Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 63 - Followers

  Rodi left the base with the surviving mutants and walked on Lake Alcari, which had begun to thaw. The morning light stretched everyone’s shadow very long, and also scattered golden on the white lake.

   This anti-seasonal beauty made these perennial mutants unable to help but marvel, and then cries sounded, one after another. Rodi didn’t comfort anyone, but just waited quietly, waiting for the emotional release of the rest of their lives.

  Ann’s hair ring still carried the shiny blue rose, standing quietly beside Rodi, and then, when Rodi didn’t pay attention, a little closer, then, a little closer.

  Thousand Latiz didn’t cry, but she looked a little sparse. He was stimulated by William Stryker’s drugs, and although he was strengthened to the peak of the third-level mutants, his life was greatly shortened, and his memory was greatly damaged. Rodi’s blood restored him to his normal second-class mutant status, but the memories that had disappeared were difficult to retrieve.

   What is more regrettable is that Qian Latiz traversed the entire base, only found the transformation and debugging process he had received, but found nothing in his life experience.

   “Raz, are you going to leave with me?” Roddy asked with some expectation.

Although Qian Latiz has dropped from the new level to a second-class mutant, but Roddy has seen his super form, if he meets Roddy, a freak with multiple abilities, it is estimated that he can hang most of them. stranger. Rodi is definitely not too much of such a teammate with powerful and unlimited potential.

   “I have forgotten who I am, it is estimated that it is difficult to retrieve my memory. Since God arranged for you to rescue me, I will go with you.” Qian Latiz replied.

   “God… It seems that Uncle Rael’s missionary work is going smoothly.” Roddy said with a little cry.

   This uncle Rael full name Ferreg Rael is the devout old man. Along the way, he kept preaching to the crowd, saying that Roddy was the messenger sent by God to save these suffering believers. This kind of far-fetched argument has been accepted by most people, and now it seems that Qian Latiz also believes this set of arguments.

   Ferreg Rael has the ability to change into various animals, but it must be the animal he touched. At this time Ferreg Rael changed into a giant ape, carrying several young mutant children on his back.

   But in any case, with the joining of Qian Latiz, Rodi is still very happy.

When everyone’s emotions were about to vent, Rodi said to everyone: “I’m Rodi Stark, and I’m building a mutant company to protect our countrymen from unfair treatment. If If you want to join, you can leave with me. If you want to go home, I will try to make it as convenient as possible.”

Annie, Qian Latiz, and Ferreg Rael immediately indicated that they were willing to follow Roddy and join the Shenluo company, while most of the other variants were willing to join. There are only two because there are family members in Canada, so there is no direct Join Shenluo Company. But Roddy didn’t care, leaving the two with contact details and a $200,000 credit card to let them leave.

  Under Annie’s direction, Roddy found William Stryker’s private plane. Although the seat was not enough, a little squeeze could barely bring everyone.

  This thrilling adventure made Rodi’s utilitarian heart dissipate a lot, and the will to strive for the liberation of the mutants was firmer. In Rody’s view, this is true growth, which is more important than the ability level increase.

   But speaking of the power level, it makes Rody a little depressed. After absorbing the power of Qian Latiz, Rody has the ability to summon thunder and lightning, but only maintains the strength of the first-level mutants.

   In the past, the ability to absorb power was able to directly reach the second level, which is the same as the level of mental power. This time, Roddy felt that his ability to copy the power began to appear bottleneck.

  Counting the abilities Rody possesses, mental attack, mind reading, slow vision, mental tentacles, mental scanning, hypnosis, and memory modification can all be classified as telepathic abilities. Invisibility, metallization, freezing, self-healing, figuration, power shielding, and lightning power are all independent.

  Rody recalled all the details of the initial awakening ability until now, and he found that most of the abilities are improved with the increase of telepathic ability, or that the improvement of other abilities is restricted by the strength of mental power. In addition to the freezing power of the Omega level, this ability is not only not restricted by the strength of mental power, but also greatly improved Rody’s mental power at the time of absorption.

   The lightning ability that I just got was suppressed to the level of a first-class mutant. Roddy felt that the more ordinary abilities he possessed, the slower his progress in mental power; while the spiritual power could not be broken, the growth of other abilities would also be suppressed; this is a vicious circle.

   “It seems that in a short period of time, I can no longer absorb other abilities, or what year and month will I become a fourth-level mutant?” Roddy thought a little bit depressed. The only thing that can be done now is the ability to exercise one’s own mental strength and break through to the strength of the tertiary mutant as soon as possible.

“By the way, I also have the ability to visualize tattoos, but this is an amazing ability to win. I have to think about what I want to tattoo?” Roddy took this idea to sleep, UU reading www.uukanshu. The fact that com piloted the plane allowed Jarvis to control the death wing instead.

  When Rody woke up, the plane had landed at New York Airport.

   returned to his home court, many things do not need Rody to care about, a phone call Stark enterprise can arrange everything for Rody. Not to mention the identification of more than a dozen individuals, even a hundred terrorists, Stark Enterprises can arrange it.

   Soon afterwards, the Shenluo Biotechnology Company was established in a low-key manner. Rodi and all the fellow mutants formally moved into this renovated corporate building.

  More than ten floors are staff dormitories, and below ten floors are various research laboratories. The largest one is the tenth floor, which is completely designed according to Michael’s requirements, mainly to serve the Sky Eye system.

  The first batch of people stayed with 18 people, except for the Indian genetics doctor Mohand, all others were mutants.

After the prototype of the company was completed, Rodi appointed Matt with mind reading as the personnel department manager, and handed him the task of recruiting mutants; and Mohand continued to bury himself in his laboratory, continuing his father’s Research.

  As for the others, Rodi has not arranged a specific position for the time being, just let them rest for a period of time to dilute the sad memories of these years. Annie volunteered to become Roddy’s little secretary and took care of all the company’s business.

   This is to thank William Stryker for compulsory training, so that the little loli, Annie, has acquired the ability beyond the battle. But Rody’s pastimes didn’t take long, and a letter from Stark’s company upset him.

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