Though not how he planned it, the day so far had been entertaining. Ororo had dragged him across the beach, hitting up any joint that looked fun. Even he had to admit that it was actually fun. Who knew Ororo could be this outgoing?

He didn't know if it was because of her powers but even though she was having fun she sometimes seemed to keep it at bay, as if she was careful to not show too much emotion. Draul could understand as he was someone who had the same issue, though his were on the negative spectrum. 

It was a calm yet nice way of having fun, not the boisterous type, those Draul hate. 

Even though they were going at a smooth pace, Draul could tell that it was affecting her. Not being able to show how you really felt would put a damper on most of your feelings. It was the reason why Ororo was seen as the serious and no nonsense teacher back at the Mansion. *Sigh*

He was the one who told her to try and have fun, it would be remiss on his part to not help her have it when he was her chaperone. 

"Hey, Ororo. Can you surf?" He thought of a good idea. 

"Yeah. But I don't think the waves are good enough to surf." She said while taking a glance at the shore. 

"Oh don't worry about that." Draul said and went for the boards. 

Ororo already had an idea about what he wanted to do so she waited until he came back with boards for both of them. 


"Sure. Though I don't think it'll be a good idea to do whatever it is I think you're going to do." She showed her skepticism while looking at the people who were in the water. 

"Don't worry about that. I'd worry about myself more if I were you. Brace yourself." Draul waved off her concerns with a small smile. 

"What ar-! Draul!" She couldn't help but curse at the laughing bastard as they fell down to the middle of the sea through a portal that the bastard had to be the cause of. 

She stabled herself midair while Draul did the same, although the smile was still on his face. 

"Out here you can surf without having to worry about ruining other people's day." The words he said shocked her because not once had she ever spoken about her inability to control the weather's link to her emotions. "How?"

"I noticed the slight change in the clouds a few times when we were on the beach and also how quick you were to get your emotions under control only for the clouds to go back to being sunny. An easy deduction on my part or anyone's in particular if they were paying attention." He explained and then pointed to the sea below them which was already starting to rage in turmoil. "Figured this would be the best way to get it out of your system. Come on." 

With that, he dropped to the sea in a free fall only for the water to spit him out a few seconds later and a small ice platform to form around his feet as he stood and waited for her. 

As if telling of her excitement, the sky rumbled as she made her fall but unlike Draul who splashed into the water, she slowed down as she neared the water surface where an ice platform extended to let her stand. 

"You sure about this?" Despite the question, a smile was plastered on her face. 

"Trust me this once. It'll be fun."

They readied their boards atop the ice while they waited for the exact moment, the sign for kickoff. 


They shot forth at the sound of thunder, going faster with a speed higher than any car on earth could move at. 


They ignored the sky high waves that were coming for them and continued moving faster amidst the sound of laughter and the symphony of thunder. 

Draul sped through the high rising wave and shot himself into the air and spun around to catch the graceful white haired figure of Ororo being bathed with lightning as she rode the waves of the sea with lightning trailing her course. 

Taking that as a challenge, red lightning coursed through Draul's form as he descended back to the sea in a pursuit of Ororo as she had sped ahead of him while he was in the air. 

Ignoring the waves that would have given the bravest of seafarers the fear of death, the two individuals, one clad in white lightning while the other in red, raced against each other with the laughing sky as their only audience. From afar, they looked like tiny sparks of red and white occasionally dancing in the black canvas of the sea. 

"This is amazing!" Ororo shouted at the top of her voice which was echoed by Draul's mad laughter. 

"Right?!! I-" 


Draul's voice was cut short as lightning struck him by surprise, sending him into the sea. 

"Draul!" She spun around and surfed to where Draul had been submerged only for the man to resurface while laughing like a loon. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. That was unexpected though. Crap, looks like my board broke." Draul frowned as he controlled the water to bring back his sinking board. 

"Should we go back?" Even though she asked, the frown on her face showed that she hadn't had enough of the thrilling experience yet. 

"Nah. We're not done yet." Before she could say anything, Draul made a board of ice, got on, and hit her on her shoulder. "You're it." Before he blitzed away with lightning speed. 

She stood there for a while before realization dawned on her and she contorted into a scowl. "Oh, you're on." And she followed behind. 

And so the game of tag continued in the ocean with two fun starved adults surfing on boards made of ice as they tried to tag each other. 

It got to the point where, aware of each other's resistance to the natural elements, they started hurling lightning at each other as well as controlling the sea to act as obstacles. 

Too absorbed in their little game, they didn't take the time to witness the state of the sea they were in for if they did, they would have known that where they were playing had become a spot for natural calamities. 

Lightning from heaven, numerous in numbers each struck to the sea at the same time, making that area around the sea look like a birdcage made of lightning then stretched all the way from the clouds to the sea. Even the sea had risen more than 20% of its normal height but neither cared as they hurled lightning, ice and gales at each other in order to take in the highest tag count. 

Draul surfed behind Ororo hurling one lightning bolt after another which she dodged with ease. 

None of them were actually trying that hard to hit the other, what counted at the moment was the amount of fun they were having. 

They had to stop after they saw where they were, from the elevated surface of the sea to the eye of a hurricane hundreds of meters below the sea level. 

It was only at that point that they thought of the repercussions of what their little game would have on seamen and any civilization hundreds of kilometers away. 

Thankfully, none of those fears came to pass as Ororo and Draul had to spend the better part of thirty minutes to calm the sea and tides and also to make sure that any effect from their actions were negligible. 

"I think that's enough work for today." Draul nodded his head as they both gazed at the calm sea after they were done with the reconstructing of the ocean ecology. 

"Now then, shall we?" With that, Draul opened a portal back to the beach and they both stepped through. 

The beach was free, save for a few people still having fun, as the day was coming to a close. 

"Hey, whatever happened to the Juggernaut and the others?" Draul asked Ororo as they made their way to their group. 

"Piotr took them away on the jet to be locked up. He should be back by now to pick us up."

"And pray tell where the hell have you two been?" Logan asked the moment he saw the duo making their way to the stand. 

"The Pacific." Logan snorted at that answer but humored him nonetheless. 

"To do what?"


"… Wait what?" Logan did a double take. "Did you just say you were surfing in the Pacific?"

Draul nodded. 

"So what the news had been running for the past hour… was both of you?" He stared in shock at the gall of the two adults in front of him that called whatever the nauticals and marines were freaking about, surfing. "You know what? You do you." And he left it at that. Did they not realize that they had half of the continent worried about the predicted upsurge of tornadoes, hurricanes and cyclones in the coming months due to the stunt they pulled? Whatever it was, he didn't have it in him to argue. 

"I'll have to go now. I believe thanks are in order for showing me such a wonderful time." Ororo smiled. 

"No biggie. I've never had fun on such a large scale before so it's a big win for me too." He laughed off her thanks and grabbed a fruit on the table to chew on. 

"Still, I still wish to thank you. I've never had fun… as wild as that ever before so it was a thrilling first experience. Let's just say the most I did were movie nights with… Jean and some of the students. Haven't done that recently however." She winced as she came to the realization that she was really lacking when it came to such activities. 

"God, I can tell from the expression on your face that it's actually worse than how you said it. And if you still wish to thank me, just plan the next one. I'm more of a go with the flow type of guy anyways and planning things isn't really my style, so you do it. Deal?"

Ororo took a second to think before she beamed a smile. "Deal." And then shook on it. "See you later, Draul." And with that, she walked towards the changing room to get ready for her leave, which left Draul alone on the spot as he decided to wait for wherever his group went. 

It didn't take long before they started filtering in, having gone out for some food. 

"Look who decided to come back. And here I thought you wouldn't be in a hurry to end your date." Natasha winked at Draul and stole his second apple before he could take a bite. 

"Oh, so the quack finally saw the need to date huh? I'm glad" Bucky just gruffed in a low voice and sat on his chair. 

"It wasn't a date… the next one might be, but not this one." The man shrugged and snatched back his fruit from the red head's hand. 

"She's that interesting for you to be looking forward to a date?" Natasha asked as she settled for another fruit. 

"Ororo is… nice. At least she's not someone that I feel uncomfortable with so there's that. And please, enough about the prospective date that may or may not be. Are you guys ready to leave?" Draul asked as he reached for another fruit, only to find the bowl empty as everyone had snagged one when he was talking. 

"Sure, that's enough time spent at the beach. Where are we going next?" Yelena asked which earned her bewildered stares. She sighed as it was quickly becoming a trend as of late. "What is it this time?"

"You still want to go somewhere?" Steve asked. 

"Of course. It's only past five, we've got like six more hours to spend before we hit the bed. And it's not every time we all get to hang out like this, so yes, I want to go somewhere else." She said matter-of-factly. 

"Turns out she's right. So where are we hitting next?"

"How about the cinema? I think a new horror flick came out. We could check it out and move from there." Yelena suggested. 

"Hopefully it has a lot of blood." Draul said. 

"I don't think horror flicks have much bloody elements." Natasha remarked. 

"Okay then, a lot of screaming it is." He corrected himself. 

"I think you are mistaking a slasher flick for horror man." Bucky said. 

"So what is it about horrors that scare people so much?" Draul was curious. 

"I think it has to do with the fear of the unknown. The best horror films tend to be the ones where the cause of horror gets the least screen time in order to boost the expectation and fear factor." Yelena explained. 

"Could have just gone with some action. At least those have blood in it." Draul shrugged. They got to the car and the moment they were about to enter… 

"Uhm… can I drive? Just this once." She stared intently at Draul and Bucky as they were the only ones who brought cars. 

"You know what? Fine! You drive for the night." Draul tossed her the keys and got into the car with Steve while Yelena stood outside, looking as if someone just gave her the most valuable treasure on earth. 



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