Marvel Live Fortune Telling: Sister Widow and Catwoman Cry

Chapter 139

Chapter 139 The clown’s human nature test? No chance! Widow sister’s last wish? Yes!

The Joker said to Harley, “Harley, I used to have a billion, stay with me and we can go back to greatness!”

Harley doesn’t want to reply to the clown anymore, it’s too morbid, so don’t want this kind of rotten peach blossom!

Batman posted a talisman to himself and laughed, “Joker, stand trial!”

The two soon scuffled together again, and Batman had the protection of the spiritual shield and was not injured, and he had the absolute upper hand.

The clown suddenly shouted, “Master, I want to buy a talisman too!”

Lin Chen shook his head, “This store does not take credit!”

“Wait until the next time I rob Penguin’s bank. 99|Clown’s bad check.

“You don’t have a next time!” Batman charged up again, punching the clown.

The three of Harley punched and kicked, knocking the Joker’s men to the ground.

The clown was beaten badly by Batman, leaning against the wall, looking at the bay downstairs, “Chuck, Batman, those two ships are going to be turned into Firework, are you happy?”


Batman was stunned, looking at the two huge amounts of ships in the bay, the lights above were bright, and each ship had at least a few people in distress.

The clown laughed and said, “One boat is for some civilians, and the other is for prisoners. I put enough explosives and diesel in the bottom of each boat to send them to the sky.

“You lied to me?” Batman murmured, feeling the seriousness of the situation.

The clown continued, “I gave them a detonator for each ship, as long as the detonator is pressed, the ship on the opposite side can explode, and my own ship can be saved. 310 If you don’t choose, ten After two o’clock, both ships will explode!”

“Haha, I want Batman to see, what is human nature!”

Jill also heard the news from his mobile phone, Dent also rushed to the scene, they were all dying of panic, that was nearly ten thousand lives!

Jill said in a trembling voice, “Master, what do you think we should do?”

Lin Chen looked at Poison Ivy, “Ivy, didn’t you tell me that it’s not a detonator, but a self-detonator.

Ivy pointed to herself with a bit of confusion, “Me?”

Lin Chen walked over, patted her shoulder, winked at her,

“Didn’t you tell me, your hacking skills are very good, the information that the clown found out was deliberately a detonator, but in fact, after pressing it, his own ship will explode. 99

Poison Ivy secretly said, “I’m a computer idiot, Daoist!

However, she knew that Lin Chen had given herself the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and said loudly, “Yes, the Taoist priest is right, I found it!

Widow sister put her hand on her forehead, please act better!

Jill said he knew, and immediately informed the people on the ship not to mess around, possibly killing himself.

Lin Chen knew that according to the plot of the movie, the people in the two ships finally chose to let go and did not blow up each other, but that is a movie, and ghosts know what human nature is like.

“Human nature can’t stand temptation, can’t take risks, and can make Poison Ivy meritorious, and it can be regarded as a gift to herself.

The clown shouted frantically, “No, I didn’t lie, I really bombed the other party!”

Batman sneered, “Clown, you are absurd and weird, you do this rhyme, press the button and think you will kill the other party, but you will kill yourself, this is a clown!

The clown wanted to cry without tears, “I was tricked by myself? Or did the wolf come and shout too much?!

He has a rich expression and a desolate expression, and everyone really doesn’t know what he is like!

But everyone is willing to believe that it is his spoof, after all, the people of the two ships dare not move.

Ten minutes later, neither ship exploded, apparently everyone chose to stand still.

The clown was furious, “In this day and age, no one can be trusted, I still have to rely on myself!”

He stretched out his pockets to take out the ultimate detonator and blast both ships into the sky!

Batman rushed over, trying to stop him with all his might.

The clown rummaged up and down, and all the pockets came out, “Where’s the detonator?! I forgot to bring it?

He didn’t give up and turned it over again, but he still couldn’t find it!

Lin Chen wore Poison Ivy’s slender waist and smiled, “Clown, you are indeed a pauper, and you can’t find a dime in your pockets.”

The clown is speechless, it’s about money!

Lin Chen laughed again, “Joker, your detonator has been taken by Ivy.

Poison Ivy was startled and whispered, “Master, I didn’t take it.”

“In your pocket, take the hook and show the clown”

Poison Ivy stretched out his left pocket, Lin Chen waved his hand, “Isn’t it in your right pocket?”

“Oops, look at my memory” Poison Ivy stretched out his right pocket and hooked (ahbi) a detonator.

Everyone was a black line. These two people directed and acted by themselves, obviously they had not been rehearsed, it was terrible!

Sister Widow slept sourly, “Scare, Gou men and women!

Batman understands, it is no wonder that the Taoist priest has many sisters, it turns out that I am for everyone, and everyone is my criterion.

The Joker rushed towards Poison Ivy and was kicked to the ground by Batman, and the two continued to fight together.

When Jill got the news from here, he has already started to guide the ship to the shore and evacuate the people on the ship.

Dent contacted Lin Chen, “Master, this time you have made a significant contribution to Gotham City, Poison Ivy is very hopeful of amnesty, and there is also a bonus for you.

Lin Chen nodded, “It doesn’t matter what the bonus is, it’s mainly for fighting criminals and for the citizens of Gotham.

Sister Widow and Harley looked at each other and rolled their eyes! How hypocritical!

Poison Ivy adored, “Daoist, you are so great, I’ve fallen completely! 99

Lin Chen patted her, “You still understand me”

Sister Widow couldn’t take it anymore, she pulled up a broom on the wall and beat the clown hard!

“Let you commit crimes every day!

“Let you hurt innocents!”

The clown was beaten, “You housewife, you are too sturdy, the broom is used to sweep the floor! 99

The widow sister said that she knew! She still wanted to beat him.

But she seems to be out of luck, stepping on a brick, slipping under her foot, and slipping straight out of the building!

“Ah!” Widow sister shouted, fighting so well by herself, there is no reason to be killed by a brick.

Lin Chen patted his leg, and then remembered, “No, she stole ten of my inverted emblems, no wonder it is so inverted!99

He also grabbed a broom and ran out of the building.

Harley and Poison Ivy hurriedly said, “Master, you are a fool, you can’t save her, and you will die yourself!

Batman didn’t have time to rescue him, because the Joker was fighting with him again.

Lin Chen waved his hand, “My broom is different. It can not only sweep garbage, but also fly. It’s a magic broom.”

Harley Quinn panicked, “Master, this is no joke”

Lin Chen yelled, “Trust me”

“Whoosh!” He sat on the broom, his spiritual energy gathered on his feet, and flew away with a screeching sound, chasing down a corner.

After the widow sister experienced the exclamation, she calmed down and thought, “I’m going to die? I shouldn’t! The stinky Taoist priest didn’t get paid for a month’s salary, and I lost a lot. 19

“I still have so much money, no one will inherit it! 9

“If I had known that he was dead like this, I might as well have put him to sleep!” Sister Widow was extremely remorseful, “Actually, he is not bad, he is handsome, he is willing to help people, and he even taught me how to cook. 19

Sister Widow closed her eyes and felt the wind in her ears, “It will be ugly if you fall to your death later, the stinky Taoist won’t dislike it, right, hey, it’s so difficult for me, and I still have to worry about it when I die!

“Gah” Lin Chen flew down, catching up with the widow sister, “Hui, beauty, you are still thinking after jumping off the building, are you thinking about life?”

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