Marvel: I Need A New Body

17. Does Jerry Has Some Kind Of Unawakened Power?

As Ancient One left without further explanation, leaving Jerry just hanging there, he couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated. He considered that if anyone had the most chance of knowing about the process of soul transfer, it could be her.

And she knew, she definitely knew. At least her message told him she did.

'Can't these people just use direct language?' He groaned, 'Why do they have to make everything sound so cryptic, mysterious, and profound?'

'What did the baldy mean?' Jerry frowned, "What I need to help myself is already within me?"

"This is not Kung Fu Panda!"

He sighed, it was no use getting frustrated. He knew that these kind of people do these kinds of things for some greater good shit anyway. 

He was more frustrated at the fact that his biggest hope of help had refused to offer anything more than just a cryptic message.

"Well, at least there does exist a way..." A smile formed on his wrinkled face at that optimistic thought, "I was afraid that plastic surgery would be my last option."

But, a  simple appearance change wouldn't resolve his core issue - being inside this old body.

Apparently, even his regeneration implants couldn't keep up with the adversities of old age. And he had gotten a reminder of it in the previous month when his back pain returned. Though it came at a lot bearable degree than last time. 

However, the regeneration implants found themselves unable to keep up with whatever causing his back pain, and now he needs to take some medications at routine intervals. It was a species-specific genetic ailment and will worsen as years pass. 

Maw's body was already living past its species' lifespan by a large margin due to the numerous genetic enhancements he performed on himself, however, there was a limit. He suspects that he has about 60 to 90 years before his body dies of old age. 

It was a lot of time, true. But after, maybe around 30 or so years from now, regeneration implants would have no effect on his body and he wouldn't even have the strength to move on his own. Even using his fraction of telekinetic powers would cause him agonizing headaches.

Aging is a natural and normal phenomenon. No one should fear it. But no one wants it either. Moreso, when aging old causes suffering, like in his case, where the suffering has already started.

Jerry is adamant about getting a new body. He might have considered moving on or making a compromise if there truly wasn't any option left for him. 

However, when he is in a universe like this where anything is possible, then he would look to the end of the world to find a way to get what he wants. 

This brought him back to the hint that Ancient One provided him with, he recited her exact words again.

"No mortal, including me, or gods of any pantheon can help you with that..." 

'This must mean exactly what it said, no one on human, mutant, or even Odin can help me with soul transfer...'

"And you don't even need anyone's help..." 

"Fine, I'll do it myself.", he said to himself imitating Thanos's voice.

"What you need to help yourself is already within you." 

'Hmm. Did she mean I have some kind of hidden power? It's impossible. I am transmigrated to another universe, anything is possible... but other than telekinesis, I don't remember having any other power...'

Jerry began his musings and even tried invoking his imaginary skills but nothing happened. He tried a bunch of stuff to invoke his hidden power but none of them worked.

After a while, he concluded that whatever possible cheat skill he had, it possibly needed some condition to meet to awaken, if he had it, that is. He hopes the condition isn't some kind of near-death situation like most anime protagonist's cases.

'Wait, fuck! I haven't said THOSE WORDS YET!!!'





"Sigh... nothing happened, huh...", sighing, he laid his head back on the couch, he was back in his living quarters after the long day of work.

A whole day passed on just information gathering and trying to figure out the heads and tails of Ancient One's words.

'I guess, I should carry on with my own plan then...'

Well, since he couldn't get anything out of Ancient One's hint there was no use getting stuck on it and wasting time. Although, he'll keep on pondering about it.

It will take him quite a bit of time till he figures out a way to transfer his soul to a new body, that didn't involve the help of the soul stone, so why not make a new body in the meantime? 

And also, there is quite a bit of time till 'that' event starts...

'I have Thanos's DNA along with all the members of the Black Order, except for Supergiant's. X-Men exist in this reality so, I want their DNA as well.'

He got Thanos's and Black Order's DNA in Maw's collections and brought them with him. Jerry found from his memories that Maw had received Thanos's DNA to conduct experiments. 

But Maw's elder sister, Supergiant, didn't allow him to experiment with her DNA, and he respected her wish. After all, she was a senior of him, and he couldn't order her around.

'Now, how to obtain the DNA of X-Men...?'

Jerry is powerful, he knows it. However, he's not invincible, he knows that as well. And that's why, he has decided that he won't provoke anyone first, especially, the superHEROES, until he's absolutely sure of his victory. 

But in this case, there was no diplomatic way to obtain their DNA samples.

Even if Jerry were to use his glib tongue, acting skills, and a heart-wrenching story for why he needs their DNA samples.... would they trust an ugly and creepy ass alien with their DNA, more so when the world had faced an alien invasion not too long ago?

Would they risk making an Alien more powerful...? The worst part... would his story even work against Charles Xavier? 

Of course, not, even though Jerry has really powerful mental defenses that Maw had developed and strengthened while training with his Supergiant Nee-San.

Jerry's mental defenses are strong enough to resist most sorts of mind control, mind reading, and other types of mental attacks. But against Charles Xavier's mental probing... he doubts it'll hold for long.

He needed to think of a way that didn't involve an interaction with them, especially, not with the bald Professor.

'I like my brain virgin. It doesn't need to get fucked by Charles.'

"I think, Strucker and Stryker are gonna die..." Jerry sighed, 'It's gonna be a pretty bold move by me if I gotta say. And also my first time killing humans...'

Cursing Jerry sat up on the couch, he couldn't sleep right now. At least not while his mind was in work mode. 

He manipulated his portable terminal and a biodata of the two targeted men was displayed holographically in front of him.

On the left side was William Stryker and on the right was Baron Strucker. 

As he read their files and compared them, he decided on his first target. 

"Baron Strucker it is. I'll get my hands on the Mind Stone."


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