Marvel: I Need A New Body

62: Ancient One – The Rac–er

[ Nepal ]

"Hey, Alice, how're you doing? Bald Granny isn't working you too much is she?" Erik ruffled her hair.

Alice shook her head with a smile, "She's great and badass too."

"She's bald." Erik humphed with slight jealousy.

"At least I don't go around the galaxy just because I lacked a nose..." The Ancient One appeared, her comebacks as sassy as ever.

And today instead of continuing with their usual banter, Erik greeted her with a pleasant smile, he needed a favor and he needed to be shameless about it, "Oh, look, it's the most respected and benevolent protector of Earth. The Ancient One."

Alice giggled at Erik's change of tone.

Ancient One sighed as he handed him a hot cup of tea, "Mr. Anderson, thank you for the praise but I am sorry, I won't be taking in Ms. Shilpa."

Ancient One didn't use Shilpa's surname because she is as all-knowing-bitch as ever, so, she also knew the fact that Shilpa's father told her that she was dead to them and to never use their surname again.

Shilpa who stood behind Erik continued to look down without saying any words. 

To her, Erik and his companions seemed like really good people, but she was being nothing but trouble to them. She had even attempted to steal their ship for her own, yet they were helping her.

"It's alright, Mr. Erik," she said finally, lifting her gaze. "I can manage on my own."

Erik turned to Ancient One with narrowed eyes, "Are you seriously going to discriminate against mutants just like everyone else too? I am disappointed in you, Ma'am."

The Ancient One, clad in flowing golden robes, rolled her eyes. "My reasons have nothing to do with prejudice, Mr. Anderson. You know that full well." She met his gaze steadily. "Your guilt-tripping tactics won't sway me."

Erik sighed, well it was worth a try...

"I see... I was just hoping you would accept her like you helped me in Alice's case. Once Wanda ascended to a queen, I was going to bring both Alice and Shilpa to our home. But I suppose I have to think of other ways."

Ancient One shook her head, "In any other case, I would gladly help. But this time, I suggest you find a place for Ms. Shilpa among her own kind."

Alice scrunched her nose, "I know you don't mean it that way, Teacher, but you do sound like a rac—er..."

The poor girl changed her words quickly when the Ancient One raised an eyebrow, a look that promised increased homework.

Chuckling at Alice's antics, Erik turned to Ancient One once again, "Well, anyway, Ancient One, thank you for your advice. But do you seriously think Xavier's school is the only place, I had some serious and unreasonable trouble with them last time. They don't seem like great people to me."

Ancient tilted her head in confusion, "Who said anything about Xavier? I am sure you know better places."

Erik closed his eyes, there were only three mutant groups he was aware of. It was Professor's, Magneto's, and Emma Frost's Hellfire Club.

Except for Professor, the others were rather infamous for their mischiefs like casually targetting the President of the United States on like every other weekend. Okay, he was exaggerating a bit... but still, none seemed like a good choice.

While Erik was contemplating a place for Shilpa, his two girlfriends were enjoying the tea, sitting on the floor mat nearby. Wanda and Cindy were having quite a wholesome conversation about Ancient One.

Wanda was telling her things like Ancient One was like Erik's godmother, she was the first to greet him when he first came back to Earth. And even though Wanda had met her only a couple of times the Ancient One treated her like her daughter-in-law and took care of Alice. Alice was the girl who was experimented on with her and Pietro in Sokovian Hydra base, and was now Erik's illegally adopted niece.

"But don't you think we're a bit young to be called aunts?" Cindy asked, her brow furrowed. "I'm only 25."

"That's an actually appropriate age, Cindy. You don't see me complaining, and I'm only 21," Wanda replied flatly.

"What! You're younger than me?" Cindy exclaimed, wide-eyed.

"I came to this universe 21 years ago, while you only 5 weeks ago. Clearly, I am the older one."

Cindy smiled, letting the younger girl take the 'senior in life' position. "Yeah yeah, fair enough. By the way, how old is Erik?"

Wanda hummed, "If we count the years he lived as a human, then he's 25 too. We celebrated his birthday just a while before you arrived, it's on 1st January if you didn't know."

"Ah, yes... he did tell me that a couple of months ago he was stuck inside a millennia-old alien body for a long time." Cindy nodded.

Across the wooden hall, Erik sighed in defeat, unable to think of a suitable mutant group to take Shilpa in. "I'm not sure where to go from here. A hint would be appreciated," he said, turning his attention back to the Ancient One.

A triumphant smirk played on the Ancient One's lips. "You're planning a stop in Japan during your world tour, are you not? Add Tohoku to your itinerary."

Erik mulled over her words, eventually deciding to follow her advice.

Alice looked down with a bit of sadness when she heard that they were having a world tour without her. But she couldn't complain, after all, she shouldn't demand too much from them...

Noticing her gloomy face, Erik put his hand on her head, "I'm sorry we couldn't take you. This vacation was a bit... 'adult-ish'..." He said with a smile. "And I promise to take you to Disneyland later, how about it?"

Alice's face lit up instantly. "Yes!"

"Not until you've completed your training, young lady," the Ancient One interjected, folding her hands beneath her modest chest.

After staying a few hours in the sanctum, they went to explore the temples of Nepal for a bit. 

Wanda and Cindy even wore traditional sarees for the day, though they found it extremely hard to dress and manage it all day. The bathrooms were a nightmare with unfamiliar clothes like those. 

Erik refrained from trying out the regional clothes, he was comfortable with a simple T-shirt and Cargo pants most of the time, sometimes he wore suits but that was all.

The next day, they departed for Japan after bidding goodbye to Alice. 


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