Marvel: Opening Prince of Asgard

Chapter 85

Chapter 85 The Helpless Avengers

“The Skrulls were just mentioned in the conference room, and then there was a nuke,”

“And the LA Hell’s Gate incident, the New York invasion incident, wow, they don’t care about the lives of ordinary people!

“Are you sure, the current America executives are still human?”

“You know, the Skrulls can change the appearance of others at will, and can read certain memories,

“This ability is really convenient to use to steal state power, right, Phil Coulson agent!”

Caesar dismissed the nuke with ease, then asked Phil Coulson.

The hearts of the remaining people were tight, and then they immediately looked at the Phil Coulson agent.

“The Skrulls do have the ability to change appearances and read memories,””

“But they were just a group of refugees, and it was me and Commissioner Nick who helped them!”

“How could they do something to surreptitiously manipulate a human regime?”

“I don’t know all of this at all, I must immediately confirm the identities of all the top executives now, their blood is green and can be detected!”9

Phil Coulson was stunned for a while. He really did not expect that a group of refugees who kindly helped back then would secretly manipulate the human regime.

Afterwards, he immediately shouted in a hurry, wanting to detect all the high-level human beings.

Fortunately, in terms of genes, the Skrulls can’t be changed and can be detected.

“So, those high-level officials who ordered the launch of nuclear bombs are very likely not humans, but the so-called Skrulls?”

Captain America asked coldly 03,

“What role does Nick. Director Nick Fury play in it?”39

“When Phil Coulson agent first followed Nick. Fury, he was only a Level 3 agent, right?

“Later Nick. Fury decided to help the so-called Skrulls and cooperate with them. Then, within six years, Nick. Fury went from being a third-level agent to becoming a director!”

“Such an upgrade speed, in the history of your S.H.I.E.L.D? Has it ever happened?”

“And, Tony, you should know that sometimes, the Nick. Fury that appears in front of us isn’t necessarily the real Nick. Fury, right?

Caesar said again.

“I can attest to that, at least once, when Nick Fury appeared in front of me as a Skrull,”

Tony. Shi Stark nodded and said seriously.

“So, as a SHIELD Director who has deep cooperation with the Skrulls, do you say that he is really unaware of some of the Skrulls’ actions?”

“Or, let it be, and let the Skrulls control the whole of humanity?”

“Also, you don’t really think that S.H.I.E.L.D will follow your lead after Nick. Director Nick Fury’s death?”

“We just said the news about the Skrulls, and they reacted?”

“You guys, what are you using to test those America executives?

Just as Caesar finished speaking, he saw the Hill agent hurriedly pushed the door and walked in.

“An agent in the aerospace aircraft carrier just tried to rebel and blow up the power plant of the entire aircraft carrier, which has been killed by me,

“But, there is a big problem, the government has just introduced a New York agreement, that all the Avengers accidentally injured too many civilians in the battle of New York, and they have no judicial and law enforcement powers at all,

“And suspect that some of the Avengers have colluded with alien forces,

“Because they easily let loose the culprit Loki, as well as Iron Man’s steel armor manufacturing technology, it is also suspected that Iron Man obtained alien technology to successfully manufacture,”

“And the Hulk, the government directly questioned whether he participated in the alien biochemical gene experiments, and is a potential biological weapon for the aliens!””

“They demanded that all the Avengers surrender to the government, and after the government has thoroughly tested them, they will be commanded by the government to protect the whole world, and Iron Man’s steel armor manufacturing technology must be handed over to the government, and Hulk must also be given the most stringent Supervision!

“By the way, the market value of the Stark Group has fallen by half, and some politicians are trying to speak for you, but all the high-level executives, all the fishing reels, are suspicious of all the Avengers!”

Hill finished speaking in one breath, and then looked at the crowd quietly.

Nick. Fury’s death, the sudden nuclear attack, the sudden announcement of the New York Agreement, and the mysterious Skrulls, and, the new Lord, the Sun God, everything, is a huge amount of mystery.

It’s also a huge hassle.

She doesn’t quite understand how the Avengers are, but she’s very clear about it.

There is definitely something wrong with the current high-level government.

Dr. Banner blushed a little too.

Hulk is definitely not an alien biological weapon.

It is also absolutely impossible for him and Hulk to accept the outright regulation proposed by the government.

That’s captivity, and the never-ending study of pain.

The appearance of hatred had already made him understand this.

“Don’t get excited, Hulk!”

Seeing that Hulk was about to transform out of anger, Caesar stared at Dr. Banner, whose face had turned green.

Hulk stepped back immediately, and Dr. Banner returned to normal.

“Hulk may have actually participated in alien biological experiments, but those aliens are the Skrulls themselves!39

Caesar whispered, and with a flick of his finger, a large number of Skrulls secretly conducted experiments on Green Goblin, Lizardmen, Spidermen, and even Mutants, as well as Hulk and Abomination, Caesar manipulated the light.

floating in front of the crowd.

Get caught up in a crazy Green Goblin experiment.

A lizardman experiment with a severed arm and stump.

And those festering Mutants, horribly deformed abominations.

One bloody human corpse after another, one cruel biochemical experiment after another.

Completely plunged the Avengers into the deepest anger.

The Skrulls have been forced to stay behind the Earth since they had seen Carol’s invincible strength.

It has been carrying out bloody biochemical genetic experiments with a large number of humans.

In vain, the Skrulls themselves can also control the incomparably powerful individual power.

“They bastards, I’m going to have a press conference, they’re not human at all!””

“They’re a bunch of aliens!”

“The earth and all the human beings must not be handed over to those bastards to rule!”

Tony. Shi Stark said excitedly.

Afterwards, he immediately contacted many media through J.A.R.V.I.S to directly stab the Skrulls.

Caesar watched all this coldly.

Tony. History Stark, as a billionaire, has a lot of followers.

There are also many supporters in the government.

Just after Tony. Shi Stark successfully issued a question to America’s executives, suspecting that they are Skrulls, and announced the simplest genetic test and blood test method.

In the case that America’s top management did not deliberately intercept Tony. Stark’s information.

Immediately across America, there was a commotion.

But soon, with several American executives, publicly in front of the news media, after collecting blood samples.

Tony. Stark, once again pushed to the forefront.

Because that blood is red.

They look like real human beings.

The Skrulls have been experimenting with biochemical genes for so many years.

Not for nothing.

America executives responded quickly to Tony Stark’s questioning, and immediately began to demand that Tony Stark be thoroughly tested by the government.

And, hand over the steel armor manufacturing technology!

Tony. Shi Stark began to fall completely on the reel.

Definitely, there are also some people who support what Tony Stark said.

They are also deeply suspicious of America’s 347-story human identity.

Because those high-level people’s reaction to proving that they are not the so-called Skrulls is too fast.

It’s not America at all!

“Well, Tony, and you guys, it looks like you’re out of luck!”

“So, Tony Stark, do you remember you owe me an answer? 35

“I think, now, it’s time to answer!”

Caesar said lightly with a smile on his face, as if he didn’t care about the so-called America executives at all.

Tony. Stark began to bow his head, and the Avengers began to fall silent.

With their current strength, there is simply no good way to resolve the agreement proposed by America’s top management.

Tony. History Stark can not openly attack America executives.

Hulk shot, it is not serious at all.

If there are more innocent casualties.

Then it’s completely incomprehensible.

Moreover, there is no problem with the detection of human genes?

Even if one of America’s executives was caught at the risk of death, how would they confirm their identities?

Or are they real human beings and the so-called Skrulls are just Caesar’s hoaxes?

But those high-level people are really not right.

Black widow and Hill, as well as Captain America, who didn’t have contact with the Skrulls themselves, began to have deep doubts about everything.

Phil Coulson was horrified and desperate.

Because he knows that the Skrulls really exist, and those high-level people do have problems.

It is impossible to detect that there are still all human beings on the whole earth. Is it really over?

Tony. Stark lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

For a long time, I slowly raised my head,

stared at Caesar and said,

“I remember you told me that if you work for you, the benefits can be mentioned, right?

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