Marvel: I Need A New Body

12. Shit Escalated Too Far

"Sire, the news I am bearing is a cause of great annoyance and infuriation," Jerry said with a deep scowl on his face and a tone tinged with shame.

Thanos raised his brows, it certainly was rare to see Maw this irritated.

The Titan walked down his throne, giving a pat on Maw's shoulder, he continued striding ahead, "Come, my Child, tell me about it as we stroll."

Nodding sincerely, Jerry followed after his father.

"It is the High Evolutionary, Sire. And I ask for forgiveness for being unable to find out about this sooner." Jerry sighed, adding another layer of build-up.

"I see," Thanos responded, unlike Jerry who acted ashamed while hiding his anger, he was calm and somewhat amused.

"That mongrel, as everyone knows has created many intergalactic species. And even though it was an increase in the population, those species were highly advanced, had total control over their population, and even required less sustenance." Jerry began, his eyes peeled on Thanos for any shift in expression.

"High Evolutionary had told us that given time, he would be able to implant those characteristics to all the species in the universe, that's why until now we had let him be."

"However, for the past decade, he is adamant about wasting the universe's resources for his personal dream project. He calls it The Counter-Earth. Yes, Sire, his inspiration is the very same planet that managed to defeat Loki and push back OUR invasive forces, a few months back."

Jerry elaborated on how much resources High Evolutionary had wasted on his silly dream project, how he has been filling empty planets with useless experimental species and soon after, blowing a whole healthy and inhabitable planet, just to clear the mess he creates.

This cycle has been going on and on for more than two decades. High Evolutionary knew that his actions would offend Thanos, and yet, he continued. And the irritating thing was that he was successful in not letting the news of his activities reach Thanos.

However, since Jerry already knew about it, he just had to guide the information brokers to accidently stumble on this piece of information and then dig deeper eventually passing the whole data on his secret activities.

"Even if High Evolutionary, in the past, has proven to be a fair ally to our cause, providing high-grade cybernetic implants and technology for genetic enhancements; we can't let his treacherous actions pass."

"He thinks he has bought us with his frugal bribes. He needs to bear the consequences of his actions... And with your permission, Sire, I was planning to give him a firm demonstration of the outcomes." Jerry finished, kneeling at the end of his speech.

They have strolled to the most intimidating segment of the ship, the barracks. From one of the bridges, Thanos gazed at his formidable army as Jerry kneeled beside him.

"How much our forces will you be needing, Maw?" Thanos asked.

"For warning that Mongrel? A bare minimum, a single Q-ship." Jerry replied looking at Thanos' face, still kneeling.

"Take a Mothership... The universe isn't his sandbox, and he is no god to play with it. Engrave the consequences of his transgressions into his every cell. Set an example, Maw." Thanos snorted, his tone was laced with anger.

Indeed, Thanos was angry. Thanos's destiny is to save the universe, even if his acts are scorned by others, and even if he was called a Mad Man for his ideology.

Thanos can't have all the planets suffer the same fate as his, he must save the universe. He needs to instill balance across the universe, and balance comes from order. And how can he instill that balance when the order is broken by a man affiliated with him?

High Evolutionary needs to pay. And the price shall be his blood.

'Welp, the shit has escalated to far... I guess I sparked Thanos a bit too much, eh... Sorry, High Evolutionary...' Jerry mused.

Originally, Jerry had just planned to warn the High Evolutionary, confiscate all his toys, and leave. However, now he needs to kill him for good. It was better this way anyway.

'I guess, we won't have G.O.T.G vol.3 in this reality.'

Also, it was good that Thanos let him handle this matter on his own, or else, Jerry would have to beg him for that. He already had an excuse for that matter. He would say that it was a matter of pride and redemption for his failure of not getting this information any sooner.

That's why he began with that apologetic and irritated tone in the first place. So, it wouldn't be odd when he begs to handle this on his own.

Anyway, it was good that convincing Thanos went without any hitch.

Everything after convincing Thanos went smoothly, it took him three days to prepare for the next mission. It took him a bit longer to prepare due to the change of plans. And if it goes right, then he even might end having a whole mothership of his own and not just a Q-Ship.

When a single Q-Ship could best the whole Wakandan army, trouble the likes of Captain America and Black Panther along with most of the Avengers. Then imagine the destruction by a mothership which could hold hundreds of times more numbers than a Q-Ship.

The first day was dedicated to refueling and loading the army along with all his illegal purchases onto the Chitauri Mothership that he'd be using in this mission, including the still dismantled stealth ship.

Obviously, the illegal stuff loading things was done without letting Thanos know. His trust in Maw made things easier.

The next day, Nebula came barging in as Jerry was doing the preparations. She wanted to tag along too, to punish the mutt who offended Thanos.

Well, she just wanted to compete with Gamora. The fact that he'd be taking Gamora in this mission wasn't a secret, after all.

However, Jerry returned her after telling her that he had no use for "waste parts".

The third day wasn't really eventful, he just simulated the battle plan a few times and waited as the army prepared.

After three days of preparations, Jerry left the home base in the Chitauri mothership. With Gamora, of course.

"So, has it begun?" Gamora asked Jerry who was busy fiddling with the holographic screens in the Chitauri Mothership's command center.

Jerry looked back with a small smile. "Yes, it's already in motion. This mission will be your last one."

"What will you be doing after this? After gaining freedom, I mean...", Gamora asked as she stood beside him, reading the screen he was fiddling with.

Jerry exhaled, "I already have a purpose, I'll just do what it takes to make it a reality..."

Gamora snorted, "You mean... to save the universe with a method that's more efficient than Father's? Tell me, why's everyone around me is so hellbent on SAVING the universe?"

Jerry took a pause and raised his brows, 'I can't believe I'm gonna say Chris Pratt's line.'

"Because I live in it." Jerry said with a small smile, making her roll her eyes. He again begun fiddling with unimportant screens, "Anyway, what about you? What endeavors do you intend to pursue?"

"Well..." Gamora folded her arms under her breasts.

As they talked about life, philosophy, their respective ideologies, and other unimportant things, Gamora came to realize that maybe Ebony Maw wasn't that bad.

This was the first time that she had such a long conversation with Maw which wasn't related to mission and she couldn't help but change her views about the man.

To her, he had become something like that strict and formal old man who would teach you the way of life, in his own eccentric way.

[ Counter-Earth ]

[ K20H MW1748P2S + 5M5P0Z4. ]

From one of the viewpoints in the mothership, Jerry gazed at the blue-green planet with swirling whites. It looked exactly like Earth from space.

'How much progress the animal civilization has made, I wonder...'

Well, that doesn't matter.

"Send them!"

On his command, hundreds of thousands of Chitauri Charioteers and Leviathans came out of the mothership and flew toward the planet.

To raze the half of the population to the ground.


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