My compatriots, I will take you home.”


  Ps: Overtime last night to more than nine o’clock, after finishing the chores at home is 11 o’clock, so now only rushed out a chapter, now make up the yesterday’s chapter, and today there are two more.

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