Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

[49] Minecraft, GOTY award, Setting the Stage, And Miss Hardy?

There's this quote that states, 'Time flies, and so should you.' Humans weren't designed to fly like winged avians, but they could technically achieve flight. Anyway, the quote doesn't have any connection with flight, but instead correlates with time and opportunity.

From the end of summer through the beginning of fresh autumn and finally, to the festivities that come with winter, just like that, four months flew by. And Joe as the surfer of the sea of time, gripped on the opportunities and rode the waves. 

From the moment Joe arrived in this world, he knew that he had to thrive in all facets of his own individuality. Survival wasn't only fixed on the physical sense, but also on financial and personal development. Joe felt he had to leave a mark in the history of gaming. But was one mark truly enough? He was going to usher in the Big Bang—the supernova to redefine everything. 

Joe was on a path of dominance, his vision breaching the confines of time and extending into the promising future. During those four months, Joe with the assistance of Pete, Gwen, and the main supporter, Minerva, had been deeply invested in game development. The Marvel Universe needed the concept of a truly revolutionizing sandbox game. 

So he thought, why not? The gaming community needed something to talk about. The gaming industry, which was stagnating due to a lack of innovation, needed a spark. Minecraft had all that—innovation, infinite possibilities, unpredictability, simple and exciting mechanics. There was no boredom as it catered to all age groups, from the children to the adults. 

Of course, Joe didn't just blatantly copy and paste(technically it's still copyright infringement). He modified the graphics, expanded the world, and brought new features like improved audio-visuals, skins, and next-level textures and shaders. In honor of Minecraft's original creator, Mojang Studio, Joe didn't change its title even in other worlds. He could have tried to be a smart ass and just call it PixelCraft or something like PixelWorks

Joe used the revenue generated from the top-grossing mobile game, Candy Crush Saga, and millions of dollars he had earned from stock market trading to secure a company building in New York City. The company building also had state-of-the-art data centers to smoothly host the influx of players from all over the world. This data center was the main one, with others evenly distributed in regions like Asia and Europe. Of course, America had the most servers. Call it circumstantial favoritism, but the other regions weren't affected by high pings in any way. 

The location he had picked had a low chance of suffering collateral damage in preparation for the upcoming Chitauri invasion. Even if he didn't care that much about money, there was no reason to take on losses from an entrepreneur's perspective. 

Due to his visionary leadership, Joe successfully established the gaming subsidiary corporation, Big Bang Studios, under the banner of Prometheus International. "It was the first step—the foundation for his inevitable rise as a master strategist. Power, a curious thing, was earned little by little, and not in one step. 

Anyway, a few weeks before Minecraft Remastered's launch, it immediately rocked the tech world and left the gamers hyped to the limit. If there was one thing that Joe was a master in, then it would be backhanded marketing strategies. Could it still be called backhanded if he was adept at manipulating social media algorithms? In marketing, anything was fair game. What mattered were the positive results and nothing else. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter— These platforms were connected to billions of users and if you also factored in the influencers, boom, the exposition would be so efficient. 

You would be surprised by how much power the media has. Grasp it and you'd be like a king, easily manipulating a large percentage of the world's population. 

In the history of this world's stagnating gaming culture, there has never been a world-changing game like Minecraft that made you feel like an internet god. You could build anything, play the way you want, and just do whatever shit you think about. 

Within just two months of its launch, Minecraft Remastered became the fastest game ever to be named a contender for the Game of the Year award. 

Big Bang Studios, an upcoming gaming company, alerted the deeply established giants in the gaming industry like Sony, Microsoft, and Sega. To make it worse, the world finally found out that he was the genius behind Candy Crush Saga which was halfway to reaching one billion downloads in just a few months. 

Where did the man behind these bangers crop up from? Why now? And what was his endgame and next moves? But that's something they couldn't predict. The man behind Big Bang Studios was a wild card that couldn't be bought even if when they offered him more money than the market value. As experienced businessmen in the gaming industry, they knew how to smell profit from light years away. And Joe's identity as an independent indie game creator made him look like an easy target. Just how wrong could they get? 

With the patent rights and copyrights firmly in his grasp, who would dare challenge him? 

Week after week, Minecraft continued to generate millions in revenue, even after taxes and expenses. This staggering growth caught the attention of journalists and analysts, sparking discussions about Joe's potential future on the Forbes list. However, what truly stood out to them was Joe's innovative mind. If he maintained this relentless drive, anything seemed possible—perhaps even giving Tony Stark, the most renowned billionaire, a run for his money.

Back to the present, 20th December, 2010, 

New York City, Skyline Theatre. 

Inside the magnificent ballroom oozing with opulence and high nobility, various big wigs from famous tech companies and the gaming industry spiritedly interacted with each other. The fantastical prism lights from the glittering chandelier bathed the room with a mesmerizing glow amidst the ambiance provided by the soul-soothing jazz music playing in the background. 

Joe silently stood far away from the crowd, a modest glass of champagne nestled between his fingers. He was dressed in a classic black tuxedo, smooth as silk and accentuating his masculine, tall frame. His usually messy black hair was now elegantly styled, bringing focus to his dreamy sapphire eyes that could captivate anyone present in the grand ballroom. Even if he didn't want to admit it, it seems the surreptitious feminine glances on him won't stop anytime soon. 

A thin smile, hidden by the rim of the champagne glass, formed on Joe's lips as he felt sorry for the eager women who couldn't hide their blatant desires.

Well, there was a deterrent force beside him that repelled the foxy vixens away. It was a certain beautiful young woman who had insisted on accompanying him. The reason she gave was that she liked adventure. She wanted to experience the world of nobility and gain some aristocratic etiquette along the way. Joe had laughed it off and just allowed her to do whatever she wanted.

There was no reason to deny her some fun. 

Gwen also didn't fall behind in terms of grabbing the attention of others. She wore a glittering, champagne-colored gown with a daring neckline that highlighted her long, sunkissed blonde hair and immaculate back. The silver necklace on her graceful neck subtly shimmered under the warm glow of the overhead lights. Her pink lips were eye-catching tonight, subtly beautified by moderate nude lipstick. 

Gwen was simply killing it! Slaying left and right, and leaving corpses in her wake. 

Everything felt like a dream to Joe. In just a few months, he had gone from nothing to something. Who could believe that he was now dining with influential entrepreneurs and puppeteers of the tech world? In his previous life, he was just a commoner, nothing special except for his stunning looks. However, his current status is different. He was steadily growing toward what he envisioned. Earthly benefits were never satisfactory. He yearned for so much more as the world he was in offered endless possibilities just like the world of Minecraft

"What made you smile like that? Don't you know it's unfair?" Gwen suddenly questioned him, curiosity showing in her pale blue eyes. 

Joe inhaled the scented air of luxury and sighed emotionally. "Just thinking about my journey." 

He carefully put the empty champagne glass on the silver tray skillfully carried by a waiter. Joe then squarely gazed at Gwen and continued, " What do you mean by 'unfair'?" 

Gwen sighed helplessly before moving closer, effortlessly bridging the gap between them. Her natural fragrant scent wafted into Joe's nose, making him feel lightheaded for a second. 

"See that chick, at your 3 O'clock? Don't make it obvious," Gwen directed him with her eyes. 

Joe did the same, and his sapphire-blue eyes clashed with mischievous green ones that reminded him of a mysterious stray feline.

The woman had long, flowing silver hair, reminiscent of enchanting moonlight. She wore a silky black dress with a high slit, exposing her long, strong legs and well-endowed figure. She exuded a high level of womanly confidence, evident in how most men couldn't help but steal glances at her. Some even hovered around her like loyal puppets. Suddenly, the woman winked at him and smiled meaningfully. She then briefly studied Gwen, her smile fading in the process, before minding her own business.

Gwen felt unsettled by the silent interaction, her unease growing. She already disliked the flirtatious woman, sensing something off about her, like a dark undercurrent just beneath the surface.

"The way she smiled and winked at you... ew, do you know her?" Gwen's nose wrinkled in distaste, her voice dripping with disbelief as she deeply furrowed her brows. 

Joe shook his head, his face expressionless. "I've never met her." 

Gwen narrowed her eyes in doubt. "Why do I suddenly feel tricked?" 

"Hmm, okay. Suit yourself," Joe said, dropping the topic. How could he not see that Gwen was jealous? No matter how hard she tried, she was never good at hiding her emotions.

"Hmph!" Gwen pouted, her head turned to the side, making her look extremely adorable. 

A subtle smile played on his tantalizing lips, an interesting glint glowing inside his eyes. 

He mused softly, 'Well, well, I didn't expect to see the cat strolling around. A cat without an owner is certainly a dangerous one. People are about to lose some valuables.'
'I hope you don't make a mess, Miss Hardy.'

As the lights in the room dimmed, the gaming award ceremony began. A tall, charismatic, bald middle-aged man ascended the high platform, his powerful and memorable voice greeting the audience. Behind him, the massive screen came to life, showcasing the nominated games, their visuals enhanced by the melodious symphony playing in the background.

Joe didn't know what awards Minecraft was going to take home. But he had a feeling that the game was going to give him outstanding results. And the most shocking thing in the history of the ceremony happened... 

Best Indie Game - Minecraft 

Other games...

Best Creative Game - Minecraft

Other games' awards…

Best uprising company - Big Bang Studios

And finally...

Game of the Year — Minecraft. 

The series of electrifying events culminated in thunderous applause as the spotlight fell on Joe Petersen, the rising star.

Joe smiled inwardly, mentally pumping his fists as he walked onto the stage.

The moment to rise and shine had arrived. After the emcee shook his hand and presented him with the award amidst the constant flash of cameras, Joe delivered a brief but heartfelt speech about his journey. He made sure to give credit where it was due, causing Gwen to blush and smile with satisfaction in her seat. As for Peter... well, there wasn't much to say. He couldn't attend—he needed his daily dose of 'herogasm'

At the end of his speech, Joe said a few words that left a lasting impact on the hearts of those present.

"This is only an appetizer. The main dishes are still being cooked. Wait to be served!" 

He was a Michelin cook and like dough, the gaming industry was going to be molded to his own making. (A|N: Ah, let him cook)


Enjoy 15 chapters ahead if you like the cook:

[Word Count 2048]

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