Marvel: I Need A New Body



As Erik's command echoed across the land, a ripple of energy ran through the undeads just like a shockwave.

The undead creatures recoiled in agony, their tortured moans echoing through the air.

Limbs twisted and contorted, flesh knitted itself back together, and eyes that had long been devoid of light flickered with renewed vitality.

The process got more intense with each passing second. The transformation speed varied for each undead, however, slowly but surely they were submitting to Erik's command.

Ultron watched with growing unease as the once-lifeless husks began to stir, "You... You're too dangerous to be kept alive..."

Before this army of undeads could even revive fully, he would kill them all, including the one who was the cause of it.

All the six infinity stones on Ultron's body shone brilliantly, he was going to unleash an attack that would destroy the whole planet.

The air around him vibrated and then he unleashed the might of all the six infinity stones.


Ultron's attack was confined within a transparent circular barrier with him at its center.

This was Erik's [Shield].

"You... you're awesome Erik!" Cindy jumped with excitement.

"Haha." Thor laughed heartily, "Take that Metal Villain."

Erik smiled, "Don't celebrate yet, guys. It's far from over."

It could take up to a minute for an ordinary human to get resurrected with his skill. And longer for supes.

His [Resurrect] skill didn't give the revived full sentience and intelligence. But it was enough to complete his orders, with maximum efficiency by utilizing all their skills and knowledge from when they were alive. However, at their core, they were just his puppets nothing more. They weren't even capable of proper speech but could communicate humanly by writing or other means.

"This barrier what is it even made of?" Ultron's irritation was growing with each passing moment, his massive ego was hurt.

He shot several blasts of infinity stones to destroy the barrier but it didn't budge, not even a crack!

Ultron finally accepted the indestructibility of the barrier and used his space stone to teleport out of the barrier. But it was too late...

In front of Erik was a massive army, most of his resurrected soldiers consisted of ordinary people and military personnel, however within them were some of the most dangerous people on Earth.

In response, Ultron created a portal through which his own army entered the new location.

"Go!" Erik muttered and all the resurrected undeads/zombies charged towards Ultron and his army.

Roars of deafening Battlecry filled the land.

The resurrected Hulk, like a rabid animal, roared and leaped towards Ultron to deliver his full-powered punch, it was, however, just another attempt to steal one of Ultron's stones, but he was effortlessly flicked away. As if he were nothing more than an annoying insect.

As the green mass of muscles tumbled across the battlefield, he received new orders from Erik to engage with the rest of Ultron's army. Hulk was better suited for such jobs anyway. Hope (Wasp) also transformed into her gigantic form to crush Ultron's bots.

"Strange, Wong cast your strongest buff and protection spell on everyone," Erik commanded from the cliff.

Earlier Erik had asked Watcher to portal out other undead super heroes and villains across the globe to this location, including Strange and Wong to this place.

The protection and buff spell that this resurrected Strange cast may not be comparable to the one that Strange Supreme cast on them but it would still strengthen his army. With this Ultron won't be able to do something like turning them into ash with just a simple snap.

Among the crowd, there was also Wanda Maximoff, her eyes blazing with chaos energy, she unleashed torrents of crimson energy at Ultron.

When Wanda's attack hit Ultron, for the first time in his existence, he felt a sensation he had never experienced before—a searing pain that emanated from the very core of his being -The Mind Stone.

'There is something... unusual with her powers,' Ultron thought, his mind reeling from the onslaught. "It's affecting my Mind Stone. It hurts!"

'And this pull... she's trying to steal my stones from me just as that man has been trying all this time....' Ultron felt rage, 'It's useless to try to steal my stones. I have long figured out your silly strategies.'

Before Ultron could unleash another planet-level attack, to kill off Wanda and protect himself from her onslaught, Erik enclosed him in a [Shield] once again.

Ultron instantly used space stone to portal himself out of the barrier. But just as he appeared outside, he was met with fierce attacks from all sides, guns, eldritch magic, Party Thor's lightning, and all sorts of energy attacks.

But Erik knew that they still hadn't gotten the upper hand against Ultron. The next moment he gave Ultron space to breathe he would unleash another planet or maybe even a galaxy-level attack.

Ultron was now taking them seriously, and Erik wouldn't be able to hold him off much longer. He had used all his skills and there was nothing that could surprise Ultron anymore.

Erik knew not to underestimate his enemy, sooner or later Ultron would figure out a way to completely ignore his [Shield]. And then it would be over for them.

If Erik wanted a fair chance against Ultron then he needed to separate at least one stone from his body. But all the tricks and strategies they had planned to do so have failed till now.

The biggest problem was that Strange Supreme had yet to arrive on the battlefield.

'Strange has a fucking time stone with him yet he's so late!' Erik mused. 'Something's definitely up on that side...'

'Despite all my attempts to steal his stones, I have failed. It's obvious that Ultron knows what we've been up to. It's not the same as in the "What If" series where T'Challa just swiped it off him... Ultron must be protecting them all with something...'

'A barrier made via Space stone is the most likely method. That blue stone had been glowing for a while, after all.'

'But now that it has come to this then I've got no choice... Is a clash of two sets of Infinity stones the only way for me to... No wait, I might as well try that...'

As Ultron struggled against Erik's army, the army's owner called out to the grandmaster of this chessboard, "Watcher!"

"Bring me Thanos!"

Watcher's voice boomed in his head, "Are you sure, Eirikyr? You know why I didn't transport Thanos here. The Consequences of two sets-"

"I know what you told me, don't worry. Just send him here." Erik replied.

And then the space beside them cracked, a portal opened and undead Thanos with his jaw decayed and hanging walked out of it.

His lifeless eyes gazed at all of them. The undead Thanos had only one instinct, to infect these people as well.

He raised his gauntlet, however, before he could close his fist. He found himself restrained in a transparent barrier, unable to move at all.


And then with a swift command of Erik's, Thanos started to groan inside the barrier, and his skin started to heal just like with all the undeads earlier.

'Good, now be a good Thanos and join my army...'

This Thanos didn't have the Mind Stone yet but he'd do just fine...

As Ultron struggled against the resurrected Wanda and Strange, he noticed the new entry on the battlefield. This was just what he was afraid of.

Determined to finish off the one who was the cause of all this trouble, he blasted Strange and Wanda away and flew straight toward Erik .

Erik expected this, he invoked [Beelzebuth] summoning a great mass of black vortex between him and Ultron to buy some time.

Ultron was no fool to fall into this vortex of darkness that was sucking him inside it. He quickly used his space stone to teleport away from the dark sphere, reappearing right in front of Erik .

Ultron grabbed the surprised Erik's head with both hands and then blasted his head with a beam from the mind stone embedded on his forehead.

"Ahhh!" Erik yelled in pain...

As if!

His spider senses had already warned him of this.

And just in the nick of time, he had created a [Shield] that perfectly wrapped around his body, like an armor. Also, Strange Supreme's barrier wouldn't have let him get killed anyway.

When Ultron noticed that it wasn't working, he tried to use all his Stones to teleport him and Erik to a different universe. He was going to isolate him and then kill only him first.

An old but efficient strategy. Divide and Conquer. However...

The next moment, he felt another attempt of stones getting removed from his body. His spatial barrier was being invaded by another powerful spatial force.

'It's Thanos! He's been revived just like others and is already following this man's orders like a puppet!'

Ultron amplified the strength of Space Stone's barrier with Power Stone to protect them. But the following moment, an agonizing sensation hit his mind.

It was Wanda's chaos magic's full-powered assault.

"Uwaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" He cried in pain.

Erik also bombarded Ultron with his Cryo and Pyro attacks from both hands. Thor joined in, shooting his electricity. These attacks may be meager for Infinity Ultron but they affected him nonetheless.

A powerful blast enveloped them.

As the dust settled, Ultron looked at his chest and he found 4 Infinity stones missing... The Soul, Power, Time, and Reality stones were no longer embedded in his body!

Then he looked at all his enemies that were present here...

Thor, Cindy, Peggy, Erik , and the whole army of revived soldiers...

Before a tug of war for the Infinity Stones could occur, Erik stored the stones snatched from Ultron into Beelzebuth's stomach.

Ultron gritted his teeth.

'Is it over for me...'

"No! No way, not in a million years!!!"

Oh, yes way. It was definitely over for him right now...


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