Marvel: I Need A New Body

22. I Need A New Body

Jerry sighed, somewhat regretting his decision to come to the Xavier's. He hadn't even stated his purpose and they're already this hostile.

Jerry didn't expect such things from X-Men, aren't they supposed to be a peaceful bunch?

The ship was hit. A high-intensity laser shot had grazed the ship's left wing, probably the courtesy of Cyclopes. The damage was bearable but the ship's stealth system was disabled.

"How did they even find my ship?" He wondered out loud.

"... A few minutes ago, someone tried to enter my mind." Wanda spoke in a low voice, "I crushed their attempts... brutally. But maybe, it gave away our location..."

"I see," Jerry snorted. 'So, that's the reason for their hostility, huh... Can't fault 'em much, I can imagine Wanda's "brutal"...'

Well, Charles invading someone's mind was inevitable and expected, but this hostility wasn't. Heck, Jerry assumed that if Charles were to read the thoughts of anyone here, then it would make the matter easier as then he would know their purpose.

But unfortunately, Charles made the mistake of invading Wanda's mind first, she didn't take kindly to the intrusion and retaliated in a way that incurred the hostility of the X-Men.

'I can only hope that she didn't kill the baldy.'

'If I had a way of knowing about this in advance, I might even have dropped a letter telling them of my arrival, or maybe told Wanda about the possible intrusion in her mind...'

'Knowing about it in advance, huh...'

Suddenly, it came to him. A place that was better suited for Alice than this mutant school and even safer...

Exhaling and ignoring the incoming mutant attacks on the ship, Jerry immediately turned the ship to a new address.

"Should've taught them a lesson for hitting us first, but eh..." Pietro shrugged.

'If he can make comments like that then his mental health is better than I thought...' Jerry mused.

[177A Bleecker Street]

Knock! Knock!

The door opened, a dark-skinned man emerged from the door and he bowed a bit in courtesy.

It was Mordo.

"Welcome, Mr. Anderson. The Ancient One was expecting you."

Jerry squinted his eyes a bit, 'As All-knowing as ever. That bitch...'

Well, thanks to the fact that Ancient One already knew about everything, everything went smoothly. The bald lady treated Alice really kindly and welcomed her into her sanctum with a warm heart.

But for some reason, she didn't want Jerry and the twins staying longer in the sanctum. She even rejected Jerry when he promptly asked her to teach him that portal magic.

Well, at least she asked him for tea.

The tea was fantastic! It didn't have some otherworldly taste to it, but when he closed his eyes while sipping it, it made him feel like he was standing on his balcony on a rainy day while holding the cup on his hands, smelling and listening to the peaceful drops of the rain... 

The tea wasn't just a beverage, it was an experience. An experience that he would like to try again.

Fortunately, the Ancient One agreed to give him the recipe when he asked her.

While bidding goodbye to Alice, Jerry felt really reluctant to part with her when she hugged his legs. But well, Jerry steeled his heart, this place was better for her...

Since the ship's stealth system was damaged, Jerry had to postpone his attack on Stryker's base and had to return to the Mothership at Mars for repairs.

It might take a few hours for the Chitauri soldiers to finish the repairs. After Jerry was done allocating the job to the soldiers, he showed the twins to their respective rooms and then went to retire in his own bedroom in the stealth ship.

The next day, after Jerry was done with the morning routine, he walked out of his chamber for a casual stroll but he was soon met with an approaching Wanda.

"Hey," He waved.

"We're hungry." She told him.

"I'll arrange it, you can rest in the lounge area.", he replied like a loyal butler.





"So, is this guy gonna have that goofy mask on his face all the time?" Pietro asked while chewing the juicy alien steak in his mouth.

At first, Jerry had prepared them a light breakfast, but they asked for more and it ended up being a feast sized breakfast. Wanda was already done with her meal but apparently, Pietro had a significantly bigger appetite.

"You have as big of a mouth as your stomach, huh... Well, Pietro, do you wanna see how I look under this mask?" Jerry asked.

Well, they were now somewhat familiar to him and had already accepted the deal, so Jerry decided that it was the right time to reveal his face. Besides, the twins' mission will officially begin once they have witnessed his face...

Pietro and Wanda both nodded simultaneously.

Sighing, Jerry brought his hands to the side of the helmet. Well, even though the helmet could be dismissed with just a tap as it was based on nanotechnology, he slowly removed it for the dramatic reveal.

"What the fuc- blaaarghhh!!!!"

Pietro instantly puked out everything he had eaten till now on the table, while Wanda's reaction was just a surprised wide eye.

"You didn't believe me when I said you didn't want to look what's inside, did you?", Jerry chuckled a bit, it was a self-deprecating chuckle.

Wanda kept opening and closing her mouth as if she was confused about whether to shout, ask questions, or just keep quiet...

Sighing Jerry thought to clear the possible misunderstandings from arising, "Well, just to be clear. This isn't how I originally looked. Let's just say that due to some curse, I ended up in this horrible body..."

Wanda took a deep breath, even in a situation like this she was able to gather her composure really quickly.

She had been wondering about it since yesterday, this guy, Jerry, seemed human and acted human, but his big ship, army, his other massive ship on Mars... none of those made sense for a human.

And now, it turns out that he really wasn't a human... or was he?

His weird appearance, his statement about his appearance, his human name, and his alien assets... none of those made sense.

She wanted to ask questions but she knew that none of that mattered as long as he could help her with her revenge against Stark.

Jerry turned to Wanda, looking straight into her black eyes, "It's about time, you guys know about my mission and the reason why I recruited you..."

"I need a new body." Jerry declared.


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