By a lake miles away from the congregation of civilization lying in front of a small cave, black plumes of smoke raised into the air as a truck was engulfed with flames as it exploded due to the heat emanating from the cave.

What was worth noticing other than the violently exploded truck was how the smoke and flames from the truck didn’t pass through the entrance of the cave.

As if facing a stifling atmosphere, the billowing flames flickered as if the oxygen in the air that it thrived on were suddenly halved. It thrashed as it let out spasm-like flames. 

It continued for a while before it went out without any huge wind causing it leaving only a half burnt truck as proof of its existence. 

As if heralding its untimely demise a dark haired, short-bearded man with an impressive physique walked out of the cave with a simple shirt and brown pants. 

“*Whistle* There goes my ride,” he muttered as he shook his head and grumbled, “wonder whatever happened to it.”

Draul looked around where he was and saw that the local fauna were mostly uncinged and looking at the state of the truck, ‘it didn’t burn for long’, so adding 2 plus whatever that was together he came to the conclusion that he didn’t know what happened here. 

Thankful that his clothing remained unharmed he left the swampy forest he was in and made way to the main road to hitch a ride back to any town that was near him. 

He got to the road and did all he could to signal a car or a bus or a truck. He came to a conclusion after numerous failed tries – hitching a ride as a man was hard. 

Since he was most likely dealing with the male gender he shuffled through his pockets for a 10$ bill and held it in his hand as he waved one down. 

Unsurprisingly he booked a ride in minutes with a truck transporting lumber. The old man was at least subtle enough not to ask for the cash immediately but as his eyes kept looking at Draul and then focusing back on the road, Draul had to choose but to hold up the end of the unbargained bargain. 

“Watcha doin out’ere?” the driver asked minutes after the awkward exchange. 


“Dunno what ya sightseeing fo, buh thers nothun ‘round here for folks to see except for stones ‘n trees.” He said with a nod of his while Draul thought that, ‘wasn’t most sightseeing in nature all about stones and trees?’ but refused to comment on it. 

“You came alone?” Came a weird question out of nowhere but seeing as how he WAS alone maybe the man was right to ask out of concern. 


“Not much of a talker are ya?” 

“Sorry it's just that I’m rather discombobulated, ” came the apologetic reply from Draul for being a poor guest. 

“Dis boob what?” this time the man looked at him in wary, “you came with a gurl?”

‘Okay now it’s really getting weird’

“No. I came alone,” he hurriedly cleared whatever misunderstanding was arising, “I’ve been really out of it as of late.”

The driver let out an ‘ooh’ as if he finally understood something and looked at Draul with a flicker or encouragement in his eyes as he saw the youth was likely going through ‘a’ time.

“Relationship problems.” The old man asked slowly as he set the atmosphere of the truck in a somber mood.

“No… Not real-” Draul tried to correct the elder but he was cut off before he could, “Listen kid, it’s hard to talk about it,” the man started while Draul thought ‘it really is’ thinking about his experience so far, “sometimes all ya wanna do is pack it all and bolt outta there.” He did. He once thought he could run away from it. He once did but not anymore. 

“Something it feels like it do be ya fault so ya soldja on jus to make it right,” Draul didn’t think it was his fault, ‘or maybe it is. I’m currently living another life aren’t I? Why settle for mediocre when I could be something more.’, “… or sometimes it jus be kicking you down without an explanation.” ‘It actually did tho. It tried to anyway. Almost succeeded in fact.’

“But ya gotta remember, it might be ya fault or maybe hers - it doesn’t matter whos faults it be – all you have to do is try to fix it as much as you can buh if it’s too broken then you just gotta let her go.” The driver had a look a reminisce on his face as he advised the youngun while Draul had a mild look of awkwardness but also a grateful one. 

“Thanks.” He told the driver genuinely. It wasn’t like he needed the driver to give him advice on anything but the fact that he did deserved some thanks, even though he was off by miles. 

They drove for almost an hour with little talks between them before he arrived in Pennsylvania. 

He left the driver after bidding him farewell and went for the subway. 

Apparently he had spent over a week during his minor evolution. This was what he called what he had undergone. 

The two evolutions he had were minor even if the last one he had was on a huge scale, all he accumulated was a vast amount of energy, and slightly modified physique. Speaking of which, he hadn’t had the chance to check his improvement. Maybe he should hold back on going to New York. 

With the now useless train ticket in his hand he turned a 180 and left the station. 

Walking around and asking for directions, he found a motel he could stay in for the time being. 

Behind the motel was a little space with bushes and trees which was the perfect place to practice silently as since the motel wasn’t fully occupied with its rather scant guests and his newly enhanced senses, avoiding trouble would be a piece of cake. 

Renting a room, he left the motel for some quality breakfast or rather lunch since he had anything for the past week which was now raising questions – the more he grew, the lesser the need for sustenance became. 

Still, regardless of he was not feeling hunger as much as before, he doubt he would ever forsake the need to dine on earthly delicacies, for what? Space dust. No thank you. 

He located a restaurant that looked homely, his type of place, and settled in a table by the window as he ordered some snacks first to chow on before he settled on what he would battle his appetite with. 

So with 3 cupcakes, a cup of cappuccino and a box of doughnuts for takeout, he highly doubted it though, he munched on his spread as he spread out his newly improved senses just to get a feel of how it now felt and its range. 

It was like tiny sparks moving around him as they vibrated and resonated with each other painting him a static-kinetic motion picture. 

His optical sight was 100x better for a visual image but for ‘seeing’, his new senses clearly trumped. It was harder to confuse his newly improved sixth sense than his optical sight. 

It was when he was busy feeling everything with his eyes closed as he accurately munched on his cakes that he felt three people entering the restaurant. 

He didn’t pay attention to them as they likely wanted to eat which, last time he checked was why people came to a restaurant, but he frowned as he saw them making a straight path to him as soon as they entered - well two of them as the third one slid into a booth by the entrance. 

He opened his eyes as he made sure they were really coming to him given as they stood two feet from him and he was stunned at what he, or rather who he saw. 

James “Logan” Howlett. 

Also known as ‘The Wolverine’, stood before him. 

And besides him was a hulking man with an impressive physique. 

Piotr Rasputin. Known as ‘Colossus’.

He was confused with the occasion. What were the odds he’d meet or rather be found by Xavier’s Men. 

“Nice doughnuts you got there. Mind if I take a bite.” Logan asked as he looked at the box with an expression that said ‘I want to eat that’ that confused the sitting man. 

“Sure, knock yourself out.” Was all he could say before the living legend scooted in a seat and took a doughnut and munched on it while Piotr, the literal Colossus of a man, silently took a seat and stared at him. 

After Logan finished stuffing his mouth with the doughnuty glory, he looked at the young man in front of him and his danger sense that’s been tinkling since they came to him a minute ago tinkled with an increased ferocity. 

The man was strong; his look, his physique… and more importantly his eyes which were like that of an hurt Lion prophesied his strength. 

He knew those eyes. 

Those were the eyes of a man with a mission. No doubt the young man before him has spilled blood and deep within those were the conviction and resolve needed to spill more for the sake of his mission. 

Now he was in an awkward position. The Professor called midflight and told them he picked up an energy reading of an Omega-level mutant somewhere in the outskirts of Virginia and when the got there all they found was a truck that exploded with no trails to follow… Not even a scent. 

The Professor again called them, and this time he managed to locate the energy signal in Pennsylvania. They had rushed here hoping to meet the new so-called ‘catastrophe level’ individual and it was only when he used his powers that Jean told them the restaurant he was in, so the three nearest to him tracked him down and found him munching on cupcakes with his eyes closed. 

 Now the mission was simple, find the time bomb and try to convince them to come to a place where they would be able to learn how to use their abilities without the fear or hurting others and away from the ostracizing stares of disgust and unwant. It was crap in the real world for mutants, especially now. 

This wasn’t his first rodeo, so depending on their situation they might be able to convince him, or might not. Not all of them can be winners.

Regardless he should have been able to deal with whatever situation he came across but this was one of the ones that made his job very hard and was also one he related with than most. 

The eyes of the young man before him was very telling which made what he was about to do much harder, that’s why he asked for a doughnut first because it seemed he was going to need it. 

At least the man was not straight out hostile, those were the type he hated to deal with the most and he might or might not have punched a few in the face, and apart from the first stunned expression the young man only stared and waited for him to finish eating to talk. At least he had the decency not to interrupt a man’s lunch so that’s a plus. 

“Sorry for the late introductions, my name is Logan and this here is,” he pointed at the beefy man at his side who only responded with his name “Piotr” and continued, “we are from the Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters and we would like to talk to you about some things if that’s okay with you.” He started with an introduction as he looked at the young man who didn’t react to their names or where they came from. There was curiosity in there but that had been there from the start. Maybe he was apathetic? Could be, there are different breeds of people after all. 

“Draul,” the young man introduced himself before he answered with something that almost made Logan choke on the doughnut he ate. 

“And while I fully doubt that I’m disabled or handicapped in any way or form nor am I in high school, the least I could do is listen since you came to meet me.” Not hostile and reasonable that’s a good start, but then again most crazy people are. 

He had the feeling he would need more people on this incase things heated up and also someone who would most likely not trigger or push the proverbial button on the sitting bomb. He doubt he would, but then again he had been known to piss off other people with his crude mannerisms as ‘Ro put it. 

“You mind if we step out for a bit, got some people I want you to meet.” Still no signs of aggression, good. Maybe he was the trusting but looking at his eyes again he refused that thought. So… confidence?

“Sure,” was all the man said as he called the waiter to check out and grabbed his box of doughnuts as he followed them. He paused slightly when they passed the new kid but he didn’t stop walking as he left the restaurant. 

Hopefully this all goes well. 

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