Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 97 - This bug is really ugly

   “WiFi, your sister!” Roddy was almost spitting blood at this sentence.

   “The two tentacle-like organs on your head are just to connect to WiFi? It might as well be cut directly into a horn, at least it looks more like a dragon!” Roddy scolded.

   This self-proclaimed dragon-like gecko creature was disdainfully said by Rodi: “Huh, the wisdom of mortals, let you see Lord Luo Fei’s ability.”

   I saw Lord Luo Fei’s two tentacles shining indefinitely, and the original disgusting fleshy tentacles were a little more magnificent.

  Rodi felt that the phone was ringing, and quickly took it out for a look, which showed that dozens of video files were downloaded. Roddy clicked in and saw that it was all love action movies, and all the island countries in Europe and America have it.

   “See? I just stole that person’s WiFi, and hundreds of G resources were downloaded instantly.” Lord Luo Fei came to praise my expression.

   “Oh, I should have strangled you directly when you were born.” Roddy really regretted his decision, and chatting with this geek than gecko is really more exhausting than fighting Magneto.

  Rodi endured Lord Luo Fei’s nagging all the way, and was eventually forced to block the guy’s mouth with expensive bluefin tuna. Otherwise, Rodi would be annoyed by him before returning to school.

   “Rody, you have a bug on your shoulder!” This is John’s first sentence after seeing Rody.

   “What a worm?! It’s a dragon! My master is a dragon! You ignorant M!” Lord Luo Fei once again exerted the power of his big voice, scaring John to cover his ears.

   “Cool! This bug can talk!” John is completely right. Lord Luo Fei is a special pet.

   Lord Luo Fei: “…”

  Rodi could not help smiling and said, “Don’t worry about him, is the professor in the office?”

   “Should be here, Roddy, where is your pet, can you get me one?” John stared at Lord Luo Fei with glowing eyes and asked.

   “Let’s go back.” Roddy couldn’t wait to give Lord Luo Fei to John immediately, but it is estimated that within three days John was eaten directly without being poor.

  Rodi didn’t go far and met Scott, the laser eye.

   “Rody, don’t move, you have a snake on your shoulder!” Scott’s finger was already pressed on the launch button of the blindfold. If he wasn’t afraid of inadvertently injuring Roddy, it would have been a laser.

   “Laozi is a dragon! Not a snake!” Lord Luo Fei raised four middle fingers at Scott. Yes, four. Our Lord Luo Fei has four paws.

   Scott: “…”

  Rodi can only explain that this is his pet.

  Scott didn’t say anything, but looking at his expression, he must have said in his heart: “You really taste!”

   Lord Luo Fei can’t calm down, disregarding Luo Di’s tear off a piece of his clothes, spitting a line of words on his white cloth with his saliva-Lord Luo Fei is a noble and beautiful dragon! Not a bug, not a snake, nor a gecko!

  Rodi watched him hang this fabric in front of him, and he felt a sense of shame to find a hole in it. What kind of exotic creature is this, is it really bred from your own memory? That being said, do you even have a very hidden nature of teasing?

   This association made Rodi shudder, so he could run quickly to Professor X’s office. With a pet with such a high degree of shame, Roddy really didn’t want to meet any acquaintances.

  But in front of Professor X’s office, Barbie, Little Naughty, Phantom Cat, Auroro and Logan all met in one go.

   “Rody, on your shoulder…” Barbie was about to speak, and he saw Lord Luo Fei shaking the rag like a wave.

   Lord Luo Fei was delighted to see that Barbie was about to say the long-awaited word of dragon, but heard Logan insert: “This bug looks really ugly.”

   As soon as these words came out, the emerald green scales on Lord Luo Fei’s body turned off-white, just like Jing Qi Shen was completely pumped away, and hung on Rodi’s shoulders.

   Several ladies were a little bit resistant to insects, geckos, snakes, etc., but they couldn’t help laughing when they saw Lord Luo Fei’s death.

   Roddy was embarrassed to hide his face, but Professor X was in the office, so he had to make a haha ​​and rushed into the office after a few words.

Professor   X is also very interested in Lord Luo Fei, but this mutant leader did not make Roddy embarrassed, but asked the origin of Lord Luo Fei curiously and changed the topic to the topic.

   “Palladium has been brought back, and then all we have to do now is wait?” Roddy asked Professor X.

“Eric has got the news, he is just a few days away from the summit, and he will definitely take action.” Professor X did not elaborate on how the news was released, and has been fighting Magneto for so many years, Naturally, the two major forces have their own cards.

  Rodi did not ask the details. Since Professor X said that Magneto already knew that it would certainly not go wrong on such an important issue. Roddy just had to think about how to deal with Magneto’s attack.

  As the summit meeting of multiple heads of state approaches, the atmosphere of preparation for war in the school becomes stronger and stronger. Professor X arranged all the children who were unable to fight in a safe place, and the whole school was already in a state of martial law.

  Forty-eight hours before the summit, the long-awaited attack finally came. The school gate was directly broken by a majestic figure, and then several walls were easily broken like paper paste. UU reading

   “It’s a red tank!” Roddy couldn’t use the telepathic ability to read the coming person’s thinking, because he also wore a helmet that could shield mental power on his head.

   “I will deal with him.” Barbie volunteered that after so long training, he also had the confidence to face the red tank alone.

  Everyone knows about Barbie’s ability. There will be no danger in the face of the Red Tank, even if it is defeated, and the freezing ability is the best way to delay the Red Tank’s ability to charge. Although no one spoke, everyone agreed to the game.

  As Barbie’s fighting spirit flourished, Rody said, “My friends, have you made a mistake? This is not a heads-up battle in the Roman War. Why one-on-one?”

“My suggestion is Barbie, Scott, and Logan. The three will kill him at the fastest speed. The others will not move for a while, and Magneto will never let a red tank out to die. Preparation.”

   Most of the mutants have personal heroism, which is the pride that their talents bring, and even Magneto cannot avoid it. Roddy is a special case. In his eyes, power is no different from advanced weapons and equipment, so he is more suitable as a leader than others.

   “Rody is right. Everyone listens to his command in this battle.” Professor X is very satisfied with the performance of his chosen heir. It may not take long for Rodi to stand alone.

  But unlike Professor X’s mood, Rody always felt a kind of uneasiness shrouded in his heart, and it became more and more obvious as time went on.

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