Marvel Live Fortune Telling: Sister Widow and Catwoman Cry

Chapter 272

Chapter 272 Lin Chen, who likes to send warmth to girls! Xingjue is about to lose his dad!

Everyone got on Egg’s spaceship, and Star-Lord’s spaceship was put into the Hanging Qiankun Ring by Lin Chen.

Star-Lord smiled, “Boss, you are so rich, you shouldn’t want my rotten aircraft, right?”

Lin Chen shook his head, “Second generation of stars, you all have planets to inherit, and you still care about this broken spaceship?”

Star-Lord thought about the same reason, he sighed, “I didn’t expect that I would be able to turn over. Now I have not only a ship but also a planet. Gamora considers me.”

Gamora rolled his eyes at him, “Dream!”

However, Egg stared at Lin Chen’s Qiankun Ring, “This ring seems to be a good thing, I will take it when the time comes!”

After several days of flying, they finally arrived at Egg’s planet, a planet with beautiful mountains and waters.

Egg laughed, “Welcome to my planet, it feels so good to be home”

Star Lord looked at everything in front of him and was stunned, “This planet is all yours?

Egg shook his head, “It’s ours now”

Several people came to a magnificent palace,

Egg began to introduce his origin, “When I wake up, I am a brain, and after millions of years, I continue to absorb the surrounding stones and become bigger and bigger, and then I want to find the meaning of existence..07

“Understood, I just have nothing to do when I’m full, and start thinking about philosophical issues.” Lin Chen nodded.

Egg .. the corners of his mouth twitched as he continued to introduce how he met Star-Lord’s mother..

Nebula interjected, “Egg, in your long life, only Mother Quill has one lover and one son? 99

Egg also started to dislike Lin Chen’s maid!

Star-Lord said angrily, “She told many people that my father is an alien, but the police all think she’s crazy, and you left her alone to take care of it all.”

Egg sighed, “Quail, I don’t want to, but I must return to this planet from time to time to absorb the energy of the core, otherwise this body will wither to death.

As the two talked, Egg taught Star-Lord to sense the power of the planet, and Star-Lord stimulated an energy ball in his hand.

Egg was quite excited, “Yes, that’s it, you are my son and have my divine power”

Gamora is a little strange, Egg is too excited, not like the excitement of the paternity test, but like a feeling that something has been resolved.

Lin Chen walked around with Nebula.

The mantis girl also followed, “Lin, please sign my name for me”

Lin Chen touched the tentacles on her head, “How did you come to this planet?”

“When I was a larva, Egg found me and brought me to this planet.” The mantis woman blushed.

Nebula has some sympathy, “Just like me and Gamora, were taken away and raised by Thanos”

Lin Chen patted the mantis girl on the shoulder, “You are also a hard worker, maybe you can come with us”

The mantis girl’s eyes lit up, she glanced at the palace in fear, her body trembled slightly, she forced a smile, “I’ll take you to the place where you live.”

Nebula and Lin Chen looked at each other, there was something going on here.

Gamora also came over, “Mantis woman, why is there no animal on this planet? 9

“Ego thought they were fleas and didn’t allow them to live on him.

Lin Chen smiled, “It seems that we are all fleas”

The mantis woman hesitated.

She touched Lin Chen lightly, and her face suddenly flushed, “You are a very caring man, and you send warmth to many ladies. I am afraid that they will be empty, lonely and cold, and you will feel at ease.”

Lin Chen shrugged, “Mantis girl, you know me too well, I’m actually a good person!”

Gamora and Nebula rolled their eyes at the same time..

Groot said it’s not fun here, not even a cosmic mouse!

“It seems that everyone doesn’t like it here.” Lin Chen laughed and walked first.

Several people came to the residence, At the moment the setting sun (a certain Fixed Star) has dyed the sky red, Nebula sighed,

“It’s actually beautiful here, I’ve been living in a fight, Thanos kept me fighting Gamora, he took one of my eyes and replaced my arm..”

Lin Chen took her shoulder, “I will turn you back into a beautiful woman”

Nebula shook his head, “You lied to me, that’s impossible”

“Nothing is impossible, as long as you understand the law of time, it’s not a problem”

Nebula couldn’t believe it, afraid that he would be more disappointed if he had hope, “I hope to kill Thanos, and then be a maid by your side for a lifetime.

Lin Chen blinked, “Just being a maid? It’s too aggrieved.”

He smiled, “Take you somewhere, take my hand”

“How to get there?” Nebula grabbed Lin Chen’s hand suspiciously.

Lin Chen performed the earth escape technique, and the two disappeared, walking through the ground.

Nebula looked at the surrounding soil and rocks in surprise, not daring to speak, for fear that his mouth would eat the soil.

The two came to a cave, and Nebula took a long breath, “Roar, boss, just walking around us in the dirt?

Lin Chen nodded, “Obviously yes, Sister Lan”

After Nebula was shocked, he smiled and said, “Boss, you are amazing, I like this name Roar”

She looked at the cave, “Why did you bring me here? 9)

Lin Chen pointed to the front, “Let’s go over and take a look”

Nebula walked over to take a look, and his legs were weak with fright. Inside the cave were the skeletons of countless juvenile creatures, humanoids, and all kinds of strange creatures.

She’s also smart, “Wouldn’t it be Egg’s other kids, he killed them all?!

“Clever, these are his children on other planets. They were killed by Egg because they didn’t awaken their bloodline.”

When the two of them arrived at their residence, the mantis girl came over quietly and whispered, “Lin, you are a good person, you should go quickly, there is danger”

Lin Chen nodded, “We just visited that cave, and we basically know it.”

Rocket, Destroyer, Gamora all gathered around, “What about Quill?

Lin Chen waved his hand, “We are amazing, definitely want to save people!

Everyone was very moved, and the boss did not leave anyone behind at the critical moment.

At the moment, Egg has already told Star-Lord about his plan to plant seeds on many planets and turn them all into himself.

But the father and son turned against each other in the end. It turned out that Star-Lord’s mother’s tumor was also put in by Egg.

Star-Lord is being controlled and used as a power bank,

“You bastard, I won’t let you go!”

Egg looked proud 097, “You can be a battery with peace of mind! 93


A small spaceship crashed in, directly crashing Egg into scum!

It wasn’t Lin Chen and the others who came first, but Xingjue’s foster father, Yongdu!

“Bastard, your father is a planetary scum!

Star-Lord broke free and climbed into the spaceship.

Lin Chen and the others also arrived and got on the small spaceship.

“Yongdu, you already knew, why didn’t you remind me?” Xingjue cursed.

Yongdu shook his head, “Am I going to tell you that your father is going to eat you? How bad is that for the child?”

Star-Lord put his hand on his forehead, “So, you just keep me, and then tell me every day, you want to eat me, this earthling?!

Yongdu laughed, “Haha, I’m cultivating your anti-stress ability!

“I’m riding a horse, thank you!

Rocket said with a smile, we “the police are in a hurry to leave, anyway, Quill’s biological father is dead, why don’t we see if there is anything valuable?”

The mantis girl hurriedly said, “That’s just a duplication, he will be back soon.

The rocket exploded, “Let’s run!

Star Lord shook his head, “No, we have to kill him, otherwise he will eat many planets in the universe, and many people will die, his core is underground.

Everyone looked at Lin Chen, after all, he was the most powerful, and he had to nod his head when something happened.

Lin Chen looked around, “What are you waiting for, let’s go deep underground and kill Daddy Quill!”

The crowd is excited!

Star Lord…

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