Hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas🎉! Mine was kinda boring, a first for me. All I did was get high and eat, my first high Christmas experience. It was great if any of you were wondering, definitely should try it out sometime. 

I don't know if I will be posting again this week, it's still debatable but I just thought I should let you guys know beforehand. 

Seasonal greetings and I wish you all a wonderful New Year 🎊🎊


[Draul St. Cross POV]

I'll kill that bastard.


"Shut up, Bruce!"


I ducked under the weighted punch and sent one to his stomach that made the green hulking figure before me staggering back a few steps before shouting in rage for the nth time since I met him. 

The day had started out like the majority countless others I've lived and woken up to but immediately took a downhill route the moment I left the house. 

Now I wasn't the most superstitious guy out there but I would admit that I expected something to go wrong the moment I stubbed my toe when leaving the house. 

But still, this wasn't what I expected. 

I had been prepared for whatever Loki had planned but having to fight the Hulk however was not one of them. 

I had teleported to where the satellite had picked up Loki but it appeared I was too hasty as I had somehow fallen into the overdone plot he had cooked up. 

"The raging beast of red. I expected you would come for me." Was the first thing he said to me as I stepped through the portal. "Though for what reason you might have come for me, is something I have no knowledge of." He said with arms stretched wide in a very Loki-like way. 

"Nothing much. Just came here to see if we can come to a conclusion that makes you stay away from me and mine."

"Hoh? And what makes you think I have a sinister plan of sorts against them?" He said as he circled around me. 

"Cut the games, Loki. You agree to stay away or not? We can even shake hands on it like the gentlemen we are." I was decked in my normal look with my red tie hanging a little loosely around my neck. 

"An intriguing proposal… but I have a better one. Might as well get this show on the road since you are here. We couldn't start without our guest of honor, could we?" He said, emphasizing on the guest part. 

"Yes. Yes, you could." I muttered, already feeling something big heading my way. 

I sidestepped at the last moment, easily dodging the body slam that would have thrown me away, courtesy of the Hulk. 

"You know, when I first came to Midgard, I heard stories about the disasters that had been wrought by this newly evolved race of humans – metahumans as you call them. So I did a little homework, and imagine to my amusement when I came across your name." His figure fizzled out but I could still here his voice. 

"So you came here looking for me? Gee thanks." I think he got the sarcasm if his amused chuckle was anything to go by. 

"You Midgardians have quite the baffling habit of keeping tabs on your beasts, while at the same time allowing them roam free." He continued. "A little compulsion magic and I had all the information I needed. Plus extra."

"And can you tell me the reason why you are doing this?" Loki was one of the most hardest character to understand, based on the fact that every word that ever left his mouth could be attributed to lies. It was in his nature. 

"What indeed. But I'm afraid I can't have you knowing why this soon." I floated backwards to avoid the Hulk stomp but the green monster wasn't having it and grabbed me and slammed against the floor. 

He was going for another slam only for eldritch ropes to hold him back for a second before a blackened fist suckered into his face, sending him crashing against the tarred road and destroying it. 

Something had been bothering me ever since Loki's arrival – how did he come to earth that often without no satellite picking up the beaming bridge?

The way he disappeared left no magical trace of any kind as if he as never there, I had pondered on it for a while before coming to a conclusion when I finally met him. 

Astral projection. 

For Loki to be able to project his astral form through realms, he must have a very powerful soul. 

That much was a given due to his god status. He wasn't an alien from a old civilization that came to earth some millennia ago. He was a God. He had his own divinity and due to his adoption by Odin, he was indoctrinated into the Norse pantheon, making his divinity valid. 

Even now, I couldn't sense him. I knew he was here, but where exactly I couldn't tell. 

The Hulk came running at me and rooted off an electric pole by the side and swung it at me. I created a spinning wheel with magic and sent it against the incoming pole, cutting it with ease only for it to be obstructed by the Hulk who ran through it, shouting bloody anger at me. 

Well it was just a normal Hulk which was the reason while I was still calm unless I would have either yeeted him or myself the fuck out here if it were other versions of the green beast. 

Forgetting about Loki for the moment, I directed most of my attention to the Hulk who was looking at me with angry eyes. 

'Yep. He's angry alright.'

"How 'bout we talk it out? Eh, Bruce?" A dumb question, I know but I sorta wanted him to listen to me. Though his reply was totally one I expected. 

"RARGHH!!" That. 

Who never once thought of going mano a mano against the Hulk? I didn't, but when life gives you lemons I guess. 

I rushed at the aggroed Bruce, this time instead of dodging his fist, I caught it dead in its track surprising the Hulk for a second before it triggered him the more. Seeing as to how my size was a disadvantage to his monstrous physique, though the disadvantage was quite negligible, I bulked up in size. Even if I wasn't the same size as him, which I could grow to, I was not the size of an ant either. 

He lost it the moment I grew like he did and ran on all fours towards me with mad frenzy and tackled me to the ground. Knowing the pounding that would follow, I drove an elbow to his head and got out of his hold the moment he relapsed due to the stun and grabbed his head before driving my knee to it. 

I wonder what would happen if I were to defeat the Hulk in a fight. Unlike what most people think, the Hulk could not power up infinitely in one sitting. 

The energy required could not come from his anger alone. Evolution didn't work like that. 

Everything had a limit. There were different versions of the Hulk which could be attributed to the amplification and change or evolving of Bruce's negative emotions. 

Bruce had been the Hulk for less than two years. He was nowhere as strong as his decades older counterpart from the comics who had grown stronger with every fight. The only people he's fought which was more of a nuisance than a fight was Ross' contingent. And if it weren't for Bruce's subconscious, then Ross would have been long dead. 

Unlike what most people might think, the Hulk's number one priority was Bruce Banner. After all, the Hulk was simply the product of Bruce's trauma from his past that was overdosed on gamma steroids. 

In other words, the Hulk was strong… but I was stronger. 

A proof of that was me holding his arm and spinning him two 360s before flinging him far away from the place we were fighting. The roads were already destroyed and an avalanche of rocks had blocked off any possible route of transport. 

Yes, I was stronger than the Hulk, but who knew for how much longer it would last? I could have just opened a portal and be done with it but I had accumulated too much energy recently and I needed a recycling. 

I too needed to stretch my bones after all and what better opponent than the Hulk. 


[Loki Odinson POV] 

It has started. 

The prelude of my plan to ensure that Asgard came under my rule in the coming future. 

While father still sits on the throne, it was till I was sure who the heir was and while I might not hate Thor all THAT much, I still loathed him… Just a little bit. A little bit doesn't hurt after all. 

It was imperative of my grand conquest to reunite the nine realms under me that I have control of the Odinforce. 

Though I failed to see it, letting Thor have control of it was just letting Asgard fall. 

But regardless of who would be king, it is only wise that I secure the crown for myself early on while Thor still played the brute. 

And I just came up with the masterpiece plan. No one would complain if all it took were coincidences. 

I focused my sights back on two monsters fighting. 

One refused to shed his mortal skin while the other rejected his. One accepted and sought control while the other cowered in his hide. Well no matter. 

'All according to plan.'

They were strong. I watched as they exchanged literal earth shattering blows and cracked part of the mountain they fought on. 

Mindless brutes. 

Apart from their strength, they fit according to my perception of them. 

I briefly wondered how Thor would fair against them. The brute might forsake the battle and drink with them, forgetting that they were his enemies. It was better to ease him into his role than just springing it under on him because as much as most people might think, Thor was a pain in the ass to control. 

Throwing tantrums were his thing rather than mine. 

Having others work for your benefit was a more fitting way for a God such as I to live. I wondered why Thor refuse to see it that way. 


[Back to Draul] 

Fuck this shit already. 

This bastard was getting faster, like really fast and slippery like an eel. 

Oh, I was owning his ass but he refused to stay down already. Like what the actual fuck? 

I know the hype around the Hulk but goddamned if this shit isn't as wack as hell. 

I knew what I said about limit and all, but let just say the Hulk's wasn't that clear. 

Just his famous Hulk clap uprooted a bunch of trees around the area and he started jumping higher and delivering punches that made it seem as if his arms were on steroids. 

To be honest, he was more irritating than dangerous at this point. 

"Stay still will ya?"


"Yes yes I know." I said and slammed him to the ground before doing a muchador double knee strike to his face, widening the crater further. 

His face had green blood on it but the wounds were already healed as he drew my face down to meet his and headbutted me. 

"No you don't." I said and slammed my head against his for a second time before letting him go. 

He got up and continued his relentless assault on me but I was already expecting it and dodge under his flailing arms at the last moment and maneuvered to his back to grab him by the waist and followed with a suplex that completely destroyed whatever was still left of the bath vicinity. 

That seemed to have done some damage since he got back up slowly while looking at me with a very calm expression that was very terrifying since he was looking at me with the face of the Hulk. 

He spat green blood on the ground while still looking at me. 

"Okay, it's not my fault you didn't listen alright? So how about we shake on it." I said to him to which he squinted his eyes as if looking for something before he surprised me by shrugging and even took the initiative to stretch forth his hand. 

"See? We didn't need to-" 

The next moment I felt the harsh impact of my sides on the ground before I was flung away. 

"I should have seen that coming. We cool now?"

I only heard a grunt but I took that as affirmation. 


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