Marvel: I Need A New Body

Ch 73: Humiliation

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"Honestly, he deserved more for insulting my girlfriend, but I went easy on him since he's with you guys. But seriously... X-Men are turning more disappointing by each second..." Erik sighed.

Jean just rubbed her forehead, clearly embarrassed by her teammate.

'First, we destroy our first impression due to the Professor's attempt at reading his girlfriend's mind and then Scott goes on to insult his girlfriend by saying that she looked like a nasty witch...' Thinking so, Jean rolled her eyes.

'Like who says this kind of thing in front of the girl herself more so, when her boyfriend is present? It's honestly surprising that he's tolerating us this much.'

And she couldn't even say anything to him since it was Scott's fault this time.

Sighing, she walked to the window to check on Scott. After a moment, she jumped out to retrieve him.

Professor exhaled deeply, "I apologize for his behavior, Eirikyr. Actually, about a year ago there was an assassination attempt on me by a group of powerful Telepaths. It was a great lone mental war... I had to battle millions of dark creatures... the one controlling them was a Scarlet Witch with barely female features. In the end, she escaped but it took a great toll on me..."

{He's exaggerating, I just ambushed him and twisted his neck. It was mostly my subconscious at that time, so my appearance might've been a bit scary for him...} Wanda told Erik Telepathically.

Erik knew this already, of course, as she had told him this before as well. That's why he wasn't much worried about them recognizing Wanda.

{Let him be... he's just trying to save his face...} Erik chuckled mentally.

{It still doesn't make his excuse less funny. He thinks he is all that great and all... I wasn't aware X-Men were such a disappointing bunch of peacocks.} Wanda scoffed mentally, {However, they have a good naming sense. The Scarlet Witch has a nice ring to it, don't you think so too, Erik?}

Well, this was the first time someone actually called her by this name in this reality. Erik just called her baby witch that too only sometimes...

Then Wanda whispered something in his ears and giggled a bit. Erik also chuckled.

Meanwhile, Jean came back with Scott floating lifelessly behind her. She put him on a couch and then joined the group in the conversation.

"It's just that... your companion's facial features seemed familiar. Even Scott seemed convinced." Charles explained as if revealing something ground-breaking, "But we are not accusing her of anything, nor we are trying to insult her. Scott merely spoke what was in his mind..."

"Professor," Hank Mccoy interjected, his hands fiddling on the tablet and showed them a picture of Wanda dressed in military clothes, "There is another reason you find her familiar it's because she is Wanda Maximoff, the newly appointed military general of the Sokovian Army. She was on the news."

Erik and Charles both realised that Hank was just trying to divert the conversation from that topic. Clearly, without a proof whatever they would say would be just denied by Erik and Wanda...

Ororo smiled gleefully, "And the Military General of Sokovia is Eirikyr's girlfriend... Oh~ I didn't expect to come across such a gossip! Is it a forbidden love kinda thing or were you both already a thing?"

Jean sighed, "Stop being a grandma, Ororo. And don't worry you guys... if it's a secret then we'll keep it that way."

Erik nodded, "That's appreciated. Anyway, enough about us. Let's get to the point. Why are you guys here?"

"Yes, I apologize for the earlier misunderstanding," Charles apologized for the nth time. "The main reason for our visit is the enormous crater where Mastermind's base once was. We're concerned about Dr. Yui Sasaki. She might have been caught up in the explosion. Can you tell us anything about what caused it?"

Erik considered the question carefully. "You're concerned about a psycho scientist, I see... Well anyway, there was a device in the facility, something highly unstable. It exploded, sucking everything in it, causing the massive crater. I barely escaped with my life."

Erik lied as naturally as he breathed air.

Charles leaned forward, his expression grave. "Do you think Yui could have been in the facility at the time of the explosion?"

"I didn't see anyone other than Mastermind and his men," Erik replied. "But it's possible she was hiding somewhere. I can't say for certain."

Charles nodded, his face etched with concern. "Thank you for the information. I was also curious about your young mutant companion, I heard you rescued her from India. I understand you've hired Emma Frost to teach her about her powers... But are you aware of Emma's past and her... methods?"

Erik raised his brows, "And..?"

Charles hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "Emma Frost has a complicated history. She's been known to use... unconventional methods for her goals. We even suspect that she had a hand in yesterday's events, she used to be one of the leaders of the Inner Circle... after all, her being here can't be a mere coincidence. Although we need to investigate further regarding her hand in this."

After a brief pause, Charles continued, with a serious tone, "I just want to ensure that Shilpa is in safe hands. The welfare of young mutants is our utmost priority."

Wanda interrupted, "And you want to recommend your school for Shilpa? No, thanks."

Charles composed himself, ready to continue. "Wanda, our school provides a safe environment for young mutants to learn about their powers and control them. With our experience and resources, we believe Shilpa could benefit greatly."

Erik firmly denied, "I appreciate the offer, Charles, but she'll be with Emma for now."

Scott, now regaining consciousness, groaned as he sat up. "What the hell happened?" he muttered, rubbing his head.

Jerking up and remembering everything, he glared at Erik, his eyes under his visor burning with anger. "You bastard, you threw me out of a window!"

Before Scott could say anything more, Jean tried to diffuse the situation, "Scott, calm down."

Scott reluctantly sat down, still glaring at Erik. "Fucker!" He muttered to himself.

Erik turned to Charles, his expressions, overly exasperated. "Xavier, you should teach manners in your school as well. Getting our minds read by an old man, getting insulted, and verbally abused by a moron, is not why I entertained you people, you know."

"This bastard!" Scott snapped.

Truth be told, by now, everyone has become a bit embarrassed because of this situation.

Scott was undeniably a powerful mutant, and he had quite the destructive potential with his optic blasts. But his attitude was not something they were too proud of...

And right now, he was just acting like a whining brat. Embarrassing the whole group and forcing Charles to apologize again and again.

Honestly, right now, Charles wished that Erik also lost his composure and started bickering with Scott so he could act like the old fatherly figure he was and stop them both by admonishing them in a fatherly manner.

However, Erik was relatively nonchalant about it, he treated Scott like a turd and pinned his behavior on them, especially on Charles, which was actually correct, since X-Men were his responsibility.

Charles knew why Eirikyr treated Scott like that, he was clearly powerful. Taking care of Mastermind and his whole group in a single day wasn't an easy feat and if he wanted, he could beat Scott to a pulp without much trouble, and yet he was tolerating him because of them.

"Scott, that's enough, you have insulted them more than enough and disappointed us repeatedly." Charles's tone was stern, causing the laser boy to grit his teeth in frustration. "Apologize to them," Charles demanded.

"Wha- But he threw..." Scott's words wavered as he noticed disappointed gazes on him from everyone on his team.

They were looking at him as if he were a nuisance.

'It's all because of this guy!' Scott gritted his teeth.

But his eyes met Charles's...

No matter how big Scott's ego was, he could never dare to go against Professor's words. Not against the will of the whole group.

Lowering his gaze, with great reluctance, Scott Summers apologized, "I apologize."


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