“It has to have some sort of mass to it for energy conversion unless you want it to sap a lot of your energy.”

I had explained to Nat what I wanted from her and the first thing she told me was a gun and I was like, ‘Of course not!’. It was the obvious choice given her profession but it’s not like she could carry a gun everywhere… scratch that, she could.

But I felt a gun wouldn’t be an ideal suit compartment and it would be a ton of extra work to do but we just settled for a piece of jewelry. A single earring that also functioned as a normal ring. 

It was a piece of work given the energy needed to unveil what it really was after it was transfigured. It didn’t need much energy to swap it back to her suit as much as it was needed to transfigure it into a ring. 

I was only able to carve simple 'thought' runes into it given my lacking knowledge of more sophisticated runes but what I did was all they needed. 

A simple thought transfer rune within a 1km range and another rune to change their suit back. The energy consumption from them due to the suits transformation was negligible due to their Super Soldier and Enhanced Super Soldier status. Thank God that Nat didn’t turn buff which was due to the fact that while Erskine’s research focused more on muscle mass and tissues, streamlining them into peak performance state, mine was more energy focused and augmentation. 

For Yelena… I had to give her that serum, against my better judgment I knew it was something I had to do but it wasn't before warning the adults in the house never to let her go with them on their missions even when I knew fully well that that warning wouldn’t hold. 

I had to step back when I realized that no matter how averse I was to the idea, at the end of the day, I was no more than a… friend maybe? All this happened before I left for Kamar-Taj and seeing as how Nat was fine with it, though after a long talk with the younger girl. 

Yelena’s suit was a smaller version of Nat’s with red accents, fitted after the Black Widow. 

Done with my little upgrade on their wares I retired into bed to start the next day with a meeting with a board of staff I’ve never met. On second thought, I’ll call Marky and let him do that instead. I don’t pay him to laze around in my company. 


The next day, after getting Marky to attend the meeting with Obadiah, I drove my car down to the Mansion and had Ororo meet me the moment I passed the gates, which turns out they’ve been out on a mission. 

“So Mystique?”

“Yes. We ran into them when Logan picked up Sabretooth’s scent. This isn’t the first we’ve clashed in recent months but according to Logan, Sabretooth and Mystique working together is a lot of problem. We believe they are working for somebody but we have no idea who.”

I looked around as we walked and apart from some iconic faces that paid me attention, most of them were new. “It seems like you guys have been busy with the recruiting. How are you holding up?”

“Truthfully, it’s been hard these past few months. We’ve been moving non-stop due to distress calls from different countries, trying to put out the flames of violence against metahumans. It’s the reason why there are so many new faces. Add that to training the diverse abilities of the children and also acting as emotional supports for them, not that I’m complaining of the work, but it sometimes wears you down.” She empathized by slumping her shoulders in a tell before straightening up. 

“Not that I can say I understand but that’s gotta be rough. And given who you are, I believe you don’t believe in taking a day off.” I said as we made a turn to a room where they usually hold their meetings. 

“And what is that supposed to mean?” She raised her brows at me in mock offense. 

“When was the last time you slept through the day?”


“When was the last time you went to the park to unhinge?”


“And when was the last time you did something that was not X-Men related?”


“Exactly. Not that it’s bad or anything but, forgive me for saying, you don’t have a life outside these walls.” I don’t know why she looked surprised when I was just pointing out the obvious. She seriously never thought about that, did she? 

“When you say it like that, even if I am slightly offended, it sounds true. But unfortunately, not all of us can be as free-spirited as you, disappearing for months off to who-knows-where. Some of us have something we would dedicate our lives to, regardless of what it demands.” She said. 

“That sounds awfully like how fanatics speak. And I think I don’t need to tell how they are wrong 100% of the time, mostly due to bad reasons, evil leaders or they were lied to.” I couldn’t help it. That was exactly what it sounded like. 

“What are you trying to say?” She said with narrowed eyes, coming off a little serious. 

I looked straight into her eyes, undeterred. “It means you should get a life, preferably outside these walls. No one can deny the fact that what you do is as noble as the word comes, but pledging your life to helping others without trying to help yourself is not a way to live. Trust me on this.”

She matched my gaze, still remaining unconvinced. “And how would you know?”

“Because I’m proof. If you think what I said is a lie, then ask Logan. He’ll tell you otherwise.” I said before I pushed the door open to find Charles and Hank inside. 

“Why’d you call?” I immediately got to the point. There were no feelings lost between me and Charles… in fact between me and anyone in the X-Men except Ororo. 

“I wanted to ask you something… Magneto… Is he…?”

“Dead. That’s what he is. I obliterated him down to his last blood cell on Christmas Eve.” I said and saw the already beaten form of Charles look defeated. “It might just be me thinking this, but did you seriously expect me to let him live if I had the chance?”

“Everyone has the right t-” 

“Not him. Eric Lensherr lost the right to be anything other than dead when he decided to come after me. The reason why Doom is still roaming the earth is because I haven’t found him yet. If that is all then I would be taking my leave. Try your best not to reach out to me again.” I said and rose up from the seat I sat on, totally ignoring Ororo’s silent plea for peace. 

“Wait… That wasn’t the only reason why I called for you. I wanted to apologize for what I did. I was shortsighted and in my act of hubris and paranoia, I have greatly erred against you. Please forgive me.” 

The whole room fell silent as the two guests watched Charles and I before I sighed. “It’s been over a year Charles. I don’t care much for how you feel in regards to me, but the time for apologies are long past. 13 months overdue. If that is all then I’ll be having my leave.”

“Will you help? The metahumans, will you try to help them?” He asked in a hurry, seemingly trying to grasp at something but I shook my head not at all oblivious to how they all seem to deflate. 

“I can’t, or rather I won’t. Too selfish to be a Saint regardless of the irony there. I’ll try to help you guys when I can, though it would be better if you don’t count on that for the time being as I’m rather busy at the time.” I told the man which made him let out a weak smile before he asked again. “What do you think about the current metahuman situation and how do you think we should act in moving forward?”

“I don’t know why you would think I am a good choice for opinions but I think we can both agree that the mutant race don’t belong under any existing government.”


“What’s with the alarmed faces?”

“W-what do you mean by we don’t belong under any government?” 

Oh, so that was the reason for their faces. A hundred bucks says they all thought I was going for terrorism. “Different from the outrageous thought process you are currently traveling on, what I meant is for you to create a new body. There are at least more than 2 million mutants around the world and as much as you would like to believe otherwise, there is no hope for peaceful coexistence except you prove to be a strong body that countries, not government, countries, wouldn’t be able to neglect your words.”

“Mr. Cross, I don’t think that is the ideal way.”

“Ideals can’t be implemented in the real world Charles! Unless you understand that, then I’m sorry to say but what you are chasing is a fool's game.”

“Draul.” Ororo called me in admonishment but I wasn’t having it. 

“Think about it for a second. Violence is a part of EVERY living being. No revolution was wrought with peaceful talks, none. Thinking you could do that is a child’s dream. Unless you are ready to fight back, the metahuman kind would continue to be oppressed. The reason why Magneto was taken seriously was because he fought back, trading every blow for blow and then some.”

“You are saying we should be like Magneto?” Charles asked through gritted teeth. 

“No. I’m saying you should grow a spine.” The room went dead with noise as the clear admonishment to all of them. “I believe I’ve overstayed my welcome, I’ll be seeing myself out.” I walked out before any of them could stop me, not that they would want to after what I just said. 

“Wait.” Or maybe I was wrong. 

“I’m beginning to think you have a reason for always having my back.”

“Well you wouldn’t be entirely wrong. Did you mean what you said? About taking a strong stand? Do you really think it’ll help?” Ororo said with a pensive look as she thought over her own words and mine. 

“What do you think? Review human history and you’ll have your answer. I know for a fact that Charles’ way won’t work. You don’t become a leader or the voice of such strong people without a degree of might. Later Ororo. And remember, try to have fun. You are not getting any younger.” I laughed at the small shock I felt in my hands before I waved her off and drove to my next destination. 

To talk to Fury. 

Granted he should have been the first I went to meet due to the issue with the satellite launch but I figured I wanted to listen to what Charles had to say. You know, to get the potential bullshit out of the way before the real stuff. 

“Where the hell have you been?!” Was the first thing Fury said to me the moment he saw me. 

“I was off State for an important issue. Had to get my head in order.” My days at Kamar-Taj helped me in retaining my volatile self and also helped me in control of my overwhelming anger. Although I could still be blinded by anger, I now had a higher level of tolerance and I could also use most of my clarity when in that state. 

It had gotten a lot stronger after last year, the plateau of its strength I mean, that I only spared with Master Hamir once in the mirror dimension, which if not for the intervention of the Ancient One, I would have killed him. The more I got stronger, the more my anger got terrifying. 

“Well, I’m thankful you’re back. I was hoping you could help me with something.” Fury said as we both got inside his office. 

“What with?”

“There have been some abduction cases of metahumans. Normally my team should have been able to deal with things had it not been too severe. There encountered some metas; one was some kind of diamond-like man and the others were some dude we could identify as Gambit who used exploding cards and the last was some girl with a weird mouth who could attract things… her abilities are mostly unknown at this point.”

“Oh that? I think Steve and the others were on it and… also the X-Men. Now that I think about it, it could be something big… but between S.H.I.E.L.D, the X-Men and Steve and… okay they have to come up with a group name, but between you three, I don’t think it’ll turn into something you can’t handle but if it turns out I just raised a flag then I’ll take care of it.” I really should look into this just to make sure it isn’t something big happening behind the scenes. 

“About that,.. Uhm could you tell them to cooperate with us at least on this?” Fury looked as if he was dealing with a huge headache. 

“You’d have to talk to them about that. I have no business, nor the energy, to snoop around in their heroics unless they specifically ask me. So I wouldn’t be able to help you there.”

“Yeah I figured. Didn’t hurt to try tho.”

“As much as I would love to continue our conversation, let’s talk politics for now… gluergh!”

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