Marvel-ous Ninjutsu

00040. Destroying the base and a new friend?

After Ezekiel finished messing with Zander, he knocked the man out again and had Magneto toss him with the other people. He then had Sarah help to wake up the other hostages, the people that were brought in by Stryker were a little out of it. But they talked to Xavier for a little while and he calmed them down pretty easily, they even agreed to send their son who was a mutant to his school. Ezekiel wasn’t one hundred percent sure if Xavier used a little something extra or not on them, but he didn’t care because their son’s name was Robert Louis Drake better known as Iceman.

The real surprise was the container of silver liquid. When they opened it, the liquid slid out of the container and turned into a silver colored girl with the body of a mannequin and bright red hair. She looked around at all of them for a moment before she asked in a sorrowful voice, “They killed my parents didn’t they?”

Ezekiel walked closer to her as he said, “Yes, unfortunately we were too late to save them. I am sorry for your loss.”

The girl melted into a puddle on the ground and Ezekiel could hear the puddle making a mournful bubbling sound. He sat down next to her as he said in a low voice, “Just let it out, it won’t do you any good to keep it bottled up. If you need a friendly shoulder to lean on, or you just want to talk, I will gladly fill whatever role you need me to.”

Ezekiel sat next to the girl as the others were moving the prisoners to the holding cells in the base as Xavier was talking to Iceman and his family. Sarah and Laura were also off to one side talking quietly with each other. After almost thirty minutes the girl slowly reformed next to Ezekiel, she was sitting down next to him hugging her knees. He didn’t say anything but put a comforting hand on her back and gave it a slight rub. She glanced towards Ezekiel and said, “My parents are dead because of me and I can’t even cry because of this stupid body of mine.”

“Trust me, you had nothing to do with your parents being killed.”

The girl glanced at Ezekiel before she tucked her head into her knees as she said, “I heard them when I was in that container, they grabbed me and my family because of this stupid power. If I wasn’t a freak, my parents would be fine and I would be able to feel something again.”

She lowered her head a little more into her knees as she murmured, “I hate being this freak of nature. Why can’t I just be normal again? Everything was better when I was normal, everything made sense when I wasn’t a freak.”

Ezekiel shook his head as he said, “You aren’t a freak, you are special. Some people might look at you and think otherwise, but those people are just small minded bigots. Just like the people here were.”

She buried her head a little deeper as she said, “Everything is numb now and I always feel cold. No matter what my parents and I did, I am always cold. I hate this so much, why me? Why can’t I just be normal again?”

Ezekiel let out a sigh before he said, “Maybe one day you can be semi normal again. As for the drawbacks you currently have, well everything comes with a price and honestly you are very lucky compared to some other people. At least your parents still loved you.”

She raised her head to glare at Ezekiel as she snapped back, “Well I never wanted this! I just wanted to be normal!”

Ezekiel patted the girls back as he said, “You are right, you didn’t ask for your powers. You didn’t ask for any of this to happen and this is certainly not your fault.”

Ezekiel gave a sad smile as he said, “But now you are going to have to move forward, one way or another. I am not really sure how you will do that myself, honestly I don’t think there's anyone who can tell you how to do it. But I gladly offer you help along the way if you ask.”

She let out a breath and then said in a slightly softer voice as she buried her head between her knees again, “When I became like this, my parents locked me away and wouldn’t let me outside anymore. They tried to hide me away from everyone, they took me out of school, I couldn’t talk to my friends. They didn’t want anyone to know their precious little girl had turned into some kinda freak. Does that sound like parents who loved their kid?”

Ezekiel looked up at the ceiling for a few moments before he said, “I can tell you one thing for certain, one thing that you should always remember and never forget.”

The girl turned to look at Ezekiel as she asked, “What?”

Ezekiel let out a breath before he looked at the girl as he said, “Your parents both loved you very much. I saw the security footage just before they were executed. The only thing they were worried about was what happened to you and if you were okay. If that isn’t love, then I have no idea what is.”

The girl looked at Ezekiel with her mouth open in shock, she let out a mournful wail before her jaw and then face started to deform as she melted down into a puddle again and started to bubble sadly. 

While she was bubbling on the ground, Sarah came over and said, “I know you are busy, but I wanted to say that I tentatively accept your offer. We can discuss the full details later.” She glanced at the puddle with a regretful look before she said, “When you aren’t indisposed.”

Ezekiel nodded his head but said nothing else as he watched the puddle next to him. As Sarah started to turn around and walk back over to Laura, Ezekiel spoke in a low voice and said, “Could you go to the sample vault and grab the samples for 13-45-62-JK and 13-45-61-MK for me and put them in a portable container?”

Sarah paused for a moment as she looked at the girl turned puddle on the ground. After that she nodded and walked out of the room. She came back a little while later and set a container down next to Ezekiel who nodded his head in thanks. She then walked back to Laura and sat down next to her as she put an arm around her waist and started talking to her again in a low voice.

After a while, Magneto, Logan and Kaecilius came back into the room. Ezekiel said to the girl next to him, "I will be back in a few minutes, just need to sort a few things out."

When he didn't receive a response he stood up while picking up the container and went over to Kaecilius. As he got closer he said, "You can send Sarah and Laura to the base. Introduce them to Steve and give him this. Tell him it’s for Tobirama, and that the chamber needs to be set up for two people. He will understand what you are talking about.”

Kaecilius took the container before he nodded in reply. Ezekiel then looked over to Xavier who was still talking to Iceman and his family as he said, “When you come back, you can send Xavier, Logan and their new student along with his family back to their school."

Kaecilius looked over at the metallic puddle on the ground as he asked, "What about the girl?"

Ezekiel shook his head as he said, "Her parents were killed here and from the records I saw, she doesn’t really have anyone else. We will take her with us first, I want to do something to help her. Once that is done, I will let her choose if she wants to stay with us, or go to Xavier's school."

Kaecilius nodded before he walked over to Sarah. As he did, Ezekiel walked back over and sat back down next to the girl, currently still being a bubbling puddle. He didn't say anything and just quietly waited for her to make the next move.

After Kaecilius came back, he transported Xavier, Logan, Iceman and his family to Xavier's school. After that only Ezekiel, the puddle girl, Kaecilius and Magneto were left. Kaecilius glanced at Ezekiel who gave him a thumbs up, before he opened a portal for him and Magneto.

After about ten seconds low rumbling could be heard, a few seconds later the ground started to shake. As the shaking got worse and the rumbling became louder, the puddle next to Ezekiel finally reformed back into a girl as she asked in a slightly fearful tone, "Is this an earthquake? Will we be okay here?"

Ezekiel smiled and said, “We will be fine, that is just Magneto having some fun. He was the serious looking old guy wearing that ridiculous red and purple suit with the cape. I am pretty sure he has a cape fetish.”

Ezekiel, gave a small chuckle before he said, “He is currently destroying the top portion of this place and the elevator shaft that comes down here. Once he is done we will be leaving.”

The girl settled down a little, but at the same time gave Ezekiel a flat look as she said, “Really? A cape fetish?”

Ezekiel laughed as he said, “What? Capes are so out of fashion. You have to have a fetish or something if you wear one.”

The girl actually giggled after a moment and said, “You do have a point… Your name is Ezekiel right?”

Ezekiel nodded his head as he stuck out his hand for a shake as he said, “And you are Cessily Kincaid, it is a pleasure to officially meet you.”

She was quiet for a moment before she reached out and shook his hand while she said in a subdued voice, "Thank you for saving me."

Ezekiel pulled his hand away, gave a cheesy grin at Cessily along with a thumbs up as he said, "That's what hero's do."

She looked at him incredulously before she started to laugh. As she did her whole body began to shake and deform slightly, she stopped after a moment with a frown on her face.

Ezekiel gave her a pat on the back as he said, "Don't worry, you just need to get used to your powers and it will become second nature to control it."

They were both quiet for a while before Cessily asked, "What happens now?"

"Well I would like you to come with us for a little while, after that I will give you a couple of options to choose from and then it’s up to you. Like I said, I can only offer you help along the way, you are the one who will have to move forward. No one else will be able to do that for you.”

Cessily nodded her head slightly as the rumbling noise and shaking earth finally stopped, a few seconds later Kaecilius along with Magneto appeared from a portal. As they did, Ezekiel looked over at Magneto and asked, "Do you have your speech finished?"

Magneto nodded and said, "It's almost done, Beast and Mystique were double checking it when we left."

"Great, send me a copy when it’s complete. I just wanna make sure you didn’t add any homo-superior nazi bullshit to the speech.”

Magneto gave a slight scowl as he said, “I told you, I no longer think that way and I was never a nazi!”

Ezekiel smirked as he said, “You were really damn close to them with those speeches you used to give… I just want to make sure this goes right, this could have a big impact on how we move forward. After I double check the speech, I will need a little while to finish up my end of things and then we can go live. Make sure you dress to impress."

As Magneto nodded in reply, Ezekiel looked at Kaecilius and said, "Alright we are pretty much done here, let's head home."

Kaecilius nodded and made a portal for Magneto to use. Once he was gone Ezekiel stood up and made a few hand signs. A puff of smoke later a tall man with the shape of a bodybuilder was standing there, dressed in all leather and a pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses.

He looked down at Cessily and as he reached a hand out to her he said in a deep accented voice, "Come with me, if you want to live.”

At first she was in shock at how he transformed, then she processed what he looked like and what he had just said. She began to giggle, which became full blown laughter a few seconds later, before she turned into a puddle on the ground.

Ezekiel turned to look at Kaecilius and saw that even he had a small smile on his face. Ezekiel turned back to Cessily and waited for her to reform before he said, "That would have been terrible if you didn’t get the joke.”

Cessily nodded her head as she said, “My dad is… Was a big Arnold fan, so we watched all of his movies together…” As she talked her voice got lower and her body started to deform slightly.

Ezekiel placed his hand on her shoulder and said, “Take a breath and just exhale it slowly. It will help to calm your mind.”

She followed his directions and when she was fully solid again, Ezekiel helped her to stand up as he said, “Alright, are you ready to get out of this place?”

“Sure, where are we going?”

Ezekiel transformed back into his normal self as he said, “A super secret decommissioned military base that we currently use as a base of operations. Because we are a group of super spies, ninjas and sorcerers!”

Cessily stopped for a moment and asked, “You are not being serious are you?”

Ezekiel smiled as Kaecilius opened up a portal and just before walking through it, he winked at her as he said, “Only one way to find out.”

Cessily looked at Kaecilius and asked, “Does he always joke around like that?”

Kaecilius nodded his head as he said, “Pretty much, I have only seen him acting serious a few times. Even today, he turned our entire rescue operation into some kinda game for us to play.”

“Really? What made him act serious?”

Kaecilius smirked and said, “You did.”

Kaecilius walked towards the portal and said, “Let's go, he is waiting for us.”

Cessily nodded as she walked to and then through the portal. Once through it she was greeted by a strange looking room with all kinds of symbols engraved on the walls and ceilings. She looked around in wonder as Kaecilius came through the portal and it closed behind him.


I do have 3 beta chapters currently posted on Patreon.

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