Marvel: I Need A New Body

41. Gamora Is Coming

"Isn't this happening rather quickly? I thought it would take more time..." Pietro said as he snacked on potato chips while Erik handed Wanda the Sokovian military general's uniform.

Wanda was to be appointed as the new general of the army today.

"I agree, I'm quite nervous as well," Wanda said, taking the uniform.

"Don't worry, there isn't much for you to do. You'll receive a medal for your contributions, accept the honors they give you, and then deliver a short speech I've prepared. Just act confident and composed," Erik smiled reassuringly.

Wanda's contribution, her medals, her identity... Everything was already set up with the help of Mind Stone and Wanda's magic. 

With their combined powers, Mind Stone's brainwashing could be made semi-permanent. It was practically unbreakable until the likes of Charles Xavier and Jean Gray didn't meddle.

"But this is all so boring..." Lilja grumbled from beside Pietro. "You said it would be something epic, but so far you've just tapped a glowing stick on men's chests. Is that your fetish or something?" 

"Haha," Erik couldn't help but chuckle lightly at Lilja's frustration, "The epic event will happen at least 4 months later, I'm laying the foundation for that. On Earth, we often have to take a roundabout route. Anyway, till then, Wanda needs some public recognition. Just have some patience, Lily." 

He eyed her narrowly. "And, I have noticed that you have been lazing around with Pietro a lot these days, that tummy fat is telling me that you have been overenjoying the delicacies of Earth. I think you should work out, try sparring with Chittauris instead of grumbling around."

Laughing at Erik's playful jab, Wanda headed to the bedroom to change into her uniform. Meanwhile, his words sent a chill through Lilja's core.

She immediately rushed to the mirror and gasped in horror. 

Indeed... Erik wasn't lying. It was still recoverable, but her six-pack abs were becoming obscured by a softening layer of pudgy fat.

"But Earth's food is so delicious..." She groaned as she pinched that tanned belly. She was adapting to Earth really fast, even her language was becoming more and more informal as the days passed.

Moments later, Wanda returned, donning the full military uniform, its form-fitting cut accentuating her womanly shape in a way that aroused Erik unexpectedly.

"I'll see you both later," she said, heading for the door.

As Erik followed, he made a mental note to thoroughly explore every intimate curve of Wanda's body and clap those ass cheeks against the desk in her new military office at his earliest opportunity.

Despite Lilja's earlier complaints, the ceremony was undoubtedly grand. Throughout the day, Wanda was greeted by countless supporters, congratulating her on her appointment and expressing their hope for a brighter future under her command.











And after Wanda's appointment as the Army General of Sokovia...










Clap her cheeks on the military general's office table he did.










[ Knowhere ]

It has been more than a year since Gamora escaped from Thanos's clutches with the help of her uncle Ebony Maw. 

Though his death had left an aching void, she savored the freedom he sacrificed everything to give her.

Her infamous reputation as "Thanos's Daughter" and "The Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy" barred Gamora from finding legitimate employment anywhere. 

But she fares herself well enough by stealing from the corrupt, taking some for her, and donating portions of her spoils to planets she had once ravaged for Thanos. In simple human terms, she had become a Space Robinhood.

In her travels across the universe, she has even made some really interesting comrades. One was a talking animal named Rocket and the other was a talking tree that said only one sentence named Groot. They have their eccentricities, but they have become a crucial part of her life. 

Together the trio has gone on numerous adventures, today they were here on Knowhere to sell their loot from their previous adventure.

"Sixty thousand for this crummy plant? Now that's a steal!" Rocket cackled, greedily counting the money he received from Taneleer Tivan, The Collector. 

 "It is going to be one of my decorative collections." The Collector said, admiring the new flora sealed in a tube. "And Gamora, my dear, I have something to tell you. A young girl from Earth recently inquired about that ancient map I sold you."

Gamora's expression turned grave. "Why does she want to know about it?"

Tivan's eyes danced with mischief. "I cannot say, but she seemed most determined to locate it... Even more than you."

"You're kidding me!" Rocket sputtered incredulously. "Don't tell me you blabbed that Miss Deadly here ended up with it?"

The Collector only chuckled enigmatically as Rocket sighed. While Gamora scowled slightly but stayed silent, contemplating...

The map Tivan was talking about giving her a while ago, was the map that led to the Soul Stone and he sold it to her 4 years ago. 

Obtaining even a shred of information about the Soul Stone would cost Gamora billions of Thanos's money and months of her time.

And now some unknown girl was somehow tracing its path right to Gamora herself.

"What does she look like?" Gamora was interested. If that girl has come so close to finding the toughest-to-find infinity stone then she might be able to find the rest as well. 

Gamora needs to figure out her intention... "Give me everything you have on her."

Tivan placed a hologram display device on the table. Of course, he didn't give it to her before he received a good price from Gamora.

And looking at the footage in the holographic display shocked Gamora to her core. 

"It can't be!"

There were two people, a boy and a girl. They stood before a sleek spacecraft that was impossible. Ebony Maw's stealth ship...the one that should have been destroyed when... Maw died. 


Her chest tightened with a torrent of emotions and confusion. 

Is there a chance that her Uncle Maw survived that day... But if so, then who were these guys? Why are they in possession of his ship? Are they with him? Or did they kill Maw to steal his ship... She needs answers. 

"I am Groot," rumbled the Flora Colossus solemnly.

"Yup, she looks like she saw a ghost." Rocket agreed to whatever Groot said.

The Collector watched her carefully. "The girl is powerful and a master in mind control tricks. Though I'm immune to them and your information is safe with me. Though I did tell her that the map was destroyed."

So this mysterious woman was not only hunting for the Infinity Stones but could puppet other minds to her twisted aims.

"We're leaving," she announced, already turning on her heel toward the exit.

"I'm guessin' our next stop is Earth?"

Gamora nodded.


Groot was excited.



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