Marvel: I Need A New Body

6. The Battle Begins

After transferring the related files to Thanos's terminal, Jerry made his way to his living quarters.

'Oh, they've already repaired the bathroom, huh...' Jerry sighed and removed his clothes to take a bath.

And that was the most disturbing experience of his life till yet, washing his own wrinkled body somehow felt to him that he was washing the body of some other old dude. 'Yuck!'

Yeah, he definitely needs a new body.

"Ow, my back!", his back pain was at it again, since he had removed that si-fi sweat slim belt to bathe.

After the bath, he wore his sleeping robe and then retired for the day, thankfully the comfortable bed didn't trigger his pain.

And just like that, five days passed. Nothing of note had happened, he simply followed a similar routine as his first day. He'd train and familiarize himself more with his powers, he'd check the status of war preparation, and he'd interact with his fellow members of the Black Order on some occasions. Though, the encounters with Gamora or Nebula remained rare.

On the sixth day, the 'ally' warped at the rendezvous point. Yes, the ally was none other than....

Ronan - The Accusor.

He was featured as the main villain in Vol. 1 of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" trilogy. The Kree zealot was too stupid, excessively arrogant, and overly obsessed with revenge. And yes, he was evil too. His demeanor was like a pouty child (Thanos's words) and he was the only matter that Thanos didn't take seriously.

'I guess, everyone needs comic relief, that's why Thanos didn't outright kill him for his numerous acts of insolence. Just kidding. The blue revengeful young master does has his uses.'

Indeed, he was even able to locate the orb containing the power stone in the future! Though, in the end, he was defeated by a peculiar dancing crew.


After his arrival, the Accusor didn't waste any time and demanded an audience with the Mad Titan. But he had to compromise with just his spokesman's, The Other, video chats.

Jerry then told Ronan about his role in the upcoming battle through a similar video conference — Catching the enemy strays that attempt to flee the battlefield.

Ronan yelled, "You dare mock me with such a menial task, Ebony Maw!"

He banged his Hammer's handle on the ground, "I need my contributions high enough for him to lay waste on the Xandarian empire! Even a thousand Necro-Ships are enough for that demeaning task on this primitive planet, and here I have brought my two Dark Aster ships!"

///Necro-Ships ///

///Dark Aster ship///

"You grossly overestimate your capabilities, Accusor. Without us, and with such a pitifully feeble mind as yours, even if you were to employ the entirety of your fleet, you still might meet with failure in your appointed task." Jerry mocked the Kree terrorist.

With a smile full of condescendence and pride, he added, "Hence, I have generously seen fit to assign you 160 Q-Ships, a number that should negate your apparent lack of intellect."

/// Q-Ships///

At this, Ronan boiled with rage, Jerry had struck him exactly where it hurt — his ego. "I reject your generosity! I will earn suitable merits on my own, without your strategies and ships, Ebony Maw!!"

And with that, the conversation ended.

'All according to the plan... Good for me and Xandarians, they got a little bit more time, I guess. Khek, and roasting him was fun.'

With this he should be able to push back the events of the Guardians of the Galaxy, only if Jerry's plans spans out as he expect though. Even if it doesn't turns out the way he wants, there'd be no lose.

It was true that Iechun planet wasn't that developed, they advanced to interstellar age just a century ago which isn't enough to compare with the complete prowess of Thanos's or Ronan's fleet.

However, some planets can offer their fair share of surprises, take the Earth for example... And in this overpopulated rapist fuck of a planet's case it is impossible for Ronan to predict and counter the surprise.

At least not without reading the strategy Maw had prepared and that Jerry compiled and simulated a portion of; which Jerry wouldn't send him now that he rejected it himself.







<- Next day -- The Day of Battle of Iechun ->

Through warping, the mighty invasive force of Thanos arrived near the Iechun planet. The globe had a diameter of 48,000 km, from space it looked like a red and black colored ball. The planet had three main continents, one of the three was massive and five times larger than Asia, the biggest continent on Earth. While the other two were relatively smaller, just double the size of Asia.

Thanos's fleet consisted of the Sanctuary II, six Chitauri motherships, eight flagship-class battleships, and two allied Kree warships called The Dark Aster. Not to mention the thousands of Q-ships and millions of Necro-Ships.

///Sanctuary II///

/// Chitauri Motherships///

And in no time, every mothership had taken its position on its designated coordinates, ready to lay waste on their respective continents.

Three teams were put in to conquer the three main continents. The first team had Thanos, Jerry, and Cull Obsidian and they were going to the capital of the greatest Continent. To demolish their ultimate defense of the planet.

The second and third teams consisted of Gamora-Nebula and Proxima-Corvus duos respectively. They were headed to the other two continents with a similar task.

Since the leaders of the planet had already rejected the terms of surrender, there was no use for them.

The invasion was inaugurated by Sanctuary II's ballistic warheads and plasma blasts, targeting the palace in the capital city of the greatest continent.

A couple of them were countered by the palace's defense but most of them did accomplish their job, which was destroying the spaceport and their means of long-range defense systems.

The warhead launchers and Plasma weapons were then aimed at the Palace itself. The Iechunian palace, the ginormous, dark helical construct made up of rare materials, couldn't hold out for long and was demolished under the relentless bombarding from Sanctuary II.

Once the palace turned into ruins, the rain of fire stopped.

However, there was no way Iechunians would just sit there and take all of it without resistance. After they got hit by the surprise attack, the king, Rak-Ch'Ota Land, who unsurprisingly, survived the bombarding, ordered his men to gather up their ships and armies from across the continent for retaliation.

Soon their ships started to appear one after the other near the once-grand palace. The battalions lined up in formations, the soldiers had determined expressions, the fate of their planet and race depended on their hands.

Jerry gazed at the demolished palace and the Iechunian army that was still arriving. His adoptive father, standing between him and Cull, also just stood there and... observed.

They needed to completely annihilate their defense forces, and what's a better method than to just let them gather up for a slaughter.

Jerry kneeled, "Sire, it is time for the Iechunians to get the honor of getting saved by your prowess. And thereafter, attaining salvation through death."

Thanos didn't reply, nor did he grin, he just... gazed ahead.

And now, it was time for some theatrics. The Declaration of Genoci*cough* War... Yes, the usual...

It was Jerry and Cull who landed on the Iechunian soil first. They stood side by side, behind them, above the sky, the Sanctuary II was visible through the dark clouds in all its intimidating glory.

A few Iechunians walked toward them.

The one in the front was a female Iechunian, she walked regally, with an air of confidence. With her red skin and huge breasts that were practically spilling out of her armor AND if her Skrull-like face was ignored, then she was kinda hot. But recalling what kind of species they were, Jerry swiftly disposed of his thoughts.

'She is the young Princess and those walking behind her must be her personal guards. I bet she has already bitten the dicks of their crotches.'

Jerry started his rote speech, a bit glad that from today onward, the nearby planets won't have to suffer from the attacks of the 'Devils'.

"Hear me and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of Children of Thanos and his army. Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing to–"

"Ewww, I have never witnessed a creature so foul, so ugly!" She exclaimed.

'Look who's talking, you're much uglier!' Jerry glared.

Nope, she wasn't...

'Regardless, you say the truth, bitch, and you're gonna die for that!'


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