Bucky, Steve and I trained everyday ever since the day they started living with me. I didn’t mind the company all that much, enjoyed it even, which was even coupled with the daily beat downs they both received in my hands but all good things must come to an end.

It’s been two weeks and today was the day we flew to Russia. Fury obviously had a certain level of pull in the government as they let us pass through without even being checked. It saved us a hassle since Cap had his shield, Bucky his guns and knives while I had three axes. 

We made it pass security and our weapons got docked in a different compartment by people I assumed to be S.H.I.E.L.D agents. The flight in itself was silent which had me dozing off to music blasting through the headphones I wore. 

We got to Moscow in the afternoon, towards the evening. I had called Fury during the last few weeks and asked if could help me with Trask’s location or if he was still in the Russian Capital which he said even he didn’t know. 

S.H.I.E.L.D was an intelligence organization yes, but that didn’t mean they could find anyone on the planet. So we had to personally chase down our hopefully not-so-cold trail. 

Fury did ask why I wanted Trask’s location though and all I told him was that HYDRA had a connection with Trask and I was… investigating, he didn’t seem to buy it but he did give me the benefits of the doubt. 

“So do we have a lead, or are we just a trio of lost men in Russia?” Bucky asked me after he exited the airport at Moscow and stood at the gate. 

“No we don’t, but we can find one.” I told them. 

“How?” This time it was Steve who was the inquisitive one. 

“Good old fashion raiding!” I said with a smile. 


4 hours later. 

I directed Steve and Bucky in base raiding while I acted as their sniping support from a healthy distance. 

Bucky was in his standard Winter Soldier gear with the black face mask while Steve was in something similar. Rather than the stars and stripes with the bright colors, I ordered a suit from S.H.I.E.L.D which was similar to the one he used in the Infinity War saga movies. Both of them were in black themed combat gears while I was in… a shirt, tie and brown overcoat. I was only missing the cigarette otherwise I would have been heavily ripping off Constantine’s default outfit. 

We hit a few bases, leaving no survivors obviously, which between me, a vengeful Bucky and righteously angered Steve was not a hard thing to do, and took any information we could. This was an HYDRA base in the capital of Russia, the biggest one I knew of, so they were bound to have an idea of what was happening in the city or know of someone who knew what was happening but like every other HYDRA soldier they were all washed clean – them brains I mean, so they didn’t spill and I wasn’t about to go on a torture cycle on everyone of importance in that base, so we did away with them and cleaned off the other two bases in the capital city before we settled down and rented a three bedroom suite for our foreseeable stay in Russia. 

Having different rooms would just be cross-efficient since we were on a covert mission, if we could even call it that at this point given that we just did a speed run through the three HYDRA bases in Moscow, and staying apart would make us easy pickings if concerned parties were already informed of our arrival not that we were subtle about it since we took a public transport to the country. 

“So we got nothing?” Steve asked while I worked on my laptop. 

“Not really. From what we know, there is something happening in the last week of October which is next week so that is our first lead.” I said to him, not taking my eyes off the screen I was working on. 

“But we don’t know if this Trask guy would be there.” He said. 

“That we don’t, which is why it is called a lead. Nothing is proven unless it is. Bingo!” I exclaimed as my little project finally paid off. 

“You got something?” Steve asked as he looked at the screen to gleam at whatever I found out. 

“What’s a Quenial conference?” He asked as he saw the file I just managed to unearth from the dust of the web. 

“Dunno what it is, but according to what it says ‘the key to humanity’s next step in evolution’ is our clue on where next to be. But what I find pretty funny is how likely everyone in attendance will be hardcore mutant-haters which is ironic since the emergence of the X-gene paved the way to the next step of the specie evolution.” I explained as a look of scorn rested on my face. 

“I can see the irony but where’s the real kicker?” Would you look at that? Steve is finally getting to know the subtle intricacies of conversation. 

“They are just jealous and self-loathing picks since they weren’t among the ‘evolved’ ones so they are doing all what they can to paint the mutant race as failed ‘humans’ with defects while trying to bring about their own versions of evolution. I can bet my whole fortune that 80% of all their ‘evolution’ themed research are all based on the mutant’s X-gene.”

“So basically they are all just…”

“Bunch of bitter old racists.” I just couldn’t understand the reason why it had to be like this but gave up when I knew my former world was not any different. Hell, if my former world had something like the X-gene present in a particular ethnicity then it would be no different from what was happening here. 

Change was constant, true. But what was truer was that people hardly change. To change someone’s view on something, you have to fully destroy their former belief which was harder than it seems. Religion was a prime example. 

“People hardly change huh? It was the same 50 years and to think it’s still the same now.” Steve said with a low voice. While he wasn’t a mutant, he wasn’t fully human either. He was a mutate, a physically enhanced being based on their X-gene. 

“Different from what you think, 50 years isn’t a long time Steve. It definitely isn’t long enough for a revolution.” I told him as I went back to hacking away on my keyboard, but instead of digging up some more information I was looking over the statistics of the recently released Facebook and Fmail. While Fmail wasn’t as much of a hit as Facebook, it was still garnering a supple activity since it was way different and easily accessible from what was present today. 

“Where’s Bucky?” I looked around the room but couldn’t catch sight of the broody old man. 

“He’s at the balcony getting fresh air. It’s hard to know what he’s thinking nowadays, sometimes he looks as if he’s getting over it and other times it’s like it killing him deep inside.” Steve had a sad expression on his face as his head hung low. 

“That’s because that is what is currently happening to him right now. He doesn’t know the right way to feel these emotions. When he’s happy, he’ll think he should be sad. When he’s sad, he’ll think he should fight away that sadness. These intense changes in emotions are what is eating him up.”

“You think he’d get better soon?”

“No, I don’t think so. It’ll take time for him to convince himself that it’s okay and he’s atone for more than enough.” I said as I closed my laptop and got ready to retire to bed. 

“How then are you holding up? Forgive my prying but you seem to be doing alright for someone who was extensively experimented on.” Steve asked with a look of genuine curiosity. 

“How exactly huh? I’m not exactly doing good from my own objective point of view but I think you wouldn’t agree with that. Let’s just chuck it up to the fact my coping mechanism won’t allow me to brood about my trauma, doesn’t mean the scars aren’t there though.” I said while popping the joints in my shoulders due to all the typing, not that it was needed but it was the thoughts that counts. 

“So you are still affected by it?” He asked, sounding surprised. 

I didn’t know why he was surprised but realistically speaking, it was not possible for someone to overcome 2 years of extreme torture in just 6 measly months. I was different because of my mind always putting itself in an optimal state otherwise I would have broken up in depression or gone crazy. 

“Not to the point where it affects my thinking or mental fortitude but yes, the memories are still there.” I answered him. 

“How long do you think it’ll take him to fully get over it?” He asked but didn’t seem to really want an answer probably because he knew he wouldn’t like it. 

“In my honest opinion? Give or take five years to get over the self-loathe. The depression never leaves but it’ll become very mild to the point of unnoticeable.” I said and watched as Steve’s face fell in horror but I continued. 

“That scenario would most likely happen if he didn’t have a target to vent it on, which isn’t the case. It’ll take a few years but with the right guidance and support he’ll be sure to get over it.” I said with a smile on my face. 

“You shouldn’t be giving people advice like that quack, otherwise they’ll think you are legit.” Bucky said as he entered the room with a weary smile on his face likely because he heard what we were talking about. 

“And what’s so wrong about that?” I asked with an amused shrug. 

“Maybe the fact that you are not in the least being professional about it?”

“Oh please! Professionalism is overrated.” I said. 

“Says the quack.” He rebutted. 

I laughed and made my way to my room. 

[Meanwhile in the Living room] 

“Seriously? You are being worried about me?” Bucky asked with a smile that didn’t fit his tone. 

“Of course. I’m not blind Bucky.” Steve said as he looked at the fake smile Bucky wore which was too obvious to be missed. 

“You are not a genius either.” Bucky said. 

“So are you. You never looked like the smart type.” Steve said and they both laughed. 

“So what are we? Two dumb men on a mission? I don’t think I’m liking our odds.” Bucky said with a chuckle before the smile left his face. 

“I know you are trying to help, Steve. But there is no help in this, all I can do is lessen the guilt I feel.” He said. 

“I know. Draul said as much.” Steve replied. 

“That’s why he is a quack. Their entire shtick is all about sounding legit.”

They fell into silence before Bucky continued speaking. 

“I was thinking that after this mission, I’d tell Howard’s son that I was the one who killed his father. He deserves to know that at least.” Bucky said shocking Steve. 

“Don’t you think you are being rash? Who knows what he’ll do and from what I’ve heard about him, he was more prolific than Howard even was. For all we know he’ll just use his connections to order your death or try to do it himself!” Steve cried out in disbelief at Bucky’s statement. 

“And what’s so wrong with that? It’s his right to avenge his parents like anyone else. If we were to count the people who’d want to kill me for killing their loved ones then I don’t think there’d be parts of me to go around.” He said with a mirthless chuckle. 

“That’s your depression speaking and you know it. What happened wasn’t-” 

“My fault? Whose fault it is at this point doesn’t matter Steve! I did it! I crashed their car and killed both of them! It doesn’t matter whether it was my choice or not, I killed them! That is the fact, and one I’m always going to live with.” Bucky held his head with both of his hands as he brought it to his knees. 

“Fine! You win. It’s your fault! Happy now?” Steve asked Bucky who raised his head in surprise. 

“If you want someone to blame you just so you can feel bad about yourself then I’d do it. But don’t for a moment think you are in this alone. You can trust me, and Draul seems like someone to trust as well.” Steve was interrupted at that point due to a voice coming from one of the rooms. 

“No I’m not! You don’t trust quacks unless you are a conman.” Draul shouted. 

Steve wanted to talk at that point but he was once again interrupted. “And no, I wasn’t eavesdropping. The two of you were just too loud, so why don’t both of you take your mid-20th century asses to bed since we have a long week ahead of us. HYDRA Russia aren’t going to kill themselves you dimwits, we are!” He said before he went silent, probably trying to sleep. 

The two men in the living room were stunned before the burst into laughs. “You heard him. This is no time to brood.” Steve said before he went to his room while Bucky to his. 

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