Marvel Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 155: “A Powerful Wizard”

On the third floor of the Hotel.

Jerry gently opened his eyes as he lay on the bed, pulled out his pocket watch, and look at the time. It was precisely midnight at twelve. He stood up and removed the quilt before donning the wizard robe. His entire body instantaneously changed from a young boy to a middle-aged uncle in his forties after he chanted a spell in his mouth.

He was utilizing the Transformation Spell from the Morganian book at the moment.

Jerry doesn’t care about the Quidditch game because he already knows the result. How could he leave France empty-handed after coming here and doing nothing?

It was challenging for him to accomplish many things in England because of the Ministry of Magic’s oversight. But once he landed in France, the British Ministry of Magic’s oversight would inevitably dissolve, so he no longer had to worry about a lot of things.

“Wingardium Leviosa” He leaped out the window, applied a Levitation Charm to himself, and landed on the ground like a feather.

Jerry changed into an adult wizard, put away his wand, put on his wristband, and started walking down the street.

This street appears to be far larger than Diagon Alley in all of London, England. Due to the abundance of magic restaurants with elaborately decorated interiors, there are also a lot of magic shops on both sides.

Jerry didn’t care that it was already late at night or that there weren’t many wizards out and about. He moved quite deliberately in the direction of a bar that was still clearly lit from the street.

As in most cities, the wizarding world features both legal and illegal underground trading venues in some locations.

Wizards have gathered in Knockturn Alley and Diagon Alley in London, respectively. There are magic shops on this street, as well as a nightly gathering place for an underground exchange.

At the end of this street, directly beneath the brightly illuminated pub, is where you can find the French Underground Exchange. As Jerry checked into the hotel in the afternoon, he overheard it with his good hearing, which is how he came to know about it.

Because of this, as soon as he arrived at the hotel in the afternoon, he went to a nearby wizarding bank to withdraw his entire two-month income of 1,000 Galleons.

Because they provide some vile magic books, extremely deadly potions, or outlawed dark magic goods, the underground exchange trades some items that were forbidden by the Ministry of Magic’s order.

Perhaps one of them has what he requires.

Down the stairs to the bar’s entrance. An image of a French witch dancing in a long skirt is painted on the wooden door. The witch to cease dancing and asked Jerry, “Password?”

“Romance never goes out of style.” Jerry answer with his not so good French.

Jerry, who is actively learning a number of languages, heard the French wizard reveal the bar’s password.

As a wizard, you must also become fluent in the local tongue of every nation you visit. Powerful wizards may even speak the languages of goblins, mermaids, giants, trolls, centaurs, and other species.

Jerry is able to sharpen the mind and has what is known as a photographic memory. In terms of studying languages, he still has an advantage. He simply hasn’t had much practice with it, which is why it sounds less natural when he says it.

The witch in the portrait gave Jerry a kiss when she realized the password was correct, and the wooden door unlocked.

Jerry entered the bar and observed a scene that was entirely different from that of the Leaky Cauldron after stepping through the wooden door.

This bar is unquestionably bigger and livelier than the Leaky Cauldron, which is tiny and dim. Not only are there witches singing, but there is also a lovely banshee dancing. In addition to wizards, other races including goblins, vampires, and hags are also present at the table.

Even at the bar, a house elf is creating beverages.

Jerry gave the bar a quick glance before heading straight for the stairs leading to the second basement floor. Wizards congregate at the bar and trade goods in the lower level.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before, stranger.” A wizard with a wand barred Jerry’s path just as he approached the steps.

“I’m from London. I’m came here and take a look because I’ve heard you can get some quality magic stuff here. What’s the problem?” Jerry smiled as he raised an eyebrow at the French wizard in front of him.

“Unknown wizards are not welcome here, I suggest you to stay on the first floor.” the French wizard said, raising his wand and mocking Jerry’s inept French.

“Interesting. Is it forbidden for me to spend my money here?”

Jerry smiled, and without pulling out his wand, he snapped his fingers softly with his right hand, and the wand in the hand of the French wizard immediately flew out of his hand.

“I apologize, but I don’t enjoy it when people stop me or point wands at me. I’m hoping you’ll comprehend.” Sometimes being rough is required for this kind of clandestine encounter. They might be hesitant to underestimate you as a result.

“Casting spells without a wand and in silence?” The French wizard was surprised to see that Jerry didn’t pull out his wand but instead simply snapped his fingers and knocked it away.

It takes a certain level of talent to silently cast spells without the use of a wand. A spell can only be cast without a wand or through the chanting of a spell by a wizard is something that’s not easy to do.

He merely snapped his fingers at the moment, and his wand sprang out. He obviously cast a Disarming Charm on him using the wandless magic.

“I apologize for misunderstanding you, but feel free to enter and take a seat.” The French wizard’s attitude quickly shifted 180 degrees as he realized that he is undoubtedly a strong wizard. He gestured to Jerry and swiftly went aside.

A strange wizard from another country is obviously not allowed in the underground exchange without a recommendation from a friend. But if this wizard is strong enough, that’s a different matter.

Even if the wizards that operate in secret must have a history, they are unwilling to anger those strong wizards. That will be problematic if they start a fight and draw Aurors.

Jerry observed this but said little other than to nod and proceed calmly. Of course, Jerry is currently unable to cast spells silently without a wand.

To give the impression that he used the Disarming Charm silently and without a wand, he wears a wristband that has effects similar to a magic wand and performs some magic secretly.

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