Marvel Live Fortune Telling: Sister Widow and Catwoman Cry

Chapter 183

Chapter 183 Sisters of the eighteenth year, women’s intuition!

Lin Chen continued, “But his own son, you, is still a little pervert, isn’t he?

Adrian was stunned, “How do you know…”

He quickly reacted, “I am not the bishop’s son, I am just a priest, and we will never marry or have sex with women. 33

Lin Chen laughed, “Look at them, what’s the difference between their noses, eyes, and mouths?

The onlookers shouted, “It really is!

“looks like”

“This Adrian wears glasses, I didn’t notice for a moment! 99

“Scare, lose the face of our Monaga, and hurry back to the Holy See!

Bishop Henry rolled his eyes, “The brigade police listened to his nonsense, we just look forward to being together for a long time, and the longer we grow, the more we look alike. 33

This explanation is not believed by everyone.

“Do you think we are idiots?”

“The longer you are, the more similar you are, are you husband and wife?

“This old glass, why is it so disgusting!”

Lin Chen spread his hands, Henry, “Bishop, it seems that everyone doesn’t believe it! Prove it, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public, and you are also thinking about being promoted to an archbishop.”

Henry was stunned, “How did you know that I was going to be promoted to Archbishop?”

He came here just to see Serena this time, and he was eager to make contributions. If Paul’s father became a cardinal, he would also ensure that he became an archbishop.

“Of course it does,” Lin Chen laughed, he paused, “We Xiayou have a saying that if the biological father kneels on his son, it will cause the son to get dizzy, do you dare to prove it on the spot?

Henry didn’t believe this statement at all. He wanted to break the current situation and had to fight.

“Okay, I’ll try it!”

Adrian still wanted to advise, Henry waved his hand, “Don’t put too much burden on Adrian, we are here to prove innocence and catch vampires. 22

“Alright then, Bishop.” Adrian was still a little awkward, but Dad was willing, so he couldn’t tell.

Henry stood up tremblingly and walked towards Adrian.

Justin came over to join in the fun, “To actually embarrass an old man, this Taoist priest is bad enough,”!”

Sister Widow picked up a cup and threw it over, “Bang dang!” and smashed it on Justin’s head.

“Oh, who hit me!” Justin scolded while holding his head, no one paid any attention to him.

Henry saw that the only person who spoke to him was also hacked, and he had to prove his innocence!

He is the only one to kneel!

Adrian looked around and said, “I’m fine, nothing at all! 99

Henry was puzzled, “Adrian’s mother, wouldn’t she be cuckolding me! Well, after this incident, go to verify the DNA!

Lin Chen moved his hand, and the spiritual power rushed into Adrian’s head like the tip of a needle.

“Ah!” Adrian suddenly had a splitting headache, his feet softened, and he knelt down.

There was a clamor from the people around, “It really is a father and son!

“Son really can’t bear his father’s kneeling!”

“I believe in love again!

All around are pointing.

Henry’s face was dumbfounded, why did this stupid son kneel down to himself?!

Lin Chen smiled, “Okay, you don’t have to know each other for so long, you can get up now!”

Henry suddenly woke up, “I’m here to catch vampires, how can it be proved that Adrian is not my own! This Taoist priest is too cunning!”

He understood that he had already died, and the only thing that could save the situation now was to capture the female vampire and live with the Taoist priest.

He ignored the pointing of the people around him, but said loudly, “This woman is a vampire!

Lin Chen spreads his hands, “You are so shameless, you actually want to change the subject!”

Sister Widow rolled her eyes and thought, “It seems that you changed the subject first.”

“I can prove that this woman is a vampire!” Henry said suddenly.

The people around are also very strange, “How to prove it?

“Sunshine, vampires are afraid of the sun,” Henry shouted aggressively as his legs and waist were no longer sore.

He looked at the curtains, “You have the ability to run the police! 99

Serena suddenly grabbed Lin Chen’s sleeve, “Daoist, I’m afraid!

“Haha, now I know I’m afraid.” Bishop Henry strode forward, opened the curtains, and the dazzling sunlight poured in.

Ah!” Serena yelled, everyone was shocked, could this peerless beauty really be a female vampire?!

Serena hid in Lin Chen’s arms and said softly, “Master, what if I get tanned? It’s scary!

Lin Chen patted her shoulder, “It’s okay, dark spots are healthier!

Serenana shyly said, “Then you want me and Bai Yu to compete with Bai Yu at night!”

Everyone around is gasping for breath, the boy can play!

Lin Chen waved his hand, “Nonsense, this kind of thing can only be done by Brother Xuande! Mrs. Gan can testify! 22

Serenana gave Lin Chen a seductive look, “Brother-in-law, don’t you admit it!


The people around were in an uproar again, this guy is amazing!

Lin Chen turned to look at Serena with a groaning face!

“Play with me?! Go back and clean you up!

Lin Chen looked at Bishop Henry and said, “The sun is drying, you kneel down, talk about it, what else is wrong! 93

Henry murmured, “No, no, not afraid of the sun!

He suddenly realized, “It must be because she is very old and has practiced so that she is not afraid of the sun!”

Serena got angry, walked over, and kicked him to the ground, “I’m eighteen, so I’m old?! Who are you slandering! 9)

Lin Chen’s eyelids jumped!


“Good kick!”

The surrounding women denounced Henry’s behavior.

The widow sister had a good impression of Serena for the first time, “I am eighteen years old like me? Is she older than me? There is another one at the bottom? Yes! 9)

Henry stood up tremblingly, “Well, I can only prove it like this!

He took a palm-sized silver cross from his sleeve, “This is a holy relic of our Holy See, I can guide the sun into the cross, and all monsters and monsters will be punished by the Holy Light!

Lin Chen nodded, “How amazing, you hurry up! 33

He held Serena’s hand and said not to be afraid.

Henry was in high spirits and asked his men to open the windows!

He raised the cross and shouted solemnly, “I (the king’s) in the name of the Holy Light! Please God destroy the monsters!

The sunlight outside the window suddenly turned and converged towards the cross, and a little golden light poured into the hall.

Everyone around took a deep breath, the old man had something in his hand.

“Decades of bishops are still amazing.

Bishop Henry sighed inwardly, “You foolish people, you are afraid to show your hands even a little bit, this time I won’t donate more money to the Holy See!»

Adrian cheered, “Dad, it’s still amazing!

Little Pepper grabbed the widow sister’s hand and said worriedly, “Natalie, the Taoist priest will be fine, right?”

Widow sister shook her head, “This guy is very bad, the police worry about him”

Little Pepper looked at Sister Widow suspiciously, “Natalie, you seem to be familiar with him? 93

Sister Widow was startled, “Actually, I rely on a woman’s intuition.

Little Pepper nodded, “How do I have an intuition, you two knew each other before?”

Sister Widow smiled, “Women’s intuition is generally inaccurate! 99

Messy in the little pepper wind!

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