Marvel: Opening Prince of Asgard

Chapter 276

Chapter 275 Forward, Forward

“What’s the point of quality if quantity is useful?”

As for those terrifying space battleships and mechanical battle stars, the energy that their energy cores can provide for the Holy Heavenly Palace is even greater.

In the situation where the combat power is crushed, almost one knife at a time, any one who can be an Angel is still powerful, and it is impossible for anyone to get tired even if he chops thousands or even tens of thousands of knives.

A top-level battle robot of level 16 to 18 can provide the Holy Heavenly Palace with about 100 to 10 million basic cosmic energy, and a high-level battle robot of level 13 to 15 can also provide Caesar with 100,000 to 100,000 to 10 million. A million or so basic cosmic energy!

In one day and one night, the Angel Legion, which originally only had more than 20 million, jumped to more than 40 million.

Definitely, the price is that the more than eight trillion basic cosmic energy that Caesar finally harvested during the fierce battle with the omnic legion in the past two days is basically exhausted.

On the sea, the storms continued, the waves were turbulent, and the white boat was submerged by the storm from time to time, but always at the next moment, it broke through the storm and appeared on the sea.

And among the soul energy reserves of the thirteenth to fifteenth level, which are close to one trillion, it is also known that the soul energy of the fifteenth level has consumed 200 billion!


A Tier 3 reincarnation pool can only reincarnate a thousand angels of power from 16 to 18 every day, but when reincarnated as Angels, 10,000 can be reincarnated!

However, it doesn’t make sense.

After the millions of top-level combat robots were almost killed and wounded, the remaining nearly 100 billion high-level combat robots of the thirteenth to fifteenth levels, even though the number was terrifying, how could they be able to stop the invincible in a head-to-head battle. More than 20 million Angel Corps?

The sun is about to come out!

With a thousand third-order reincarnation pools running at the same time, the Gate of Transcendence can add tens of millions of Angel warriors to Caesar in just one day!

The millions of top combat robots in the Skynet Empire are no match for the 6 million Angel warriors at the same level, let alone more than 10 million, which is enough to rival the Skynet Empire’s sixteenth-level top combat robots. .

The battle continues, but the situation has gradually become clear.

The boat has never stopped, and it has been moving forward through wind and rain, but the originally violent sea has gradually become calm!

The 13th to 15th tier high-level battle robots that are close to 100 billion, as well as those terrifying 6th tier space battleships and mechanical battle stars are the most dangerous enemies of the Angel Legion.

However, not every battle robot, space battleship, and mechanical battle star can allow Caesar to successfully collect their remaining energy reserves after being shattered by Caesar’s Angel Legion.

After all, there are so many of them!

After all, they are also Angels with at least level 13 combat power!

All of a sudden, the omnipotent legion that was lost in his own hands was not a few!

The battle has lasted for two days and two nights, and the wreckage left by the omnic legion has covered the entire universe starry sky, turning the entire starry sky into a cemetery of steel.

Although the Omnic Corps had a huge advantage in numbers, on the tight battlefield, facing the Angel Corps who didn’t stop there, the huge amounts of numerical advantage were difficult to exert.

The sharp blades were swaying, the flames were burning, and the countless omnic warriors turned into a piece of cold scrap iron in the universe in front of the Blade of the Angel Legion. After Angel’s military camp flew, it turned into several ruins.

But the deaths of millions of top battle droids are just the beginning.

However, it’s all worth it!

Caesar looked at the omnic corps that had already been defeated, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly! Knife.

Especially when the Angel Corps is fighting and harvesting a lot of energy for Caesar, and Caesar is constantly using a lot of energy just harvested to continue to summon the 15th-level soul full of energy Angels!

In addition to being able to fight, the Angel Legion is definitely more resistant than the omnic Legion!

The omnics won’t be tired because of this, how can they be tired?

On the contrary, because all the friendly forces were in all directions, once some powerful attacks were dodged by the Angel soldiers, they would mercilessly bombard the opposing friendly forces.

And as long as they can’t stop the charge of the Angel Legion, the high-level combat robots of the thirteenth to fifteenth level that are close to 100 billion will simply let the Angel Legion charge for a while longer!

In two days, the Angel Legion under Caesar’s command had soared to 40 million.

But the white boat that was originally just a mere leaf has grown continuously in the storm, and it seems that it has gradually turned into a huge amount of steel battleship!

The dark omnic legion is like the ocean of Wang Yang, and the white Angel warriors are like a small boat on the sea.

“What’s more, although the universe is vast, the battlefield is so large, and sometimes an uncountable number of people on the limited battlefield may not necessarily be an advantage, on the contrary, it may be a disadvantage! 35

The battle became more and more intense, and the endless omnic legion did not seem to see the slightest decrease, and the monstrous black waves still covered everything.

0…for flowers…

Caesar murmured to himself, after joining forces with many Angel Legions to block a round of combined attacks from the omnic legion space battleship and mechanical battle star from the front, the Angel Legion of more than 20 million was directly like a steel knife. Seriously inserted – into the omnic legion.

Definitely, this kind of self-destruction can seriously damage some Angel warriors who are too late to guard against the small probability, and the most damage is the dense omnic legion around!

While giving orders, Caesar and the Holy Kaisha turned into sharp knives at the head of the more than 20 million Angel Legion. With his own combat power exceeding the eighteenth level, he was invincible all the way, leading the more than 20 million Angel Legion, in the omnic. Rampage in the army!

“Go forward, go forward, don’t stop, just go forward!

In just a wave of head-on collisions, most of the millions of top combat robots left by the Skynet Empire in the Skynet River System were split open by the Angel Corps, taking away the energy source in their bodies.

This depends on their combat rating and energy cost reserves.

There are always some quick-response battle robots or space battleships and mechanical battle stars that choose to self-detonate energy cores before being torn apart by the Angel Legion.

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