Marvel: I Need A New Body

Creepy Girls

Jerry's interruption caught everyone off guard. "Death Gods, hmm? I find that intriguing..." 

Strucker's eyes widened at that, 'Fuck it! They're here! And is that List's body?'

Jerry strode into the command center, flanked by dozens of Chitauris, instantly grabbing everyone's attention. Floating lifelessly beside him was Doctor List's body.

For a moment, Strucker was too shocked to even speak, but his mind raced with possibilities. Quickly regaining his composure, he ordered the soldiers to open fire.

Growling, the Chitauris also returned the fire. Jerry's suit and visor made him completely bulletproof, Jerry's suit and visor rendered him completely bulletproof, so without any worry, he focused on helping the soldiers clear the area quickly.

But first, he had to clutch and drag back the sneaking, monocle-wearing bald guy back to him.

After securing Strucker near him, Jerry restrained his mouth, hands, and legs with metal pieces and then used the old trick that quickly finished off the mob, piercing their unsuspecting brains and hearts with sharp objects.

As the mob dropped lifelessly on the ground, Jerry told a soldier to download everything in a chip and bring it to him.

Turning to Strucker, who was struggling behind his restraints, Jerry crouched down. His pitch-black, polished visor locked onto Strucker's eyes as he removed the monocle, curious about its purpose.

However, his actions sent a chill down Strucker's spine as he stopped trying to make noises and leaked his pants...

Fortunately, Jerry's visor was in-built with life support systems, just like Star-Lord's, so obviously the pungent smell didn't bother him.

However, he couldn't help but feel disgusted.

"Pathetic display Strucker, pissing your pants like this... welp, guess you couldn't help, huh," Jerry sneered as he surveyed the chamber filled with lifeless bodies of Hydra soldiers.

"Anyway, I'll think of you letting you live if you show me the Scepter."

Did Jerry tell the truth?

Moving a bit forward in time... Strucker brought him to the secret chamber where he had stored the Scepter and the alien creatures including the titanic leviathans and technologies from the attack on New York.

The Scepter... 

Its source was enclosed within the blue illuminating orb attached to it. One of the fundamental entities of the universe, and had immense power over a particular aspect of the universe, the Mind... 


The Scepter was displayed in the center of the dark chamber, connected to numerous wires and ports for research. 

A small smile inadvertently formed on Jerry's wrinkled face as the magic stick floated to his hands. He inspected the artifact as if checking for scratches on his old toy...

"You got the stick right, I can go right?" Strucker asked, trying to shrug off the tight hold of Chitauri soldiers on him.

Jerry turned to him with a smile, "Don't be afraid, Strucker... As you will feel peace..."

He connected the end of Scepter to Stucker's chest. 

A black hue covered the bald man's eyes for a few seconds before it disappeared into his irises and he released a deep sigh.

Jerry then instructed the brainwashed Hydra dog to gather up all the data on this base, including his experiment data, and everything important on this base to load them on his stealth ship.

He also told him to erase all evidence related to tonight's attack. What better man he could find for the job than the one who controlled everything on the base? 

He also instructed the dozen Chitauri behind him to help Strucker on his task.

As Jerry was left alone, he moved to the stairs leading to the place of human experimentation. When Strucker was leading him to Scepter, he had asked him about his human experimentations.

It turns out that Strucker had conducted experiments on only humans, not mutants. At least not on mutants yet.

As of present, he has successfully implanted supernatural powers in three individuals a 12-year-old girl and a pair of twins.

The kid had gained powers about a month ago, her powers included extremely enhanced senses and hair manipulation. 

While the twins had gained their powers just a week ago, the girl had telekinesis and mental manipulation while the boy had gained superspeed.

Since all of them had only recently gained these extraordinary powers, they found themselves struggling to control them, the small girl with enhanced senses suffered the most. The reasons were obvious.

And as Jerry reached the experimentation rooms, he first encountered the kid's chamber. Jerry observed her from the other side of the two-way glass panel, right now, she was sleeping.

Exhaling Jerry decided to enter the room. Just as he entered the room, perhaps, due to the sound of the door's clicking, the girl sat up on her bed. 

Her long black hair covered her whole face and with her white frock, she looked out of a horror movie. 

'Maybe, I should've brought a couple of soldiers. She reminds me of the ghost in the Ring...'

But she was tightly clutching her ears as if to block all the sound.

"Did I wake you up?" Jerry asked in a gentle tone. 

The girl without saying anything she ran up to him and hugged him tightly. 

"My ears, they're hurting... My tablets..." She whispered and sniveled. 

Jerry guessed that the tablets she was referring to eased her pain, suppressed her senses, or suppressed her powers...

He swooped her up into a princess carry and then walked to search the drawers. But just as he pulled the drawers, the screeching sound worsened her pain as the girl hissed loudly, pressing on her ears with more force. 

'Even such small sounds hurt her, huh...'

Jerry, understanding the situation, levitated a few inches above the ground so that his boots wouldn't tap on the ground and then continued his search for her tablet.

In the drawer, he found a couple of medicinal tablets, he scanned their constitution in his terminal. He found that each one of them had brain activity dulling elements mixed within them. 

They may reduce her pain, but in the long term, were extremely harmful for her brain, and might even grow tumors in her brain.

Sighing, Jerry fumbled through his pockets and took out a spare visor for her, since the visors were based on nanotechnology they should be able to fit her perfectly. 

After configuring the helmet to filter out all the sounds, he helped her put it on.

The girl was surprised, her astonished eyes shone brightly as she exclaimed, "Wow, Mr. Caretaker, all the painful noises are completely gone now!!!"

The girl thought that Jerry was her regular caretaker, that's why she referred to him as such and even asked him for her meds earlier. 

'Well, at least Strucker was kind enough to assign her a caretaker...'

Still in his embrace, the little girl tightly hugged his neck.

Jerry couldn't help but chuckle. 

"Is this level of sound okay for you, kid?" Jerry's soft voice fell on her ears from the visor's speakers. 

She shook her head, "Hurts a little..."

"Is it better now?" Jerry said as he tried to configure the sounds of speakers in her visors to a frequency at which she could hear without pain.

"It's okay now..." She replied.

"Okay, then, Alice, we're going out of this place. Do you want to visit the Moon?" Jerry got her name from her name tag on her frock.

Alice, the little 12-year-old girl nodded excitedly. Unlike Jerry, her visor displayed her face so Jerry was able to witness her cute smile.

A few Chitauri soldiers marched in a few moments later, Jerry handed Alice to one of them. She looked back at him, a bit scared.

"Don't be afraid, these uncles will escort you to my cool spaceship, I am coming in a few minutes, okay?"

Alice reluctantly nodded, and then Jerry motioned the soldiers to escort her to the living quarters of the Stealth ship.

'Calling it Stealth Ship, is a bit odd, I should give my ship a name...' He wondered as he moved to the next door.

Again, it appears he barged into a girl's room...

But this girl was different; she exuded a sense of power and danger. Both were a bit creepy to look at though...

"Who... are you?" Wanda questioned in her alluring voice, wielding a ball of destructive chaos magic in her fingertips.


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