Marvel: I Need A New Body

71: Hiring A Tutor

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The next day Erik woke up tangled up between his two girlfriends. As he lay there peacefully caressing their bare forms, he pondered about the future.

Their six-week vacation was almost over with only 5 days of the final week remaining. Well, they'll skip a few countries due to this side quest but it was fine...

After they are back to Sokovia they would have to roam around Sokovia to brainwash more higher-ups and remove the remaining political enemies, just as they did before their vacation.

The next task was the extermination of the remaining Hydra bases. Finding them was easy as once you find one, it sets up a chain reaction of discovering the rest.

On the other hand, Hydra's sleeper cells were a little hard to find since they blended so naturally with ordinary people. 

But Erik was sure they would become active after the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier which was near in the future.

Thankfully, in such a small nation, they didn't have any troublesome anti-mutant organizations. So, less work for Erik and Wanda.

He already had the whole media under his control. And so maintaining the image of Wanda was easy. And her absence was taken care of by her brainwashed subordinates, the backward nation wouldn't even realize that the head of the military was absent for a month.

Well, if anything important occurs, they could just portal back to Sokovia using [Resurrected] Strange or Wong.

"Good Morning," Cindy stirred awake, "It's morning right?"

Erik chuckled, "Yeah, we were pretty tame last night. We haven't exceeded the 3 hours sex limit for a long time. None of us went out of control too. You're doing pretty good controlling your ability."

Cindy smiled, "I have been getting better, yeah. But my other new ability is still hard to master, the bare minimum reality-altering dizzies me. I can barely even create a glass of water."

"I'll call that progress, you could only create a spoonful when you first gained it." He encouraged. "Besides, it's just been 2 weeks since you obtained the power."

"Yes," Cindy replied, "But I think it'll take a year or so to make the skill into something actually worthy of the name Fate-Sealing Webs."

Erik nodded.

'Still though... we would become quite a trio in a few years.' Erik thought. 'We all have the potential to command the fabrics of reality.'

Erik would gain his first reality-altering skill in 6 months. Cindy already has it but needs to master it. Wanda was sure to unlock it too after her powers grew.

As Erik pondered about their growing strengths as a group, Wanda awoke as well, after a sweet yawn she nestled close to him and wrapped her arms around his torso, wishing him a good morning.

He planned to stay in Tohoku for the remainder of his vacation since he wanted to talk with Emma Frost.

But now that he thought about it deeply, he wondered if Shilpa would really be safe with Emma.

Sure, Emma seemed like a devoted teacher. But it wasn't like she didn't have enemies. Hell, the woman was stored in captivity before he rescued her.

But then Erik wondered about his other options... Pietro and Lilja were up to no good... He can't keep her in his base on Mars, the Chitaurians have many jobs but none include sitters...

Then... He can keep her in their cabin in the woods of Sokovia, it's a safe place even though she might be alone for most time of the day.

And Erik would've definitely taken the girl with him if Ancient One hadn't advised him to come here... There must be a good reason.

But the fact remained that Emma wasn't strong enough to protect Shilpa in her time of need...

However, wasn't it a good excuse to propose a deal with her?

'For the next couple of months, she will take care of Shilpa for me, and I will provide her with some means of protection.'

'After Wanda becomes the Queen and our deal is completed. I can also offer a position in the Wanada's royal court or something. A mutant in the royal court will increase Wanda's rep among the Mutant populace of Sokovia too...'


Artificial Intelligence would help in managing the nation but Emma had experience in politics and she would definitely make a useful advisor.

He told the girls his plan. And after they were finished with their morning routine, they took Shilpa with them for breakfast where Erik told her about his plan for her as well.

Shilpa was... fine with that decision.

So, with that done, a couple of hours later... Erik and Shilpa found themselves sitting in front of Emma Frost.

"... How did you find me?" The blonde asked.

"Hm, well, powers aside, do you really think we would've trouble finding a tall, blonde American woman in a rural area full of conservative Japanese people...?" Erik snorted.

"Yes... the town folks were even doing... embarrassing hand movements when Erik asked about you." Shilpa added with hesitation and a small blush.

Emma knew what kind of hand movements Shilpa was talking about, and looked at her large cleavage peeking out of her white top.

Emma sighed, "This top's boob window can really attract attention, huh."

'So it's called a boob window, huh. I wonder who came up with that name..' The man mused to himself.

Exhaling, he changed the topic, "That aside, I wanted a favor to ask of you."

Emma looked at Shilpa, "Let me guess, you want me to be that child's teacher."

She didn't even need to read minds to guess that.

Erik nodded, "Just for a couple of months though."

"Yesterday, you told me you were looking for a safe place for her. I am stronger than most people on Earth, I admit, but you saw what condition I was in yesterday, right?" Emma raised her brows and crossed her arms under her breasts causing a slight jiggle.

"That's right, that's why I'll be lending Shilpa and you some guards as well," Erik replied without getting distracted at all.

As Emma nodded and contemplated about Shilpa, Hisako Ichiki, Emma's current student whom Erik saved along with her, came with a tray with 4 cups of tea in her hands.

"Let's discuss the fees then, it will be 1 billion US dollars, for the duration of 2 months," Emma uttered with zero nonsense in her voice.

Hisako dropped the tray when she heard the amount. However, before the tea, the cups, or the tray could fall on the ground, Erik made them float and then slowly brought everything to the table.

"That's fine by me." Erik took one cup and sipped, "The tea's good Hisako dear, Thank you."

Emma sighed, 'Show off... Although I can't deny that this man is as powerful as an Omega Class Telepath, a Telekinetic too as I just saw, possibly has multiple subordinates, and seems like he has lots of money to spare too.'

'A billion dollars for a mutant girl he has just met... I don't know what motives he has for her but the girl doesn't think he's bad and it's rare to see humans being this kind to us mutants...'

'Just who are you... Eirikyr Anderson... why does no one know about you?' She wondered, 'With powers and money like you have... at least I should've known about you...'


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