Marvel: I Need A New Body

M Ch 69: Erik- The Danna-Sama

At a small, cozy ramen shop nestled in a rather bustling part of the small town, Erik and the girls found a table. The scent of broth and noodles filled the air, making their stomachs growl in anticipation.

They settled down, and a friendly waitress approached to take their orders.

{I'll have the Tonkotsu Ramen,} Erik said in Japanese, glancing at the menu briefly. 

Fortunately, the menu was in English too, so the girls wouldn't have trouble ordering.


"Tonkotsu Ramen," Cindy added with a smile.

...All the girls...

"Tonkusooo Ramen," Wanda ordered, struggling to pronounce it correctly. Well, it was her first time trying ramen.

...ordered the...

Shilpa hesitated for a moment before deciding. "I'll try the... Tonkotsu Ramen as well."

... same thing as him...

The waitress chuckled saying something in Japanese to Erik, bowed, and then disappeared to place their orders.

Wanda and Cindy got curious about what she said so they asked Erik and he just told them that she said he was a lucky man to have so many adorable girls. And he agreed to it.

The girls laughed a bit and then recounted their photo session on the wooden bridge, laughing about the silliest poses they struck.

Their ramen arrived, steaming bowls placed before them. They each took a moment to appreciate the rich aromas wafting up from their bowls before digging in. The first bite elicited a collective sigh of satisfaction.

"This is delicious," Wanda exclaimed, her eyes widening.

"Absolutely," Erik agreed, savoring the flavors. "I needed this after the day I've had."

"Uh... What happened?" Shilpa asked with hesitation.

"Oh, don't worry I took care of everything," Erik replied as he slurped.

Shilpa nodded, not prying further. She still hadn't opened up to them.

After they finished their meal, Cindy nudged Shilpa playfully, "Did you like it?"

Shilpa nodded and then looked down, soon drops of tears fell down her eyes...

"I- I never thought I'd get such delicious meals again... to laugh again... after my father found out that I was a mutant. I never thought that I could have a day this fun. Thank you, Cindy, Erik, Wanda... I don't know what would have become of me if you guys didn't come and save me... Thank you, thank you so much..."

Cindy hugged the sobbing girl gently and patted her back, comforting her as she sniveled. 

Erik and Wanda just gave a wry smile and offered words of comfort to the beautiful, teenage, Indian girl.

After eating, they enjoyed their tour around the town once more and decided to take a bath in the Japanese public bathhouse.

Wanda emptied the bathhouse by brainwashing everyone already inside and ordering them to finish their business in the next five minutes.

Once the bathhouse was emptied, the group entered the public facility. There was no serious reason to do so, but Wanda often does this to have a place all to themselves, she doesn't like crowds.

The girls obviously bathed on the Women's side, while Erik had to bathe alone.

Having enjoyed the bath, Erik paid some extra to the owner lady for their selfish mischief even though she never realized anything wrong.

Once they headed to the inn they wished Shilpa a good night and then headed to their own room.

The look on Shilpa's face was hilarious when she saw how Wanda and Cindy both pulled Erik into their own room with excited giggles.

Finally, she understood the relationship between them.

"Shameless, all of them!" She blushed and headed to her room. At least her doubt of their relationship was clear.

Erik took in the room they had booked once again and nodded in approval.

The room was spacious with a table and some cushions around it near the balcony. There was a large dressing mirror at one side, and the room also featured an attached modern bathroom.

However, there were no beds, instead a large futon was spread on the right side of the room.

It was a nice room with a traditional Japanese feel to it. It didn't cost much as well.

However, before they retired to bed. The girls asked him to wear the Kimono they had purchased for him. It was a dark navy kimono with golden patterns.

"Guys, I know their language doesn't mean I know how to wear their clothes..." He said as he checked the kimono design. "And unlike you two I'm not really a fan of wearing regional clothes, you know."

"Don't worry, we spent an hour learning how to wear them. Look how beautiful we look in them... And we asked the lady to teach us how to help dress our 'Danna-Sama'..." Wanda whispered the last part as she undid the buttons of his white shirt.

"But why are you dressing me up when we have to undress in a while anyway?" Erik tried to protest but was interrupted by Cindy who undid his pants while kneeling in front of him.

"Won't you listen to our request, Danna-Sama?" Cindy asked, tilting her head to the side with pleading eyes near his crotch.

Well, he couldn't win against them when they're like this, can he?

"Alright, alright. I'll wear the kimono," he conceded, a small smile playing on his lips.

The girls giggled, delighted with their success. Wanda and Cindy expertly guided him, their fingers nimble as they wrapped the kimono around his body, tying the obi securely.

Erik felt a mixture of awkwardness and amusement, as the girls did what they wished.

Once they finished, Wanda stepped back to admire their handiwork. "You look quite handsome, Danna-Sama," she said with a playful grin.

Cindy nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, very. It suits you, Erik-uh-I mean Danna-Sama."

Erik glanced at his reflection in the mirror, surprised by how well the kimono fit him. Cindy even combed his blonde hair in a slick-back style.

"I have to admit, it does look good," he said, turning to face the girls. "Now, how do I repay my both wives?"

"Hm, I wonder, hmm... Okay, I'll settle for a few photos in whatever pose I want." Wanda told him her request.

"I thought you were tired of photos." Erik teased.

"Well, a few more won't hurt." Wanda snorted.

"I want an abusive-husband and a submissive-wife roleplay in this getup!" Cindy asked with excitement.

Wanda was shocked when she heard Cindy's request, she realized that she could have asked for something better too, something like Cindy's request.

Erik chuckled looking at Wanda's envious eyes, he could read her like a book even without reading her mind. "Change of request is allowed, Wanda. Just in case..."

In the past month, Wanda realized something about her.

As she was roughed up by Erik almost every day due to Cindy's ability, which she had actually wanted for some time, she started to miss those days when Erik was gentle with her...

She realized that her fetish to get used by Erik for just pleasure stemmed because she was not able to keep up with his lust and thought that he was unsatisfied with her.

Thankfully, as Cindy gradually learned to control her ability, Wanda was able to enjoy both rough and gentle treatment depending on the mood.

However, Wanda for some reason saw rough sex as something enjoyed by sluts or porn actresses... even though she liked it as much as...gentle sex. That's why she was and is always too embarrassed to ask for it...

Wanda had no problem seducing him, no problem undressing him, no trouble pleasuring him with her mouth or breasts, no problem taking the lead and riding on him, no problem asking for more of his seed...

But asking for rough sex directly was a bit too much for her. Well, she was a woman - beings that are almost impossible to comprehend.

Still, though, due to Cindy's wild request, Wanda couldn't help but imagine Erik as an abusive husband using her with unfair anger...

So... blushing profusely, Wanda could only nod shyly.

"Ah," Cindy realized something and whispered in Wanda's ears, "Only call him Danna-Sama, no matter how embarrassing it becomes."

"Okay, the stop word is 'Ancient One', fine?" Erik cracked his neck and changed his demeanor.

It was time to show them his acting skills for once...


Next Chapter is NSFW! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

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