“Should we try to help them? It’s been a while now and their fight hasn't ended.” Steve suggested after they had enough rest and even hit up one of the stores for food.

“You can if you want to, I’ll just sit back and enjoy the show.” Draul made no action of moving from the spot they all sat, watching the X-Men fighting some metas who used to be part of Magneto’s Brotherhood.

Even with that, no one moved from their spot and watched the students of Xavier battle it out with their foes. 

“You weren’t kidding when you said some of them could kill us if they learned how to use their abilities.” Bucky remarked as he watched some of the kids he’d seen before use impressive abilities that he would say were a pain to deal with. 

“Impressive as they may be, they are still a long way before they can truly manifest the true scope of their abilities. Oh… If you would excuse me, I think I just found something interesting.” Draul said before flying towards a particular part of the beach where a real fight was happening. 

He arrived just in time to see the Juggernaut ramming the body of Logan to the side as he made way to Storm who hovered mid-air. The moment he stopped his unstoppable momentum, he was given a dash to the head by Colossus which only shook him for a bit which gave the already running Logan the time to slice at the leg of the behemoth only to scowl as his claws didn’t do it, a first. 

The only reason Draul came here was to see if this was the Cytorrak-empowered Juggernaut and looking from the way he was tossing the Wolverine and Colossus all through the field gave him his answer. 

He couldn’t be injured as his durability was one of the highest there ever was and not even Draul could boast otherwise. He didn’t even fancy himself as someone with a high enough durability. 

He watched as the Juggernaut picked up Colossus for a slam only for a bolt of lightning to throw him off. 

“Bitch come down here so I can squeeze your tiny little neck. I’mma knock ya breaths out.” The man touted as unstoppable roared at Storm who wisely remained floating above. 

Seeing the man stopping his momentum, she created a dome of frigid air around him and electrified it leaving the man trapped within in a crying fit. 

Unfortunately it wasn’t enough to stop Cain Marko who left her in shock as he forced his way out of the dome before breaking out into a sprint as he headed towards where Storm who didn’t look all too much worried but that was before the man took off from the ground with a mighty leap that caused a crater to appear. If it were anyone else then Storm would have struck them down for trying to fight her in the air but unfortunately her opponent was Juggernaut… and he was in motion. 

He was almost near her legs even as she tried to move back before a huge axe with red lightning struck the Juggernaut directly to the face which caused him to shift midair, missing Storm by a breadth. 

The giant axe, as if having a mind of its own, spun in a curve before going back to the direction it came from. 

“That would have been too bloody for a PG-15 drama.” The axe landed in the hands of the still seated Draul who just held it lazily despite its size. 

“Who the fuck are you pal? Want a bruisin’ or some’n? Cause the Juggernaut will give it to ya!” Cain Marko shouted angrily at the man who made him miss the sparky bitch. 

“Oh sorry about that. I’ll try my best not to interfere. Just wanted to watch a nice fight that I wasn’t participating in.” Draul waved at the fuming man who was still cussing at him. “You might want to focus back on your fight.”

Before Cain Marko could figure out what he meant, he found his balance uprooted as the Wolverine lifted him a few centimeters above the ground in an impressive display of strength which was complimented with a superman punch straight to the Juggernaut's head by Colossus. 

It finally ended with a lightning strike from a scowling Storm who vented her frustrations on the man because of that close mistake. 

It was an impressive display of teamwork but the Juggernaut still proved a daunting foe as he groaned for a moment before getting up and his eyes flashed red for a second. 

“NOW I’M PISSED!” He blocked Colossus’ punch easily this time before charging into the metal man and carried him on his shoulders as he made his sights on the rock the bastard with the axe sat on as he munched on some pretentious fruit… most likely a pear. 

“Oi! Oi! Turn around! You’re going the wrong way!” The man pointed his hands at the direction of his other enemies but something in him just wanted him to crush that bastard who thought his fighting prowess was some sort of reality TV show. 

He rammed Colossus into the rock and through it but the bastard managed to escape at the last second. 

“What gives man?” Draul floated a distance away from the Juggernaut as he finished his pear before chiding the man. He truly wanted to just watch the fight. And also to see what he could glimpse from the energy that Cain Marko was exuding. 

Unfortunately the Juggernaut was not the best listener on his best day. 

“You plan on helping out?” Logan asked the floating man. At this point he would not be surprised if the man grew Adamantium claws from his knuckles. 

“No. You guys got this. I’m just satiating my curiosity.” The man shrugged before turning to Ororo. “When I said you should go out and have some fun, though visiting the beach was a nice idea, I didn’t mean visiting it in your uniform and hurling lightning as some dude who spent way too much time at the gym.”

Ororo just grunted and ignored the guy but the intensity of the lightning around her form increased. Logan only raised an eyebrow at the two of them before turning back to the headache that just would not go down. 

“Any reason why you guys are fighting this dude?” Now sitting on a higher rock, Draul asked. 

“Since you don’t want to help, then we can’t think of any.” Ororo cut off whatever Logan wanted to say but even with the bite in her tone Draul still remained sitting with an apple in hand as he bit into it with a loud crunch. 

“Look at Piotr go.” Draul took on a commentating role as he watched the living metal and the human boulder smash their way at each other. 

The Juggernaut was a frightening foe to face… if he wasn’t standing still. While it has been proven that there was no known force to stop him once he started moving, having his two legs planted as the ground at the same time made him easier to deal with. That was the reason why Draul didn’t want to fight him. Though the possibility of killing the Juggernaut was almost in the negatives, the possibility of winning on the other hand was over 90%.

“So what’s the deal this time?” Draul looked towards Ororo who stayed behind, leaving Logan and Piotr to face off against Cain Marko. 

In a rare show of emotion, Ororo scowled before reverting back to her calm face. “They were trying to abduct a family of mutants at the beach.”

“Apple?” Draul offered as she sat beside him. 

“Where are you taking those from?” He was too scantily dressed for him to be able to hide fruits in his pockets without anyone knowing. Regardless, she accepted the fruity offer. 


“Oh. Not everyone has the talents for the lost arts. Congratulations.” She seemed surprised, not at the knowledge of magic, but the fact that Draul could learn it. 

“You’ve seen people using magic?”

“Yes, druids actually. They practiced a rather unorthodox way of magic.”

“Oh oh watch this!” Draul interrupted Ororo causing her to turn back to the fight to witness the scene of Juggernaut delivering a spine buster to Logan. “Hss. That’s gotta hurt.” Even the stoic Ororo winced at the scene. 

“Are you seriously not gonna help?”

“The kind of help I could offer is the lethal kind…which I don’t think is gonna do anything to him.” 

“Can you guys flirt later? ‘Ro we really need some help with the big guy.” And that was Logan being flung towards Colossus who in a rare I-don’t-give-a-fuck moment, batted his incoming teammate aside and released a beastly shout before tackling the Juggernaut to the ground and rained heavy punches to his head. 

“We really need to help them out or I’m afraid they would not be able to knock him out any time soon.” Ororo stood up and left to accompany her teammates while Draul remained behind… munching on a banana. 

From the looks of things, Ororo was able to hurt him more than Colossus and Wolverine as proven by the fact that he immediately hurled a rock at her as she got nearer. That and calling her a sparky bitch showed his extreme displeasure at the presence of the weather goddess. 

As it turns out, ganging up on the Juggernaut was an easy way to disrupt his momentum as long as you are fast on your feet. The theory was considered true as Logan always went for his legs while Colossus went for his head every time they got the chance. 

“Now it’s just getting sad to watch.” Draul muttered to himself as he finished his guava. The current scene of Logan latching onto one of the Juggernaut’s legs while Colossus tried to choke him was disturbing. They looked like two children trying to prevent their favorite uncle from leaving the house. 

Having had enough, he took out his sling ring from his pockets and wore it. Giving it a once over before nodding to himself, he turned his sights back to the fight, if it could be called that by this point and conjured up a magic circle around his hands. 

The ground around the Juggernaut started sinking in which made Logan immediately stop hugging the leg of the overgrown man. To stop the man from lashing out and gaining momentum, ropes shot out from the ground and bound his entire body, sinking him faster into the ground until only his head remained. 

“Annnnd done. You guys might want to remove that helmet from his head.” Draul dusted his hands and jumped down from the rock and started leaving. 

“You could have done that from the start, why didn’t you?” An irritated Logan asked. If only the overpowered prick had done that from the beginning then he wouldn’t have had to be tossed and kicked around like a ball.

“Like I said, it was entertaining watching someone other than me fighting. Though that sentiment got lost pretty quickly with all the hugs you guys were exchanging.”


The Colossus looked pissed if given the way he knocked out the depowered Juggernaut was any tell. Draul took one look at the helmet and turned away. 

‘Yeah, no way in hell am I going anywhere near Cytorrak’s relic. You don’t get the title of ‘strongest’ magical being for just being strong.’ Though he was tempted to take the helmet, the rational part of his mind told him that going near any nigh-omnipotent being was the wrong choice at this point in time. 

They left their battlefield with Cain Marko and made their way to where the younger X-Men were fighting. 

Draul saw some new additions to their team which included Sunspot, Rouge – who was easily identified by the small white tuft on her head and… was that Pyro? Guess he joined the X-Men huh? 

From what Draul could see and what he knew about their current abilities, Sunspot was easily the strongest out of the bunch. 

“Got some strong kids.” He complimented. 

“Who are just as troublesome.” Ororo remarked. 

Some of the assailants were quick to escape with a portal, most likely the ability of one of them, as soon as they saw the teachers coming with a fainted Juggernaut. The only ones who remained were the ones who had been slow to act or were prevented from doing so by the students. 

“Eep!” Everyone’s attention was drawn to a frightened Sunspot who just caught sight of Draul. 

“Hey kid, how you doing?” It came as a surprise to the others that the usually strong and arrogant Sunspot could be afraid of anyone. It was only the few older students present that nodded in understanding at Sunspot’s reactions. 

“Uhm, who is he?”

“That Rogue, is someone you don’t want to know. Trust me.” Came the advice from Bobby. 

“Why?” The southern belle further inquired. 

“Just ask Logan. I’m sure he’ll tell you why.” Bobby escaped the interrogation because he wasn’t feeling comfortable talking about the man. 

The man in question just walked by and left them without saying a word other than his initial greeting. 


Updates might be irregular for the next few weeks since I just started my exams and, surprise surprise, I have a lot of materials to catch up on. 

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