Marvel: Opening Prince of Asgard

Chapter 110

Chapter 110 Earth Shadow

Iron Man Tony is employed by aliens and is not on Earth all the year round.

CEO Pepper also travels the universe with Tony.

History Stark Industries lost its leaders and managers, although there were no major problems under the care of professional managers.

But it still lost a lot of stock prices and gave up a lot of market share.

And, with the exposure of the Skrulls who used Mutants and ordinary humans to do biochemical weapons experiments.

And the disappearance of Iron Man.

Some companies have also begun to constantly want to develop their own powerful weapons.

Such as steel armor, such as biochemical weapons.

Trask Industries has received significant financial backing under such circumstances.

And got some experimental materials left by the Skrull, and a Skrull corpse.

Bolivar Trask, an aging but not completely dead scientist.

After receiving a lot of financial support.

Finally started his plan again.

He hates all Mutants.

Because Mutant, will represent the future of human extinction.

When the X gene in humans is Awakening, humans become Mutants.

At the same time, the offspring of Mutant will also wake up the corresponding X gene.

If things go on like this, Mutant constantly Awakening, constantly multiplying, the average human will be like an evolutionary failed species.

disappeared completely.

At the same time, the emergence of a large number of Mutants will undoubtedly make humans who should gradually go to the universe through research and technology begin to sleep in the development of their own abilities.

Powerful individuals will stagnate or even destroy the development of the technological system, while at the same time making the current relatively fair social system.

Restored to an almost slave-owner state in ancient times.

Because those powerful Mutants will have the ability to decide the life and death of other weak Mutants at will.

And, will not be sanctioned.

The powerful Mutant will breed offspring, making the class incomparably solidified.

At that time, it is the end of the entire human civilization.

Bolivar Trask has been worrying a bit.

Now, the opportunity has come.

The dusty plan was launched directly, plus some of the steel armor manufacturing technology handed down by the Stark industry, as well as the genes of the Skrull and some experimental data.

Bolivar Trask’s dream Sentinel is finally built.

That’s a community of biochemistry and machines.

Can use the strength of multiple Mutants at the same time, and will not be easily destroyed by the fragile body.

That is a powerful enough force.

But in the process of researching Sentinel.

At the behest of his supporters, Bolivar Trask secretly captured a large number of Mutants as experiments.

Such biochemical experiments.

Few Mutants survived.

Even among these Mutants, there are old people and children.

But soon after the successful development of Bolivar Trask’s Sentry, some secret information about this experiment.

It was directly exposed on the Internet by the powerful hacker organization “Rising Tide”.

The “Rising Tide” organization is a secret organization composed of the world’s top hackers. Members only communicate online, communicate offline, and never reveal any information about themselves online.

Their vertical purpose is to expose some shady things in the world, eliminate lies, and let the public enjoy the right to know again.

It sounds good, and there have also been a large number of ordinary hackers who are unknown to them, and some ordinary people have also supported them.

But they are just civil organizations.

And because of the network, it is difficult to be punished by law.

And hackers, to put it bluntly, make a living by stealing secrets.

And these secrets may even include the code of the nuclear warhead, the technology developed by some companies, and some personal privacy.

As for who is the buyer?

Do hackers care?

Whether it’s a terrorist organization or a sinister villain, just give money online.

The “Rising Tide” organization has not been eliminated and banned, they exposed the brutal experiment of the Trask industry on Mutant.

But it completely angered all the Mutants.

The Skrull’s experiment has already made some Mutants dissatisfied and set off a turmoil.

But the Skrulls are not human, and humans are among the experimental subjects.

Therefore, the number of Mutants involved in the chaos was not large, and there were no strong Mutants to join.

But this time, the meaning is completely different.

Whether it’s to acquire powerful biochemical weapons, or to destroy Mutants.

When the experiment was exposed, when Sentry reappeared.

Almost all Mutants are united.

Xavier Gifted School, some aging Wolverine is saying something in horror.

“Sentry must all be destroyed, and Trask Industries must be punished!””

“Otherwise, it will be the end of all Mutants and humanity!”

History has changed so much over the years, but Wolverine dare not forget the terrifying future once dominated by Sentinel.

Although I don’t know why, Sentry will appear at this time.

But no matter what, it must be killed.

The former Sentinel slaughtered countless Mutants because it could detect the existence of Mutants.

Because human beings may AwakeningX gene at any time, too many people died in that massacre.

The Professor and Dark Phoenix are gone.

Dark Phoenix went out of control and killed the professor, nearly destroying the world, and was killed by Wolverine himself.

The current principal of Xavier School is Storm.

Storm didn’t go through what Wolverine went through, she just wanted to keep the Mutant school safe and sound.

And inherit the philosophy of the professor, willing to coexist peacefully with human beings.

That is, 367 envoys, Teslak made such a cruel experiment, and did not think of cruel revenge for the first time.

Wolverine continued to persuade, Storm wavered.

But the Mutant Brotherhood, which inherited the Magneto philosophy, is by no means weak like the Xavier School of Giftedness.

They plan to instigate a great revenge.

Determined to make the entire human race feel the pain.

On the other hand, the powerful Mutant, Quicksilver and Wanda, who had planned to take revenge on mankind secretly and society, also joined the Mutant Brotherhood.

Before the big revenge, the Mutant Brotherhood had already committed many tragedies.

Including the assassination of a large number of ordinary Tesla employees.

There is a scientist who has personally participated in the experiment, the whole family, including the elderly and children.

He was also burned to ashes by the Burning Man in the Mutant Brotherhood.

Ordinary people who were originally very resistant to Tesla’s experiment with Mutant, in the face of a large number of tragedies made by Mutant.

They began to condemn Mutant.

Because Mutant really kills ordinary people.

Humans and Mutants are at odds.

Society is in chaos.

The Sentry, the humans, and the Mutant start to fight each other.

Angel, who stayed behind, did not pay attention to some small-scale civil wars of mankind.

That is the bad root of human beings. If you help one side, you will offend the other side.

And, god, can’t be too cheap.

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