[Draul St. Cross POV]

The date with Ororo went very well, not like a normal date where we try to visit a few places. We did more walking than anything else and her company was so enjoyable that I didn’t realize we'd been walking for hours with only a few pit stops to try some delicacies by the road. 

“You seem to be in a good mood. I guess your date with Ororo went that well?” Nat leaned on a pillar and inquired with a teasing smile on her face. 

“Yes it did.” I replied. 

“Hoh? I guess another one is on the way, right?” I don’t know why girls were that interested in such things, but conversely so are men. But not on the date part but rather whether you’ve banged a girl or not. Each to his own, I guess. 

“Yes it is, just not yet.” I said as I poured her some tea. 

“Well that’s a bummer.” My lips twitched in mild annoyance. 

“And pray tell, why’s that?”

She shrugged. “It would have been fun. The idea of you committing to someone that is. You, of all people, need it.”

“Are you patronizing me? Don’t make me sound so pitiful, I don’t like it.” I told her. 

“I’m not. I simply care about you is all. You’ve done a lot for everyone in this house, so much that we can’t repay. You’re stronger than us, you’re smarter than us. Hell, you even pay us.” She started. 

“Unintentionally, by becoming our strongest rock you also cast this huge gulf between you and all of us. We know you mean well, but there’s only so much that we can actually do for you. It’s crushing you know? Not being able to stand besides the one person you admire. The very least we can do is cheer you and be there when you need us… if you need us.” The depreciating smile on her face hurt me more than I thought. 

“I… I didn’t think it was that hard on you guys. For what it’s worth, you all are a family to me. Not one I intended, but one I’ve grown to cherish nonetheless. It might sound corny or maybe it’s not what you want to hear but… you don’t need to be anything else, Nat. None of you do. If I’m to be perfectly truthful with you… none of you could fight half the battles I’ve fought, nor the ones I will fight.” I knew well how that hurt her but I felt it was what she needed to hear… what they need to hear. 

“The best I can do is make sure you guys are strong enough to at least survive whatever comes your way. I don’t know if you know this but, the four of you are the reason I haven’t gone off the deep end. I have somewhere to return to after every battle, you guys too. So don’t for a second think that you guys have nothing to offer. All I’ve ever wanted was peace of mind and you guys bring that in droves. The fights you can’t win, leave it to me. You can be what you want but never stop being you… is all I’m trying to say.” Midway through my speech, we found ourselves hugging. “Leave the heavy things to me, I’m that strong.” I whispered to her as I ruffled her red hair to which she nodded. We separated which made Natasha turn to wipe the little tears that escaped her eyes. It’s my fault but sometimes I forget she’s just turned 21 this year and stupid ass me had gotten her a magically enhanced knife and a gun with infinite ammo, also magically enhanced. Armor piercing rounds were the least of its functions. 

She coughed into her hands to disperse the touchy atmosphere which made me smile. “So, Ororo. You like her?”

“That I can say I do.” I admitted. 


“So what?”

“C’mon tell me. You think she’s the one?” And gone was the assassin and in her place was a normal redhead that enjoyed gossip. 

“I don’t know what kind of cringe romantic novels you’ve been reading but, not that fast. It’s a gradual process.”

“But there were sparks right?” This was an image that I never thought I would see of the famous Black Widow. A typical young adult. 

“Girl, I don’t know where you’ve been sticking your head in but you better get it out. Sure, there’s an attraction but I don’t think it was to the point where sparks flew.” I chuckled as I said that. 

“But I quite like Ororo. She’s nice, and not to mention beautiful. Who’s ever seen a black woman with natural white hair and blue eyes? Definitely not me.” She was right about Ororo. Ororo was a bit of a tomboy, most likely due to her childhood days as a street kid. But all that her past did was add substance to her person. She was as strong as she was intellectual. 

“Thank you, and I’ll tell her you said that. But unfortunately, your approval won’t be the deciding factor in this scenario. We’ll be going out again in a week or two, depends on her.” I said. “What about you guys? I heard you and Yelena went into town today. Any new fun activity you think that we can try on family night?”

“Hmm. Well there’s this new restaurant that opened a couple of blocks away from Charlie’s. They have some pretty good food. And oh, I think Yelena made a friend. Though he seemed quite sketchy and something about him was off.” She said something which made me pause. 

“Him?” Looks like I’ll have to put the satellite to use. She did say he looked suspicious. 

“Yes it was a guy.” She made a show of rolling her eyes at me exaggeratedly. “His name was Loki. I think he’s a metahuman though. Saw him pulling out a wallet from nowhere because he wanted to thank us by treating us to dinner. For some reason I just don’t like him, he has this way with words that make him sound like a scammer.”

My thoughts went into a deep haze of frost as Nat kept talking about the guy they met. Now call me paranoid or stereotypical but I don’t think anyone’s gonna go around calling themselves Loki apart from the very person in the Marvel-verse. One thought that was currently swimming through my head was why was the Norse god of Deception here on earth? And the fact that he met Nat and Yelena was definitely not a coincidence. 

Loki was trouble. It didn’t matter about his personal strength but rather his cunning and intellect. Him having his eyes on you was already bad news and something must have happened in Asgard, or rather in Odin’s palace that brought up my name and trickled it into the Mischief god’s ears. 

God! Why won’t the trouble just leave me alone. 

“Draul, you okay? There’s no need to overreact that much. Yelena is not ignorant, she’ll know the moment she smells something is wrong. And besides, I’m going to dig up anything I can find on our Norse god.” She patted me in the back and retired to her room, leaving me to think about the recent headaches that just made its way to my head. 

First of all, let’s find out what Loki wants. 


[Loki Odinson, God of Mischief, POV] 


Always made to be played within the palms of a god. 

They were as ignorant as they were feeble. To not even notice when a god was in their presence. Well, no matter. 

Not like he expected much from then anyway. He already got an in to his prize. 

He had tried projecting his astral form inside the building but there were wards in place to prevent that and even if he could break them, that would only alert the man inside. 

‘So he also dabbles in magic. Amusing.’

He drew back his spirit to his form and opened his eyes. 

They hadn’t been able to even sense that what he was using was just his astral form that he materialized. Well, he can’t complain now, can he? Like their destiny, they just made his work easier. 

“Brother, you’ve been staying in your room for days now. What’s the matter? Did someone err you? Tell me, and I’ll bring down my hammer on them.” A loud boisterous voice boomed its way inside his room, forsaking all decorum. 

‘The meathead. Who would dare bully me in the nine realms?… Well maybe those ice for brains in Jotunheim, and the savages of Muspelheim.’

“Be quiet brother, you disturbed my mediation.” Though he was a muscle for brains, Loki would admit that he had his uses. 

“By father's beard! Who is the unfortunate soul this time, brother? I would have you know that the Vanir are still angry with you for the stunt you pulled in their palace. Also with the elves of Alfheim, they loathe you deeply brother. You would take heed not to anger father with whatever bane thing you are planning.” Thor advised. 

Loki just scoffed. Their father was but a fool, old in age. Long gone was the fearsome king that wrought terror through the Nine Realms and in the Council of Godheads. Odin, like all others, grew old into mediocrity, with only the tales of his youth painting the picture of the man that he was. 

“You worry too much, brother. And besides, I’m not planning on hurting anyone.” ‘Anyone of importance, that is.’

Thor was not a fool… not that foolish that he couldn’t understand the unspoken meaning of Loki’s words. He worried because his brother tended to take things too far… especially his pranks, which most times than not, were not pranks per se, but devious schemes that would make even gods pale in fear. 

“As long as you know that. Sif stills hates you for that balding spell you cast on her, you know?” Thor shuddered as he remembered an image he so wished could be erased from his mind. 

“She was just petty. It’s not like I did anything harsh on her, just a simple spell and she screamed like the unfortunate souls of Hel.” He just shrugged but Thor was not amused. 

“The spell lasted for a year.”

“Exactly.” Loki still stood by his point, not seeing where the issue was which made Thor sigh. 

“As long as you promise.”

‘Tsk. As if anyone would be able to trace it back to me. Well it won’t stop them from speculating.’

“Why did you come looking for me, brother?” Loki asked as it was very uncharacteristic Thor to come looking for him. 

“Ha! Now I remember! I, together with Sif and the others are going to watch Volstagg fight a giant. Personally, I think he’s drunk. We want you to come along, brother.” And cue the dog brain. 

“You lot are a bunch of savages, you know that right, brother? But I guess I can tag along and make sure you don’t take it overboard. Poor Sif. Having to deal with all four of you for centuries.” Loki shook his head in mock pity and got up from the mattress he was sitting on. His newest toys weren’t going anywhere, and besides, he wanted to take his time to ensure they wouldn’t break so soon. 

He could have his usual dose of fun at the expense of Thor’s brashly bunch. Oh the times he’s had then clean up after him were as numerous as the days he’s lived. 

“Where to this time?”

“You’ll know it when you get there!”

Loki just sighed and followed after his brother but the barbarian just held him by his shoulder and a chill went down the young god’s divine spine. 

“Don’t you daRe!” 

“Hahaha! It will be faster this way.” And before Loki could wriggle his way out of his brother’s arm, he was flown through the air by a hammer-swinging Thor who flew them with blitzing speed to the huge dome that stretched out to the edge of Asgard. 

“I hate it when you do that.” Loki huffed and dusted his apparel before turning to the others present in the dome. 

“Hello, Heimdall. I see you got your shine as always.” It was always fun battering some harmless teasing with people as straight as Heimdall. 

“Loki.. Remember, I –” Heimdall began, only to be cut by Loki. 

“Yes yes. You have your eyes on me, I remember.” This ought to be fun. 

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