Marvel: I Need A New Body

Testing The Twins

Adam Warlock's cocoon could create a living body from scratch, down from a single cell. Like a mother's womb... No, exactly like a mother's womb. The fetus inside it grew older naturally, but not at a rate fast enough.

That's why it took years to hatch a mature body.

In the MCU Adam Warlock was taken out from his cocoon too early due to the Guardians. As a result, he was merely a teenager in that timeline.

Helen's Regeneration Cradle had the potential to remove this downside of the cocoon. The Cradle created synthetic tissue, at a fantastically fast rate.

Jerry's goal was to combine these two technologies and remove the time consumption downside of the cocoon.

'Well, I do want a new body as fast as I can, after all...'

As he pondered about nothing, Jerry made his way to Helen's research lab, to check up on her progress.

It's been almost two weeks since she got here, he thought that she would be able to finish what he asked for in this time but maybe his expectations from her may have been a bit over the top.

After all, she was still just a human without any knowledge of the cocoon. 


The door opened and Jerry entered only to find the person he was looking for passed out on the floor.

'Sigh, did she overwork herself?' He shook his head in exasperation and crouched down to check her state.

"Hm, looks like she's just sleeping."

Jerry picked her up using his telekinesis and took her to her room.

Entering her living chamber, he laid her on her bed and tucked her in. The room was based on human architecture, looking similar to the suites of high end hotels.

Sitting beside her he poured himself a glass of water from the jug on the drawer table beside the bed. As he brought the glass to his face, his visor opened up from below revealing his wrinkled mouth and then he chugged the water.

"Hngh", Helen wriggled in her bed and pulled the blanket towards her face, "Huh?"

Noticing the thin old alien sitting on her bed with her, she shot up and backed a bit away, surprised.

"Wha wha Waht are you doing here, J-Jerry?"

"Don't you remember? You were passed out on the floor in the lab, so I carried you here." Jerry stood up nonchalantly, "The job's important but take care of yourself."

Helen just nodded as he walked towards the door. Now that she was a bit more awake, she noticed that she was in her bedroom.

'He's a pretty nice alien, huh.' She smiled and went back to sleep.

Leaving the Korean girl's chamber Jerry decided to head his own lab to finish his mutant DNA mixing research.

If it was possible then Jerry would have modified and employed the technology that the Skrulls used in the Secret Invasion series but alas, that project hadn't even taken a proper shape at present.

'I can't wait a decade for that, I'll have to make do with whatever I can at present, to give my new body enough powers to survive in this universe...'

"I also wanted Spider-Man's DNA. But I think Peter will get bit in somewhere around 2015 to 16... wait, how did Peter gain his powers in MCU again?"

"FUCK! How could I forget that!"

Suddenly realising something Jerry hurried to the control room. He needed to check which version of Peter Parker was in this universe.

Since Maximoff's backstory was similar to MCU and they looked mostly like how they were in the MCU, albeit a bit better, he just assumed that it was an MCU major universe. 

He theorized that if a character overlapped with some other universe and MCU then their MCU counterpart would be the one to exist here. Their looks and physical features would be a bit perfected and refined. 

'Or could it be that Elizabeth Olsen was this pretty in real life and the camera couldn't capture her perfect features accurately? JK...'

This was also true for himself as well, after all, Ebony Maw as well as Thanos's crew looked similar to their MCU counterpart, maybe Jerry had more wrinkles than the MCU one.

'But I shouldn't be too sure about that. I shouldn't make my own assumptions...'

"Peter's too young but Aunt May looks like her MCU version, hot af. So, my theory applies here too, huh." Seeing the search results on the screen, Jerry nodded in approval of the appearance of the sexy milf.

"Welp, I can't get distracted right now."

He also needed to research the industries that were working on cross-species genetics, there were a few already on his mind that could be the potential industries that gave Peter his powers in the MCU.

And just as he suspected, his advanced search engine was met with a wall...

The most advanced AI in almost all the galaxies was hindered by a puny earthly AI called J.A.R.V.I.S.

"Fucking Plot Armor!"

It was good that Jerry backed off when he did otherwise even his location might have been compromised. 


Jerry grinned, "It seems like a perfect chance to take the twins out for a walk."

"But first I'll have to see if they are ready enough or not."




"I want you both to come at me with everything you have got."

After telling the twins about his plans, he called them for a mock battle.

There were no condition for their winning, their goal was to last against him as long as they could.

If he deemed them good enough then they would be allowed to accompany him to wreak havoc at Stark Expo.

They were in a large stony arena, with numerous dark organo-metallic pillars standing at various places on the floor to act as obstacles.

Wanda was wearing her characteristic crimson jacket over black jeans and a black v-neck top. While Peitro was just in his trousers and blue-white compression T-shirt.

The twins nodded and got ready, Wanda had a serious expression on her face and Pietro had a smirk. Standing just 50 meters apart from Jerry.

"I will fight him from here, when I give you the signal, get close to him and try to beat him up."

Wanda proposed a strategy to her brother, but he just scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Shut up, Sis, the old guy won't last three seconds against my speed."

"Let's begin," Jerry shouted and launched a barrage of debris towards them.

Pietro smirked and rushed forward leaving a bluish trail behind him. His ultra speed allowed him to perceive everything in slow motion. He casually moved aside to dodge the upcoming barrage of debris.

Just like that, he moved closer to the seemingly unmoving Jerry. It was a bit too boring for Pietro... however... when he was about 15m away from Jerry, the ground shook and popped up like a spring.

Pietro's heartbeat quickened as his eyes widened, it was too late to react, his feet were already above ground and he was sent flying backward. 

In the last few days of training, he had learned that there was no way to change his momentum once his feet were off the ground and he could only brace himself for the impact when this kind of thing happened.


He was going to crash into a pillar. Pietro gritted his teeth...


In this battle... he was not alone...

A crimson aura surrounded him, slowing his momentum.

'That's right, she is here too.' Pietro's expression relaxed.

"Thanks," Pietro smirked.

"Haa~ Haah~ fuck, do you know how hard it is to catch your sorry ass." Wanda panted, it was just a stroke of luck that she could catch him when she did.

It had only been a few seconds since the battle begun and her opponent had already started to suppress them.

It was already hard to block the barrage of debris that was thrown at them but when she realized that the bluish trail, which was her brother, had been sent flying away, she did everything to catch it.

"It's not going to be so easy Pietro..." Wanda stared at Jerry.

Jerry had paused his attacks, did he give them a few moments to catch their breaths?

"He is too strong." Wanda muttered.

Jerry scoffed, 'Not at all, Wanda. Your maximum telekinetic output already surpasses mine. It's just that you don't have good control right now.'

Anyway, after wiping the floor with the siblings in the next couple of minutes, Jerry announced that he would indeed take them with him on the next mission.

"But remember the rules, guys, No killing, No crippling, and No defying my orders. But most important of all, no dying!"
















'Fuck, I may have underestimated Tony Stark a bit...'


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