Marvel-ous Ninjutsu

00122. Training chakra and?


After getting the Valkyrie’s settled in Genosha, Ezekiel moved on to his next project. Something he accidentally put off for the past couple months, teaching everyone about chakra.

It was a couple days later that Ezekiel and a bunch of his clones met everyone who was given a new body inside the main base's gym. They were located in the main sparing area where bleachers were set up for people to spectate fights.

Ezekiel glanced over everyone for a few moments, double checking that no one was missing. He only wanted to do this once and then give everyone reading material he made on the subject. He knew he would have to still answer questions sooner or later. But hopefully the cloning project would be finished soon and he could pawn the work off on other people.

Ezekiel put on a smile as he said, “First, I would like to thank everyone for coming. Before I start, does anyone have any questions?”

A few people raised their hands so Ezekiel pointed to one of them as he said, “Go ahead.”

Sarah glanced at a couple other people around her before she asked, “I want to know why I'm here? I'm not a fighter and don't plan to be one. So do I really need to learn this stuff?”

“That's a great question and honestly if you don’t want to learn it, I won’t force you too. But before you leave, let me share a few non combat related skills you might find useful.”

Ezekiel henge’d into a beautiful long haired woman in a red dress before he said in a woman's voice, “This skill can be used to change your appearance.”

Sarah raised an eyebrow as she said, “Which would be great for spying, but I don't plan to be a spy.”

“True, but you could easily use this to spice up your bedroom activities if you wanted.” Ezekiel winked before he transformed back into his normal appearance.

Sarah was about to respond when Ezekiel pointed to one of his exact clones and said, “If some role-playing isn't to your liking, maybe a ménage à trois is more interesting instead? You could easily make a clone of yourself.”

Steve shook his head, while some people seemed interested in the idea. Other people like Fury weren't amused at all, including Tao who said, “I hope you have a point to all of this.”

Ezekiel nodded as he said, “Just giving people ideas to think outside of the box. The things you can do with chakra and the skills I teach you can be used in a bunch of different ways. You can even come up with new skills once you gain mastery over chakra control.”

Ezekiel looked back at Sarah as he said, “If you master chakra control, you can use it to help with research projects. Or make clones to help with research in general. Or better yet use clones to learn faster.”

“Learn faster?”

Ezekiel pointed at his clones and said, “Every clone I make has my memories when they're created. So they can easily help with anything I need. But the best part is they also send me memories when they dispel. So if one of them reads a book, it's like I read the book myself.”

“Wait, you share memories with your clones? So you're some kinda hivemind? asked Bill.

Ezekiel shook his head as he said, “No, it's just me and copies of me. Once a clone is made it's a separate copy of me and I only receive the memories once it's gone.”

“But what if a clone doesn't want to dispel?”

Ezekiel shrugged as he said, “That doesn't happen, they know they are only a copy and have a limited life span. Also we are getting off topic.”

Ezekiel looked back at Sarah and said, “Besides what I mentioned, there are a large number of medical applications you can use chakra for. Plus you can easily come up with your own once you become proficient with chakra. Does that help, or should I list more reasons?”

Sarah shook her head as she said, “No, that's more than enough. Thank you.”

Ezekiel glanced over everyone as he asked, “Any more questions?”

Ezekiel pointed at Clint who asked, “What exactly is chakra?”

Ezekiel scratched the back of his head as he said, “That's a very complicated question that could take days to discuss properly. But the simplest explanation would be supernatural energy you can harness.”

“Anyone else?”

When no one had any questions Ezekiel started everyone on the first steps to sensing their own chakra. Which only took a few minutes since everyone could easily feel chakra inside their new bodies. The next step was getting everyone to slowly cycle chakra through their pathways.

That ended up taking a while, since some people just didn't seem competent at the process. But within a few hours everyone was able to somewhat cycle chakra throughout their bodies. The next process was pushing a little bit of chakra outside their bodies.

That one took even longer and Ezekiel ended up calling it a day after that. He told everyone to practice cycling chakra throughout their pathways for the next week and they would try the next step the following week.

For the next class everyone could consistently cycle their chakra throughout their pathways with no real issue. So Ezekiel moved them onto the next step of producing chakra outside of their bodies. It was just a little bit on the tip of each person's finger.

This step took the whole day and even the next class before everyone had a decent grasp on the concept. From that point on the classes ramped up in difficulty and Ezekiel started training everyone on the leaf sticking exercise.

Too much chakra and the leaf would be destroyed, too little chakra and the leaf wouldn't stick. Tao and Agatha had the easiest time with the exercise and could easily stick a leaf to their finger after a few minutes. But Ezekiel didn't stop there, he had them do one on each finger after that.

It was the same for everyone else once they could do the first leaf. They would add a leaf till their hands were covered in them. Once everyone completed that portion of the training, Ezekiel moved them on to coins.

It was the same principle but with heavier objects this time. He also increased the difficulty by making everyone add a new coin on top of an already stuck coin. It made people have to adapt and find the right balance point to hold the first coin to the second coin. Once they could do it with two coins, he added a third, then a fourth and fifth coin.

The last step was a stack of coins on each finger on both hands. Once the first person completed that part of training, Ezekiel moved them on to the rock wall. So far the only people to get that far were Tao, Agatha and surprisingly Coulson. They're training was to climb the rock wall and only use their hands with chakra control.

By the time that part of the training process came up it was already December so Ezekiel had his clones decorate the base for the holidays. He also set up a large group trip for all the kids to go to Genosha and have fun at the theme parks. It wasn't just the kids from the base, but also the kids from Xavier's school who were going.

It was planned to be a week long event and at the end of it, Dazzler and her band were going to have a live concert event broadcasted on Vibe for Christmas Eve. Everything for that went smoothly and the concert ended up getting over twenty million live viewers. Which was surprising for Theo, because that was over a quarter of the user base of Vibe tuning in to watch it.

It also gained Dazzler and her bandmates a lot of new fans and they finally surpassed Kurt with the highest follower count. Well it was close, they were only a few hundred ahead of him for now. Speaking of Kurt, he recorded a lot of footage while in Genosha showing off a lot of the country and its advanced technology and city. The videos he uploaded while on vacation ended up being some of his most watched videos. But that might be because everyone was super curious about Genosha, which had very strict immigration and visiting restrictions.

So far only a handful of people have visited Genosha since it was announced to the world. Mostly it was foreign dignitaries that passed the background and psychological checks. So far there were only ten people that passed everything, which made a lot of governments unhappy. They even made an official protest to the UN asking for sanctions to be placed on Genosha.

Magneto, being the showman he is, went directly to the UN and told everyone who wanted to place sanctions on Genosha to send better representatives. He then posted every person's background and psychological check that failed to enter Genosha online. Needless to say, he ruined a lot of peoples careers in less than a day.

It also pissed off a lot of people and countries, but Magneto just smiled at the camera’s and said, “Genosha welcomes everyone and anyone who is open minded and understands that even though some of us might look different. Underneath it all, we’re all just human.”

After that day, no country or government said anything bad about Genosha… At least publicly that is. A few countries have tried other ways to get into Genosha, but with Tao’s magic barrier in place and Theo’s control of satellites. No one has been within a hundred miles of the island unless they allow it.

That didn’t stop the United States and a few other governments and groups from trying though. The US attempted it the most though, with ten by water and twenty by the air. They finally stopped when one of the jets they tried to fly towards Genosha disappeared and the pilot ended up appearing out of thin air confused in the middle of the command center.

Shield also tried to enter Genosha but they lost two planes before they stopped. It wasn’t on Fury’s orders either, but on Alexander Pierce’s and the WSC. The pilot’s from the first one were returned to a random Shield base, while the second plane was flown remotely. After that the rest of the world stopped trying to enter the area around Genosha.

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