I ignored their faces and went to group up with Steve and Bucky.

We had to move to where Magneto was but that in itself was a problem since I was 90% sure that the Brotherhood and the X-Men would just clash. Well it might be a problem, but it was not my problem. They could kill themselves if it helps their metahuman boner.

“We gotta move now.” Bucky gave me a stink eye but he still took his things which was only his gun and a morphed sentinels arm which looked like some type of blaster. We were prepared to put an end to this grind before we were stopped by Scott and his team. 

“Hold on for a minute. Don’t you think you should let us know how this happened?” Scott stood in front of me with his team behind him. I looked at them and found some new faces like Kurt, who I think is just seventeen based on how he looked, and also Angel. He couldn’t be missed with that big ass angelic wings he had. 

“Don’t you think you should wait for the fight to be over before you ask your questions?” I told him off. 

“So you expect me to put my team in danger for you and you won’t tell us what you know?” Some of his team members frowned at that while I only raised a brow in amusement. 

“Who said anything about fighting ‘for’ me dickwad? The only reason I called Xavier after that stunt he pulled was because I don’t have another hotline for a metahuman owned charity organization.”

Not just Scott but all of them frowned at what I said. 

“What do you mean by metahuman?” I ignored Storm who aske that question as I looked at Scott for anything else he might say. 

“I hate to break the dick measuring contest, which FYI you are clearly losing kid, but we still have a metahuman terrorist group and a bunch of metal ass sentinels to fight. So I suggest you both put it to rest until we deal with the buttload of shit we are down against.” Bucky broke up the staring contest but it looked like Scott wasn’t even listening to him. 

I just sighed and started walking to the car we drove here with, which thankfully wasn’t destroyed, and wanted to get in before I heard Scott mutter something that just ticked me off, almost pissing me off in fact. 

“Stupid fool. The Professor should’ve just left you braindead.” Before Logan could even stop him from completing the sentence, Scott had already eaten a bellyful of laser beams as he flew in a straight line and crashed inside a house. 

The others immediately got into stance but I didn’t even glance at them. The only notable people in their entire group was Storm and Jean with Storm being the harder one to deal with since Jean still hadn’t unlocked her Phoenix powers. The evidence to this claim was also the fact that Steve and Bucky were still by the car and apart from the focus they had, they didn’t make any move whatsoever that said they were going to join a fight. 

“I will make one thing very clear: Don’t, and I mean don’t, piss me the fuck off ‘cuz you won’t like me when I’m angry.” I left them there to tend to the knocked out Scott not like I would have cared if he broke his neck. I didn’t want to be the guy who killed a bunch of do-gooders just because the pissed me off, but then again they was limits to my temper and I didn’t want the reason why I blew a gasket and killed some innocent people to be because of a stupid 20 year old kid who thinks he’s a smart-ass. 

It took ten minutes before we got there and when we did, to say I was pissed was an understatement. 

Levitating in the air in all his caped glory and lording over the people was the edge lord of magnetism – Eric Lensherr or whatever his last name was. He was riling up the people, mostly mutants, with his speech which I had to say was pretty subjective. 

“… The humans have become weary of us that they send their metal army to kill us in broad daylight. They are scared of us, as they should be, that they resort to such horrible way to cull our kind; genocide.” I could hear the gasp of the people as they listened to what he said. No doubt this would be all over the budding internet and even on some news channels. But Maggie didn’t stop there. 

“The humans are becoming way too bold in their sinister undertakings that they have forgotten who won the evolutionary war – we did! Their envy of our Supreme gifts have turned into hate and conceit and while they bask in such banal emotions, we their betters, will take our rightful place as their superiors as we show them the err of their ways. Our kind are being kidnapped, killed and experimented upon everyday just so that they can figure out our secrets when we have none. This…” He pointed at the scattered sentinels that laid about, “is just their latest attempt. Since they couldn’t be like us, they created weapons to kill people like us...”

“Is there any reason we keep listening to this drivel?” Bucky asked me as we all sat inside the car while listening to Magneto. 

“No. But we would want to know what he’s talking about don’t we?” I shrug. 

“Well I don’t like it. He is planting seeds of chaos in the minds of the people and metahumans!” Captain America, the ever righteous man, cried out in righteous indignation. 

“Fine!” I drawled out and we got out of the car. I walked towards the center while Bucky and Steve stayed back in case it devolved into a fight which I’m pretty sure it will. 

“Hey Metal Gear!” The entire plaza we were in quieted down as my voice traveled to the ears of everyone present while a deep scowl appeared on his face. 

“And who might you be?” He asked with a low growl to his voice. 

“Me? I’m just a nobody.” I said to him while he floated downwards and landed in the midst of his disci- comrades. 

“Then what gave you the right to interrupt me?” I didn’t even deign to answer that question while someone, a man, walked to his side and whispered something in his ear. 

I heard what he said, ‘Draul St. Cross, the Draugr’, but didn’t pay it much thought since I had already figured out that the dude who talked to me the last time was part likely a member of the Brotherhood which I just confirmed. 

Magneto, while he didn’t outright display his previous contempt but rather a kinship smile, as he addressed me. 

“A mutant are you? Why don’t you join us as fellow mutants as we thrive to make a free world for all of our kind.” He said with a smile through his helmet, at least he had the decency not to make it into a crown. 

“At what cost?” I cut him off. 


“At what cost will you make your free world?” I asked him again after he kept staring at me. 

“At what cost huh? A good question with a simple answer…. At all costs!” He said with so much righteousness in his voice that made me want to even follow him. Such was his charisma. 

“And the humans?”

“What about them?”

“Where do they fit in your grand vision?”

“Where they rightfully belong! Under our rule, serving us at our feet as we rule as their king and Gods. Survival of the fittest the rule of evolution has always been, and we won that race! Does that answer your question?” He asked me with sheer confidence reverberating through his voice which was something Charles wholly lacked. 

“So a racist and a dictator? History can stand as proof of how that has never ended well for the people. Y’know I would have made a racist joke but as it is a very touchy subject, people tend to take it too seriously so I would refrain from it.” I looked around the wide plaza we were in which was occupied by Magneto’s posies while the civilians were either in their houses listening in or some of the brave ones who told out in the open some distance away from the plaza. 

“And what do you mean by that?” The frown on his face was getting deeper while the scowl was getting wider. 

“I meant that you are going at it all wrong. Just like Moses took the children of Jacob from Egypt and founded Israel, you should also take your like-minded people and create somewhere away from the people you view as enemies rather than open aggression. Charles has you beat on that front. But then again Charles is too passive to bring about any change so you have him beat at that.” This was the best way. They founded Krakoa in the comics and also there was Wakanda as well. Rather than the ‘fuck the world’ attitude he had now, if he lead the metahumans and created a safe haven like Charles did and expanded on it then they would no longer have to fear the world since a mutant army would trump that of humans any day if there was ever war – one word; Juggernaut. 

But that didn’t seem to fly with Eric and his face contorted into a deep frown as anger spewed out from him. 

“I’ll give you just one chance to take that back or you will regret the folly of your words.” Great! Now he’s threatening me. 

“Shakespeare much. Listen pal you woul-” My words were cut as he slammed a big metal pipe against my stomach which sent me crashing out of the plaza. 

“Fuck! That’s strike one, and batter’s out.” The other of his team got ready while I could already see Cap and Bucky making their way here. The first to get to me was a kid who set his arms aflame and sent out a burst of flames to me as I stood up. I didn’t even bother to move as the flames collided against me which shocked the kid. 

‘Looks like I just found Pyro. His flames aren’t hot enough to burn me yet.’

He stopped the flames after a while and he looked at my still pristine form except some burns to the otherwise ruined shirt and my t-….! 

Oh shit! This fucking kid burned my tie. 

“Hell naw! That’s it, the kiddies gloves are off.” 

The kid didn’t even know what was happening as he was still shocked until an ice ball slammed into his stomach and sent him sliding away. 

“I take it the peaceful talks didn’t go well?” Bucky asked me rhetorically as they reached my side. 

“Do they ever?” Was the sarcastic response I gave him. 

“So you’ll take care of the mutant Hitler while we take care of his posies since Steve and I can’t confront him?” Bucky asked me for clarity as we had discussed the roles and who got to fight who before coming here. 

“Yeah, easy right?” I gave him a faux smile. 

“You sure you can take him on? He's a world known terrorist you know?” Steve asked me with concern. 

“I find your lack of faith in me concerning, Cap.”

“Are you done with your lover's spat?” I heard one of the mooks ask.

“He didn’t just… right?”

“He did.”

“Unfortunately he did.”

I looked at the dude and he outright smiled at me which disappeared immediately as he saw in front of his ugly mug as a smoking hot fist lodged into his face with crunching cracks before she flew out like a ragdoll. I’m 50% sure he’s dead or 50% of his bones are broken the way he crashed into the ground in a roll and bounced up to smash into a pillar with his back as the pillar cracked. 

That was the punch that started the plaza brawl. 

Before Magneto could come closer I used a big burst of flame from my legs to shoot towards him like a rocket only for him to raise a car with ease and block my incoming. 

I grinned as my hand shone red and punching through the car as it exploded which forced Magneto back barely meeting my punch. 

I could juggle a car with my current strength so punching through one was very easy for me. 

He looked at me with surprise before he started to raise a lot of metals such as cars, steel beams, pipes, tools and a metal bat. 

I reacted fast as I saw the magnitude, hehe, of what he was doing which made me realize just how much of a threat he was. I shot an explosive shot at him only for it to collide with one of the many things he had around him as he covered himself in protection of the resulting explosion. 

He sent some cars flying at me while he still protected himself mid-air which gave me the idea that he had outdated information on my powers. I wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth so I formed arrows, spears and javelins and sent them at him which drowned the surrounding skies in a yellow explosion. 

I found out that my destructive red energy always leaves traces of radiation in the air and since I didn’t know how it would affect the people still here I settled for a normal yellow flaming explosion. 

“You dare!” Magneto shouted as the pipes and some other smaller things twisted and turned into sharp metallic spears that shot at me with Magneto’s rage. 

‘Shit just went from 0 to 100 real quick.’

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