Marvel: I can summon heroes from League of Legends

Chapter 41. Loki’s Arrival

"I am no longer the prince of Asgard. I cannot lift Mjolnir and have lost the right to be the God of Thunder. My father has disowned me."

Thor spoke with a heavy heart, his clothes stained with mud, and under the pouring rain, he looked nothing like the hero from the realm of gods. If his comrades saw him in this state, they wouldn't believe their eyes.

Noah, looking at the defeated Thor, thought to himself: Should I comfort him? This really isn't my job.

Waving his hand, he expanded the magical shield above his head to cover Thor as well. Unlike Thor, Noah wasn't wet, having protected himself from the rain with magic.

"Thor, come here. Your friend is waiting for you," Noah said.

Hearing these words, Thor perked up a little. A friend? He remembered Jane. Jane was out in the rain, but Noah said she was here, waiting for him?


At that moment, a concerned voice called out, and Thor turned around to see Jane running towards him, rushing past the agents.

Running across the muddy ground, Jane hurried to him, alarmed by his appearance. Seeing the woman who cared so much for him, Thor felt a bit better.

"Thor, are you okay?" Jane asked, brushing his hair away from his face.

"Jane, I'm fine. I'm sorry," Thor replied, apologizing for not being able to show her his best side and for failing to retrieve her scientific equipment and data, as he had promised.

"It's alright, Thor. Let's get out of the rain," Jane said, taking Thor's hand. She knew standing in the rain was dangerous, but noticed that in the spot where they stood, there was no rain.

Looking up, she saw that it was as if an invisible umbrella shielded them from the raindrops. Only the three of them were protected from the rain. Jane glanced at Noah, thinking it must be his doing. Could he really be a sorcerer, as Thor had said? But that wasn't scientific.

"Let's go warm up with some tea. It's easy to catch a cold in this weather," Noah suggested, noticing Jane's look. He invited them to take shelter and asked an agent to escort them inside.

As Noah finished speaking, he felt a strange energy wave. A smile appeared on his face: he knew a new guest had arrived.

Jane thanked Noah and walked with Thor to a room the agents had prepared especially for him. It wasn't a lab or a workspace but a simple room with white walls, a few beds, and chairs. This room had been temporarily repurposed by Coulson; in the original Thor movie, it had been used to detain Thor.

The rain outside gradually subsided, but the cold, damp air seeped in, and Jane shivered from the chill. As they entered the room, warmth embraced them.

Sitting with Thor on a chair, Jane noticed he was still downcast.

"Thor, wait here. I'll bring you some hot water," Jane said. She decided to get some tea, fearing he might catch a cold after spending so much time in the rain.

As soon as she closed the door, a figure suddenly appeared in the empty room. Thor looked up and saw his brother, Loki.

"Loki, why are you here?"

"I had to see you."

Thor noticed that Loki looked serious and began asking what had happened. Loki informed him that their father, Odin, had died because of all the trouble Thor had caused. Hearing this, Thor paled.

"The burden of the throne now falls upon me."

Loki's words made Thor lift his head and look at him.

"Can I return?" Thor asked hopefully.

"No, the condition for peace with Jotunheim was your eternal exile. Besides, Mother doesn't want you to come back. I came to say goodbye. I'm sorry, brother."

"I'm the one who should apologize. Thank you for coming, brother."

These words broke Thor even further. They said their goodbyes, and as Loki turned away, a triumphant smile crossed his face. He vanished just as the door creaked open.

It was Jane, returning with two cups of hot water. She placed them in front of Thor.

"Thor, what happened? You look even more upset," Jane noticed as she sat next to him.

"It's nothing, Jane. Let's leave here as soon as I've had some rest," Thor replied, trying to smile to keep her from worrying, and took a sip of the hot water she had brought.

"Alright, whenever you're feeling better, we'll go."

"I'm sorry, Jane. I'm afraid I won't be able to return your equipment anymore," Thor said regretfully. He had been confident that after retrieving the hammer, he could convince S.H.I.E.L.D. to return Jane's things, but now, unable to even lift the hammer, he felt ashamed for not fulfilling his promise.

"It's alright, Thor," Jane reassured him. Though she wanted her equipment back, she understood that now wasn't the time to focus on that.

As they talked, Loki, who had recently disappeared, hadn't gone far. He made his way to Mjolnir.

Looking at the hammer, Loki thought about how this artifact had allowed Thor to outshine him all these years, earning the admiration and love of the people. He had always envied that and longed for recognition. If he could lift the hammer, he would gain the same power and love as his brother. He reached out and grabbed the handle.

But the hammer didn't budge, remaining firmly in the ground. After several attempts to lift it, Loki realized he couldn't and, in his frustration, let go.

"Mjolnir can only be lifted by those who are worthy," a voice came from behind him.

Loki turned around and saw a man who, it seemed, could see him despite his invisibility.

"Are you speaking to me, mortal?" Loki sneered, his voice laced with menace.

"Who else, prince of Asgard?" Noah replied, stepping closer, positioning himself on the opposite side of the crater.

"Watch your tongue, mortal of Midgard. I am now the King of Asgard, which means I am your king as well," Loki pulled out a dagger, holding it at the ready.

"People don't need such feudal relics, and I don't consider you worthy of the Asgardian crown. In my opinion, your brother is a better fit," Noah replied, knowing that the comparison with Thor would enrage Loki.

As expected, Loki's face twisted with fury, but then he smirked.

"You will see soon enough if I am worthy," he said, casting a green flash toward Noah.

However, the effect Loki expected did not occur. The dagger was stopped, caught between Noah's fingers.

Noah dropped the dagger to the ground and, looking at Loki with a mocking smile, said, "Is that all?"

"I see you're no ordinary mortal," Loki smirked back. Green magic gleamed in his hands as he fired two magical blasts toward Noah.

Noah stretched out his hand, and the magical blasts halted in midair before him. Clenching his fist, he dissipated the magic, letting it fade into the wind. He didn't lower his hand, bending his ring and pinky fingers while extending his index and middle fingers forward. With a motion, two blades of wind sliced through the air toward Loki.

Loki's face contorted, but he managed to shift out of the way, narrowly dodging the attack. The wind cut through iron bars, leaving clean, sharp edges, causing nearby agents to alert others over the radio.

Realizing that his surprise attack had failed, Loki understood that this opponent was no simple man. With a smirk, he said:

"Impressive, mortal. If you kneel before me now, I may show mercy and spare you."

Loki raised his hands, looking at Noah with arrogance. At the same time, the shadows from the buildings behind Noah began to shift, forming silhouettes of Loki quietly creeping toward him.


A loud thud echoed as Noah's magic spread into the ground, kicking up dust and scattering the shadows.

"Is that all you can do, King of Asgard? Cheap tricks?" Noah said, breaking Loki's spell. He then drew an electric blade, known as Statikk Shiv.

Noah raised the blade, pointing it forward. Lightning surged from the weapon, striking Loki, causing him to convulse and shimmer with electric sparks.

The lightning didn't last long, its power dampened by Loki's magic and resilience, as well as Noah holding back his full strength.

"Damn you! How dare you attack me with lightning!" Loki roared as he regained his composure. He was enraged, as he despised lightning above all else. Such an insult was unforgivable for the great king of Asgard!

Loki altered his form, creating nine clones. The area became crowded with so many Lokis.

"Now, mortal, how will you handle this? Can you tell which one is real?" All nine Lokis approached Noah, brandishing magical daggers.

Noah stepped back, avoiding the strike of one Loki, and directed his blade at one of the duplicates. It vanished. He then conjured a protective shield (Resolve Rune) to block the blows of two other Lokis. He quickly realized that Loki's clones could deal damage, indicating they were somewhat real.

The remaining Lokis threw their daggers at Noah and immediately summoned new ones, continuing the assault. The daggers, laced with green magic, flew at Noah with tremendous speed. But Noah summoned a magical whirlwind (Yasuo's Wind Wall), surrounding himself and deflecting the daggers. The whirlwind then dissipated, transforming into cutting blades, destroying all of Loki's clones.

The field returned to its former quiet state, with only one Loki standing opposite Noah.

"For a mortal, your strength is impressive," Loki, standing still, applauded, smiling.

"And for a god, your power is underwhelming…" Noah began to respond, but then caught Loki's hand as the trickster tried to strike from behind.

The Loki in front of him vanished, and the real Loki appeared behind Noah, his face twisted with rage as he tried to free his hand.

"These are your tricks, God of Mischief? They seem like childish pranks," Noah held Loki's hand firmly. From the beginning, Loki hadn't been able to hide from him. His powerful magic allowed him to sense Loki's presence all along, and he had been toying with him the entire time.

"Let go, mortal! You insult a god!" Loki struggled to break free, using the strength of his Frost Giant blood, but to no avail. Even Captain America couldn't compare to Loki's strength, but Noah, empowered by the Resolve Rune, was even stronger.

"A god? Such a weak god. Now, let's see how you like your favorite electric therapy," Noah raised his hand holding the Statikk Shiv, and the sky clouded over again. Thunder rumbled as a storm front, conjured by Noah's magic, gathered above them.

Loki's face twisted in terror as he sensed the deadly threat of the incoming lightning. His body tensed, instincts screaming of danger. Desperate to escape, he used telekinesis and the strength of his Frost Giant heritage, but it was all in vain. As the lightning was about to strike, Loki shouted:


Far away in Asgard, Heimdall had been carefully observing everything. At first, he had been watching Thor's movements, but then he noticed Loki. This puzzled him, as Loki hadn't requested the activation of the Bifrost to travel to Earth. How had he gotten there? Heimdall remembered the Frost Giants who had breached Asgard under mysterious circumstances.

There was no time to ponder further. As the rightful King of Asgard, Loki could not be allowed to perish on Earth. Heimdall activated the Bifrost, and a brilliant light shot toward Earth.

Noah sensed the approaching power and released Loki, shifting aside with the help of Flash.

Just as Noah moved away, the sky erupted with a bright, seven-colored light that descended upon Loki. When Coulson and the agents finally arrived, they saw only the fading remnants of the rainbow light and the disappearing traces of magic.


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