Marvel: I Need A New Body

43: Cindy Moon: Brave? Agitated? Mad?

[Earth - 928373711 (A Parallel Earth, different from Erik's universe) ]

-- Year 1998--

Cindy Moon stared down at her webbed parents, heart pounding in her chest. Just yesterday, at a public exhibition, she was bitten by a spider, and now she had just webbed her parents like a spider.

'What's happening with me...?'

Fear and confusion gripped her as she turned and bolted from her home, her little brother watched her run sadly from the window above. He wondered if his sister had an argument with their mother again.

Her relationship with her mother had always been strained.

From a young age, her eidetic memory set her apart, with her mother pushing her relentlessly toward academics while Cindy dreamed of playing hockey. Constant arguments drove a wedge between them, yet she loved her family dearly despite their troubles.

Away from home, she met a strange old man named Ezekiel Sims, his presence carrying a weighty secret - he too possessed similar powers.

Under his tutelage, Cindy learned to hone her newfound abilities until... Ezekiel sensed the approach of a terrifying entity known as Morlun, a totemic predator who hunted their kind.

For her own protection, Ezekiel ushered Cindy into an isolated bunker, its walls blocking Morlun's detection. This bunker had years' worth of food, books, and tapes on the outside world which Cindy watched every day.

She knew the code to leave at any time but, knowing the consequences, she decided to stay put despite the horrible boredom.

Cindy stayed there...

She stayed there for years...

Until one day, she couldn't stand it anymore. She was fed up with being alone. She was fed up with being scared. She wanted to live normally, she wanted to have a normal romance...

To come out of the bunker while knowing her impending death...

Was it braveness? Agitation? Madness?

All of them?

No one knew...

In most of the universes, Cindy Moon was released from the bunker by Spider-Man. A Peter Parker, who was bitten on the same day as her in the same place.

But in this universe, there was no other Spider-Man, she was the sole person with Arachnoid powers in the world.

Cindy came out of the bunker after 14 long years. 

--Year 2012--

'My senses have been on haywire since morning, but nothing is happening...', She massaged her forehead.

She used her webs to cover her body and swung to her home but found out that her parents had moved away.

As she sat on the rooftop of her old home, lamenting about the past, a drop of tears rolled down her eyes.

Sighing, she looked above and witnessed something exactly like planet Earth in the skies, looming closer...

The Incursion.

A phenomenon in which parallel universes would collide with each other, with each universe's Earth as the point of impact.

And there was nothing anyone could ever do to stop it.

'Is this why my senses have been buzzing for the whole day?'

Cindy stood up, her senses warning her again, of another danger.


On the rooftop of another house, he was standing there, smiling...

Cindy gritted her teeth, ready for battle. She wasn't scared of him, she was just angry at him. Real angry. He stole so many years from her...

"What was that... The Spider-Bride. There you are. The spinner at the center of the web. It's time. The Great Hunt begins. From this moment on, let all Hell break loose!" He said before lunging at her.

Cindy backflipped away, her senses screaming in her mind, guiding her away from his brutal attacks.

She landed in a crouch, shooting out tendrils of webbing that Morlun effortlessly sliced through with his claws.

A feral grin spread across his twisted features as he closed the distance between them. He was too fast, way above her league.

Cindy ducked under his sweeping claws, retaliating with a kick to his midsection. Morlun didn't even flinch, his hand lashed out to seize Cindy by the throat.

"Even as this frail universe crumbles to its doom, did you truly believe you could defy the inevitability of your fate, little spider?" Morlun squeezed tighter. "That you could escape becoming my prey?"

As he raised his claws, ready to deliver the killing blow, his gaze went behind the helpless Cindy.

His brow wrinkled in contemplation before, with an effortless flick of his wrist, he flung the gasping woman aside like a rag doll.

Gasping for air, Cindy coughed.

"Cindy Moon. The Spider-Bride. You have been chosen."

Those were the last words she heard before she passed out.









She opened her eyes to a bulky blonde guy who was screaming his lungs out.

"Oh, we're in a pub." He said before shutting up.

"I know this place..." A woman with a large frisbee behind her back said.

'Is she cosplaying Captain America or something?' Cindy mused.

'And what is this addictive smell... Where is it coming from.'

"I read about it in your biography. I hope you like it." A vampire-looking guy said as he walked behind the counter.

"Over here. Me, me. Can I get a beer?" The bulky blonde dude asked the vampire with excitement.

As the vampire guy put the beer mug on the bar table, the blonde slammed a robotic head on the table to grab the beer mug.

"Uh, who are you?",

"Where am I?" A green girl in golden armor demanded.

"Why did you bring us here?"

"What do you want from us?"

As the people who seemed as confused as her in the room, barraged the Vampire with questions, Cindy's gaze fell on a man donned in all black and holding a glowing stick. He was looking at her too before he averted his gaze to observe the others.

Cindy's heart was beating fast for some reason. She felt an unusual pull towards this guy...

"All good questions." The Vamps replied.

"Send me back now." The greeny demanded again.

The light flickered and a bald-baby-man dude appeared.

"It's you again." Captain America cosplayer said.

"Come on, get a new trick, man." A black dude said exasperatedly.

"You have been chosen..." The bald-baby-man dude began, but Cindy couldn't concentrate. Her gaze was often pulled towards the blonde guy with the glowing stick.

As things unfolded she got to know the reason why she was brought here, it was about stopping a robot with powerful stones.

The group introduced themselves to each other, got to know each other's powers, planned the upcoming war, and also ordered some Chinese.

"Well obviously, the first step would be finding him," T'Chala said, twirling the chopstick in his fingers.

"Uh, well, I am not one to brag but I've been told that I excel at attracting unwanted attention," Thor said as he shot a streak of electricity toward the small chandelier.

"Oh, that could come in handy. I have a question though, why are those two making out in a situation like this?" T'Chala said, tilting his head.

"Hmm~" Cindy couldn't hear T'Chala's words as she continued to explore Eirikyr's mouth with her tongue, tasting his mouth as her hands roamed over his arms.


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