Marvel-ous Ninjutsu

00142. More recruiting.

A few weeks passed by and a few things happened in that time. Agatha came back from the quantum realm, because Wong took her place. Kaecilius was meant to go originally, but with his punishment duty going on, he was forced to stay behind.

While Hank’s efforts so far have yielded no signs of his wife, only about ten percent of the place has been searched so far. Or at least that's the best estimate they have. Between Minato, Tobirama and the drones, the task was going relatively fast all things considered.

Back on Earth, Theo helped out Isaiah Bradley and his wife Faith Bradley. Both of them were given a healthy new body, which was cloned from themselves with a tiny bit of Logan’s healing factor. Orochimaru also fixed all the issues he found with them before he made clones of them based around twenty years of age. After they were placed in their new bodies, Ezekiel gave them a credit card and a card with his phone number on it.

After he handed them over he said, “This is for both of you. Go out and enjoy life, like you should have originally.”

Isaiah took the two cards and glanced at them for a moment before he asked, “What are these for?”

“That one is my personal phone number, call it if you ever need anything.”

Ezekiel pointed at the credit card as he said, “That’s a credit card I set up for both of you. I gave you a million dollars for each year you were imprisoned, and then doubled it.”

Faith glanced at the card for a few moments before her eyes widened as she asked, “You’re giving us thirty four million?”

Ezekiel shrugged as he said, “It's fifty million actually, it was easier to just round up.”

Isaiah went to hand the card back as he said, “We don’t need the money. These bodies are more than enough and we still won’t be able to repay you for them.”

Ezekiel shook his head as he said, “The money is already yours, I won’t take it back. Use it however you want, or give it away to charity if you like. But it’s yours to do with as you please.”

“I would personally suggest traveling the world for the next few years and just enjoy your life together. Make it one long overdue honeymoon” Ezekiel said with a smile.

Isaiah put the two cards in his pocket before he asked, “Thanks, but are you sure there isn’t something we can do to repay you?”

“You don’t owe me anything and there’s no debt to repay. I was just righting a wrong, that shouldn’t have happened in the first place.” Ezekiel said.

After they talked for a little longer, Ezekiel made a portal back to their home and before the portal closed he said, “Enjoy your new life, but if you ever get bored. Contact me, I could always use good people like you, to help me make the world a better place.”

The portal snapped closed right after and Isaiah shared a glance with his wife before she said, “I know that look.”

“That’s the same look you gave me before you joined the army.” She said as she poked him in the chest.

Isaiah pulled his wife into a hug as he said, “I can’t help it. If he was serious about making the world a better place, I wouldn’t mind helping him.”

Faith pushed her husband away and looked deep into his eyes before she said, “And I’ll happily join you. But first we have a lot of missed time to catch up on.”

Faith then winked at her husband before she pulled him towards their bedroom.


Around that same time period Ezekiel met with Whistler and Blade again. Well he met with them and the others Whistler worked with, one of which turned out to be his daughter. After meeting everyone, Ezekiel gathered their information and had Inoichi and a few others do full psychological evaluations on them. By the time everyone was cleared to join, Ezekiel was helping Isaiah and his wife into their new bodies.

So once he received the news, he invited everyone over to the medical base so they could do checkups on them and get DNA samples. From there it only took about a week for all of them to get a new body, even Blade. He would be weaker than before, but only for a little while. But all of the vampire hunters would be stronger than Blade was after they finished training their new bodies.

After being placed into new bodies Sommerfield had the biggest reaction. Being blind before the process and then being able to see was very emotional for her. She couldn’t stop crying as she hugged her daughter Zoe after seeing her for the first time.

As Sommerfield hugged her daughter, Whistler looked at his daughter Abigail and said, “I’m not going to hug you like that.”

“Good, it’s kinda creepy with you looking my age.” Abigail said as she looked at the others.

Afterwards they were all quickly integrated into the base, with Sommerfield’s daughter Zoe, quickly making friends with the other kids. They didn’t need to live at the base permanently, but for the next six months they all needed to train and get used to their new bodies. Even though Sommerfield and Hedges weren’t originally hunters, with their new bodies and training. They would join the others in field work going forward.

Ezekiel also had his clones expand the base again, to make an area for the vampire hunting group. Well the group would focus on other things then just vampires, but their main goal for now was vampires. Ezekiel also checked with anyone else in the base, if they wanted to join the group. A few of the shield agents, a couple of the sorcerers and Mikhail decided to join. Blade was a little reluctant to work with even more new people, but Whistler set him straight and so far the new team was getting along… Even though everyone agreed that Hannibal King talked too much.

Another thing Ezekiel dealt with during that time was the Dire Wraith spaceship. He put it off because he wanted to restore it and use it, but didn’t really have the proper technology to do it. But after going through all the stuff they recovered from Sakaar and comparing it to the new ships they acquired. Ezekiel realized that while the technology in the ship was advanced compared to earth. It was old compared to the rest of the galaxy.

Instead of trying to upgrade everything, it was better to just build something new from the ground up. So Ezekiel used clones to completely dismantle the whole ship to recycle everything usable. It took almost a month, but once finished Ezekiel was happy with finally doing something about the ship.


Ezekiel collapsed on the ground as he gasped for air before Kaecilius and Mordo each joined him a few minutes later. As they all laid on the ground a voice rang out and said, “Get up, we aren’t done yet!”

Ezekiel slowly got back up with the others to look at the person who spoke. Tao was casually seated in a chair drinking tea as she said, “Prepare yourselves, I expect you to do better this time.”

As Ezekiel and the others started to make magic defenses, Tao placed her tea cup down before the erected defenses shattered and blew the defenders off their feet. Tao lightly shook her head as she said, “I expect more from all of you, again!”

Ezekiel wanted to complain, but he knew that wouldn’t help and in fact would just make things worse. Or it might even extend their training even longer, when today was supposed to be the last day of their forced group training under Tao. Unfortunately it was also the worst day, Tao battered them non-stop from the moment they arrived. Ezekiel was sure if Mordo and Kaecilius weren’t given better bodies, they would be seriously hurt right now.

When it was time for training to end, Tao threw them a curve ball and extended the training for another three hours. By the time she completed her lesson for the day, Ezekiel and the others could barely stand properly and were covered in bruises. Well Ezekiel looked normal because of his henge skill, but underneath he was beat up. Tao glanced over them all before she said, “And here I thought you wouldn’t be able to stand. I guess I held back a little too much.”

Tao waved her hand and said, “With today, your group training is finished and you're all dismissed… Hopefully you learned your lesson and this isn’t needed again.”

After they left the training hall, Mordo shared a glance with the others before he asked them, “That was holding back?”

Ezekiel shrugged as he said, “None of us are bleeding, so probably.”

Kaecilius nodded in agreement before he asked, “I’m not sure about you guys, but I’m starving. Do either of you wanna eat?”

“Sure.” Mordo said.

Ezekiel nodded in agreement before he said, “Sounds go to me. Where do you want to go? I’ll pay.”

For some reason they settled on Korean BBQ and after they cleaned up with a quick spell, they teleported to Seoul, South Korea to eat. They went to one of the more famous spots and after they sat down to eat, Ezekiel couldn’t help it as he noticed a woman eating in another group. Something about her just looked familiar and he couldn’t place it exactly.

Ezekiel discreetly watched her for a while as they ate and even though the other group started eating before Ezekiel’s group arrived. Ezekiel’s group finished first as everyone had other things they needed to do. Ezekiel just needed to go home and sleep, so after he left, he used his skills and hid in the shadows and waited outside the restaurant.

About half an hour later the woman left the restaurant with her friends before she split off to head home. Ezekiel used his skills to hide from her as he followed her all the way home. Once there he waited for her to go into her bedroom before he slipped inside and found her purse. He quickly memorized her ID and portaled back home to look her up. While the name didn’t ring a bell at first, after looking into her background he realized why she was familiar.

She was Helen Cho and helped to make the body Vision used in the MCU movies. But in the comics he remembered she was the mother of Amadeus and Maddy Cho. Whether or not that would happen in this world was up in the air, but it didn’t matter to Theo. Since he found her, Theo decided to offer her a job. That night Theo sent her an email titled ‘Interested in a new job?’

In the email itself he gave her a number to contact him at, since the email address he used couldn’t be replied to. Besides that, the email contained a few of the unclassified research notes from a couple of projects people have worked on at the medical base. It was all cutting edge research and anyone as smart as Cho would easily recognize it. With the bait in place, Theo went to bed.

The next morning as his family ate breakfast, Theo’s mom said, “I narrowed down who you can sell your game to. When you get home from school today, I want you to sit down with me and we can figure out which one to choose.”

“Sure mom, sounds good to me.” Theo said with a smile.

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